Is flying turret approved by Anet?
I don’t know what you are talking about, I’ve never encountered such a thing. If such a thing is possible, it would be a bug, and obviously not approved.
The way you do it is that you use the skill and then jump, the turret will then be placed in the air.
especially annoying if you go to a elevated place, cast the turret and then jump off, so it stays really high up (khylo and silent storm are maps where that is really easy to set up)
I asked here before, maybe last year when I were running turrets myself, but never got a response. I also never got any message from a-net even tho multiple salty people reported me for placing turrets like this.
So yea, a-net is still silent on this, I never got warned/banned, so I guess it’s not a break of the TOS, especially since casting skills mid-air is considered skilled play anyways.
I don’t run turrets anymore since they are not viable, but if you wanna troll some people with this, go ahead.
There are much worse glitches like doublewall guard
Tekkit’s Workshop
oh so thats how he did it.
i was wondering.
you know, i really shouldve put that together since i do silly things like make jade maw reflecting crystals hover by swapping kits while jumping.
…tbh i thought this thread was gonna be about HoT.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Sounds pretty awesome. I might have to try this in Silverwastes, anything to get my turrets to survive better against those darned teragriffs (although with their huge AoE they’d probably be able to hit even flying turrets >.<).
I doubt its “approved”. Most likely would be considered a bug. But I don’t think it would be something so severe as to get you banned for using it or anything, if that’s what you mean by “approved”.
Is Anet aware of flying turret? I’m so fed up with people abusing this on PVP.
(edited by gin.7158)
They have really relaxed their policy on the use of exploits that are broken/unintentional parts of the game, but it they were more harsh they would destroy spvp because people would use bugged stuff with the excuse of “It wouldn’t work that way if we weren’t supposed to use it” kind of BS that is possible the worst part of ‘competitive gaming’
TLDR: Exploit while you can, for someday it will get fixed.
Just bc someone didn’t get banned for using it, it doesn’t mean it is fair sportsmanship.
In the attached screenshot no one could take that turret down. So free knockdowns for the engie all the time without any possibilities to destroy the rocket turret.
It’s a bug/glitch and shouldn’t be abused. But that’s just my 5cents…
I barked at someone in ranked last night for doing this. We know it’s possible though we all should know this isn’t intended. On a technical standpoint, to get turret’s out of reach we have to sacrifice and put two points into tools for “Deployable Turret’s”. The floating bug allows players to get them out of reach without having to trait for it. That’s why I say it’s not intended.
Still Anet will someday get to fixing it just like the weapon stow interaction with lightning whip on elementalist or that bug where warriors could have the passive from signet of might without having it equiped (during a tournament no less) how long it take is mainly a function of how much work it is to fix it vs other stuff they have in the queue.
Its pretty clkitten to do it and I’m sure Anet would suspend for it if it was easily detected. Huge difference between placing your turret in a clever spot with the trait and placing your turret in thin air.
Its not probably something they intended for you to be able to do but theres alot they didnt intend that they let go. So theres not anything wrong with it persay. It does suck though I just saw one last night and was like.
WTF was that? Aaah clever…