Just need help with Traiting

Just need help with Traiting

in Engineer

Posted by: Erebus.5398


Hey guys, I’m quite new to GW2 and been asking for help about the Engineering profession in game alot, tho no one knows much about them cause most people i’ve talked to havn’t played them much… so i’ll ask here..

I’m currently Pistol / Shield with Elixer U Rocket Boots and Elixer B for utilities and supply crate for my last skill. I was wondering what traits should i do to complement these attritubes, and also what sigils should i be using?

Just need help with Traiting

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


If you are dead set on using pistol, shield to level up then I suggest investing in the firearms trait line. It will give you critical chance plus condition damage, which a pistol (in the engineers case) relies on, plus all the pistol traits are in that line. The other trait line you might want to look into is inventions, which gives defense and healing power, great for survival. Pick up reinforced shield (Trait number 7) for the added toughness and cooldown reduction with a shield.

If you are willing to try something different, unlock the bomb kits and invest in explosives traitline for your damage. The bomb kit will pretty much do way more damage than any blue/green pistol or rifle you use while leveling up and the traits in the explosive line will help strengthen it further. Then also some points in inventions for defense. Also unlocking the grandmaster trait for inventions gives the option for Elixir-Infused Bombs, which is a trait that makes your bombs heal you as an added bonus. Great for pve imo. (Dont get grenades and bomb kits confused, bomb kit is the close range kit)

But whatever you do make sure to spend ten points in tools trait line and pick up speedy kits. Every five seconds or so keep switching into a kit to have permanent swiftness all the time, it will help with traveling a lot. The difference in speed between having it and not having it is like night and day.

(edited by Penguin.5197)

Just need help with Traiting

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Leveling with a main-hand pistol as your only damage source is pretty painful. If you do it, yes definitely go down firearms.

I agree with Penguin, putting 10 in tools is the best thing you’ll ever do as a leveling engi. The best thing is that you can use the perma swiftness for traveling, but switch to static discharge when fighting.