Is engineer an easy class?

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: mompen.7952


Hi people! I ask this because atm I feel invincible on my engie, (in WvW) and the thing is, I lvled that guy through crafting. I have about 60 hours of pure gameplay on him.
Maybe my build is “cheese”, and a easy-mode: I have pistol/shield, full rabid armour, perplexity-runes (maybe that’s why?) and run with tool kit, bombkit, elixir gun and supply crate.
I heard that engie is a easy class to play (nades), but hard to master. And I do agree that in the start it was a little confusing with all the kits I could equip, and learning the combo-fields, but once you get a hang of that, and know what all the skills in the different kits does, it’s awesome! I know what to press, and what to do in different circumstances. After playing a thief for a good time, they never bother me, and the rest of the classes goes relatively OK. I’ve tried, running kitteny towards Necroes, to beeing melted in seconds, so that’s the only class giving me problems with all those conditions.

TL:DR: I’m a noob on engie, and “own” all that walks except the occasional necromancer (I don’t own everyone tho, but I feel very confident running around, and I don’t really fear anyone).

Is my build cheese?

(don’t get me wrong, I’m not posting this to appear as an eliteist or anything, just curious about your opinions on my take on the class so far)


Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Banumiel.1926


60 hours is an anecdotal experience. Pugs dont care… What is your server?


Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: WouterCloots.2504


Your build isn’t cheese. Perplexity is (still) broken though. Personally I don’t think engineers are that easy to play, but indeed, when you get to know all the skills and combos it becomes a strong class. I use the same utilities and the p/s, and yes most classes are not hard to beat. But when you face a really good Necro or a Lame-Build-Warrior or maybe even some pro Elementalist, it can become hard to beat ‘em. Maybe you fight easy-to-average players. Also, condition engineer -wich I think you’re playing- became better imo.

My conclusion:
Being invincible looks pretty weird, engis can be beaten easily (when done right) and we take lots of damage. Maybe you’re playing this lame traits setup like older decaps, but then dumb easy traits to stay alive, and take no damage. (I don’t think you play like that, right?)

So just being invincible? -Nope, not possible at all. (Think about that Burst Mesmer/ 1-Shot Warrior / Fresh air ‘Burst’ Elementalist playing like a pro)

PS: kitten guy, all people saying that engineer (and ele) is the hardest class to play. U god ? In this other topic you also said: “I cant relate to that, I never go down”

“Success is survival -Leonard Cohen
Like beating a pro necro” -Me

(edited by WouterCloots.2504)

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: mompen.7952


60 hours is an anecdotal experience. Pugs dont care… What is your server?

I am on Far Shiverpeaks server.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: mompen.7952


Your build isn’t cheese. Perplexity is (still) broken though. Personally I don’t think engineers are that easy to play, but indeed, when you get to know all the skills and combos it becomes a strong class. I use the same utilities and the p/s, and yes most classes are not hard to beat. But when you face a really good Necro or a Lame-Build-Warrior or maybe even some pro Elementalist, it can become hard to beat ‘em. Maybe you fight easy-to-average players. Also, condition engineer -wich I think you’re playing- became better imo.

My conclusion:
Being invincible looks pretty weird, engis can be beaten easily (when done right) and we take lots of damage. Maybe you’re playing this lame traits setup like older decaps, but then dumb easy traits to stay alive, and take no damage. (I don’t think you play like that, right?)

So just being invincible? -Nope, not possible at all. (Think about that Burst Mesmer/ 1-Shot Warrior / Fresh air ‘Burst’ Elementalist playing like a pro)

PS: kitten guy, all people saying that engineer (and ele) is the hardest class to play. U god ? In this other topic you also said: “I cant relate to that, I never go down”

My man, I am by no means God :P And that “I never go down” thing was just a joke.

I can’t even remember how my build is set up, but yeah, it’s condition based.
I think I just copy-pasted Yshis’ or something ( this is what I remember having, the last 4 trait points I don’t remember).

I just find it amazing that engineer has an answer to almost every situation, love it!

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


perplexity is cheese
you are being carried by your build, which not a lot of zerglings or casuals either know how or build to fight.

its fine, it gives you an opportunity to learn and enjoy the game, but when you face good players… youre just another perplexity engi.

necros hard counter you because you havent built for any condi defense and they have cleanses and transfers while you dont. theres not really much you can do unless you switch runes and sigils and food, but then you arent a perplexity engi. just avoid.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Try some PvP arenas if you want to know how your build is. Perplexity isn’t quite total cheese any more since it got nerfed, but you’re still likely getting a lot of your damage by automatically proccing burn, confusion, and bleed. That’s fairly cheesy.

In WvW, autoattacking with condition procs is good enough to win 90% of your 1v1s, unfortunately. In hotjoin, that win rate will go down, and if you try solo/team arenas, it will go down much further.

So it’s not that your build is just so strong that it rolls over all competition, it’s just that a perplexity build requires a baseline level of competence to beat.

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


We’re not an easy class to learn, but not hard either. Playing Engineer well is about understanding your own class and everyone else’s and I feel this is more important than on any other class. I can see an Engineer win every 1v1 until I play them and kill them relatively easy, then along may come another Engineer better than me still and beat me. It’s all about understanding how things work, but also yes Perplexity will carry you and the 3 kit build you use is kinda in the middle grounds for difficulty.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


if you’re running perplexity, i’d say it’s quite easy to use. not nearly as easy to use as it is to run on thief or warrior, but meh.
as to your original question, engineer is by no means an easy class.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: oZii.2864


People in WvW will fight you in your bombs even if you had a big sign that said “Please fight in my bombs while I block”.

It’s ignorance and people don’t know how to fight engineers, people are impatient and get tunnel vision. That’s all it is and you probably are taking advantage of players blood thirst.

I have found that majority of the time no matter what you play you can beat most people if you just slow down and fight with patience. Most people fight at 100 mph as if they have to get everything out as fast as possible when slowing down is usually better.

See another enemy player walk towards them press no buttons watch them attempt a attack then dodge roll immediately after or vice versa and you didn’t press a single button except “W”.

Many people in WvW are predictable that Pistol whip thief thinks your slow and will trying hitting him during his obvious evade frames, the S/D thief wants you to be mesmerized by his flipping, flanking strike and porting so you waste skills even though he is going to come to you 9/10 anyway.

The warrior expects you to to dump condis during his zerker stance, he is also going to attack you with everything he has while its up. If he didn’t do enough damage he is prepared to run/kite.

The mesmer will 9/10 dodge roll after blurred frenzy, dodge roll after iZerker is summoned, attempt iLeap after magic bullet, etc…..

This isn’t everyone but many people in WvW are predictable engineers adapt well especially if you are familair with the other classes and builds. Half the time you can just run around and people will just go through as you lay bombs down and die.

It doesn’t matter the runes tbh. I use to run perplexity, I’ve used grenth, balthazar, undead since the patch and it’s the same deal. When you come across a enemy you should assume he is running the “best” setup. Perplexity is considered “cheese” for engi so assume the engi is running perplexity, just like when you see a warrior using condition food you should assume he is running S/S + ? usually a Bow, not GS + Mace/Axe.

Same thing you would do for a engineer you see a rifle engi you don’t assume condi once you identify weapons/food you should have a good idea what your fighting.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Remicity.8430


Ozii that is spot on.

People overrate how strong engineer is because so many of our attacks can be avoided simply by keeping your distance.

I play power engie for the most part and I kill the large majority of opposing condition engineers by staying back. If I don’t stand in bombs, they can’t get enough condi pressure. If I keep far enough away that I can sidestep grenades, they can’t get enough pressure.

It’s so simple to beat an engineer who doesn’t know what they’re doing (such as a flavour of the month player) because they spam bombs and wait for you to step in them.

Most of the people who cry to me that I’m playing an OP class are walking into my zone and taking all my hits when they should be staying back and avoiding them. The engineers favourite zone is close quarters without much room to move, just as a thief likes places with lots of obstacles to LOS with, every class has their optimum fighting distance and if you stay away from it most of the time you will win.

If you don’t have a ranged weapon to combat me with, that’s your problem and not the engineer class.

We have had no significant balance changes that would shoot us into OP territory in the past few months, the spotlight has simply fallen on us because more people are playing the class after the crit damage changes, and people don’t understand how to counter an engineer.

I just fear for nerfs just because we’re in the spotlight, it will likely come anyway but hopefully they won’t touch power builds anyway.

(edited by Remicity.8430)

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


perplx is an easy OP mode what no skill engis playing.

Class is not easy to play good.

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: oZii.2864


perplx is an easy OP mode what no skill engis playing.

Class is not easy to play good.

Perplexity is fine if the person died because you interrupted them then thats their fault. You would have interrupted them anyway if you run shield off-hand here you get some confusion with it. When you don’t have a “proc” ticking on your enemy they are all equal damage except undead and scavenging have the edge there.

If skill was based on runes that do the least for you then the “skilled engis” would all run carrion orbs or no runes at all.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Is engineer an easy class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


I don’t want to take anything away from you because you may just be a very good player – but one thing to keep in mind is that the WvW Tournament attracts a lot of PvE players that just aren’t very good. Also the change in daily accomplishments are probably drawing more inexperienced players into WvW too.