Is the engineer hard to play?

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lytro.9305


Hey everyone, i was thinking about making an engineer but I’m not too sure if I’ll like it. I looked at the rotations and they seem daunting to me. Is it that bad or if you learn them, they get easier to do? How difficult is the class to learn and play and is it difficult to level?

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


Once you go engi it’s hard to go back It’s just a lot of reckless fun. It is a bit hard to play but you can ease your way into it. The current meta uses only 1 kit so it makes it a lot simpler. Take something with stealth I guess at first and when things aren’t going well, run

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: PlayerTwo.4183


I think engineer is just weird compared to other classes, not necessarily hard to play. It takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of it’s not bad. The thing that make sit daunting is if you are playing a multi kit build, there are just a lot of skills. It can be pretty forgiving in pve though because the skills have pretty short cooldowns.

And Shion makes a good point for pvp. Since the scrapper builds have come up, pvp as an engineer has become a bit less complicated then it used to be.

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jski.6180


Eng is hard to play scraper not so much. This is why scraper has become the ban wagon class atm kind of the jack of all trades class but easy mod and still very much able to be good at most of the trades.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jhoul.6923


Engi is really fun, not as hard to learn as eles (because you dont need to switch elements), but very VERY powerful. My main is Ele, but since HoT came out Engis and Necro have become my go to.

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dajman.2740


I think engi offers your more flexibility than any other class as far as difficulty goes. You can make the class require 15 button pushes to pull of something epic or you can do something totally standard with a build requiring only 1.
Of course that is somewhat exaggerated but if you break the mold the engineer has the potential of giving you difficulty based on whatever you are searching for in the moment.

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: DGraves.3720


The engineer is an easy class to play. It’s just been nerfed so hard that people have been striving to work around the nerfs and make it look insane. For all rights and purposes the engineer when the game started and the engineer now are nothing alike.

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: nomak.8693


Engi is really fun, not as hard to learn as eles (because you dont need to switch elements), but very VERY powerful. My main is Ele, but since HoT came out Engis and Necro have become my go to.

Not as hard as Ele? No switching? Dude, you could have like 20ish skills to use. (Flamethrower, granades, bombs, etc) you basically have to be a master pianist to play this class right. I’m not saying eles easy of course ::) but to OP yes, it is hard to play if you want to do maximum damage. The Engis are extremely fun to play

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jski.6180


Engi is really fun, not as hard to learn as eles (because you dont need to switch elements), but very VERY powerful. My main is Ele, but since HoT came out Engis and Necro have become my go to.

Not as hard as Ele? No switching? Dude, you could have like 20ish skills to use. (Flamethrower, granades, bombs, etc) you basically have to be a master pianist to play this class right. I’m not saying eles easy of course ::) but to OP yes, it is hard to play if you want to do maximum damage. The Engis are extremely fun to play

A lot of that is like ele atument swapping but with no cd. Its a lot harder to mess up your kits swaps then say an ele atument swap. That what makes ele as an class harder then eng in that way. I am not comply sure where the eng hp falls but for sure it has more armor then the ele class so in that way ele is harder to play too.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


You (all of you) should probably clarify about which game mode and build(s) you are talking …

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ardid.7203


You can make engie as hard or as easy as you want. That is probably what makes it the most fun proffession in the game.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Is the engineer hard to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: DGraves.3720


Not as hard as Ele? No switching? Dude, you could have like 20ish skills to use. (Flamethrower, granades, bombs, etc) you basically have to be a master pianist to play this class right. I’m not saying eles easy of course ::) but to OP yes, it is hard to play if you want to do maximum damage. The Engis are extremely fun to play

And this here is what I meant. It’s total nonsense; the loss of damage by not “being a pianist” (in any game mode for the guy who asked) is not so great that you really need to do all that. It’s not some gamebreaking reality-shaking deal. You are just as well off playing engineer with as many swaps as you would for other classes as you are mastering your keyboarding because you’re just trying to squeeze every little drop of effectiveness out of a clearly broken-and-abandoned class.

You cannot compare a broke class to an elementalist which does do the highest damage in the game, has excellent healing and control over situations, ridiculous defenses, etc. Engineers do none of this well and do it with 6x the work.