Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Llanowar.1603



So it’s no secret that of any profession the engineer requires the most number of key-strokes to achieve optimal effect. Whether you’re kit swapping/tossing elixers etc we are constantly using almost all of our skill keys.

My question is two fold:

1. What do people use/recommend for a key-bind setup for engineer to help reduce fatigue


2. What are some recommended ways for training a new key-binding system.

My current setup for reference is as follows:

weapons 1-5 (default)
Profession Skills (q,e,r,t)
Heal Skill (Z)
Utilities (x,c,v)
Elite: (G)
Dodge (Middle Mouse Button)

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: kangaroosteak.6201


The current set up I’m using atm is
weapons 1-5
utilities: shift 1-3
heal: R
elite: x
dodge: c
profession skills: f1-4
movement: wasd

I really like using shift 1-3 for utilities because it allows my fingers to be in the same spot most of the time. But the best way to redue fatigue imo is to keep practicing and soon enough, you won’t feel a thing.

[VP] Yeskey: I Theory Craft Builds and Get Into Fights!

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Llanowar.1603


My only issue with you setup Kanga is the use of the f1-f4 keys. Unfortunately I have rather short fingers and have a very hard time hitting them reliably.

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Alkaholic.3875


Weapons: 1-5
Utilities: ASD
Heal: T
Elite: R
Dodge: V
Profession skills: F1-4
Movement: QWE (no one will ever accuse me of hugging the S-key.)

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lethal Stranger.5093

Lethal Stranger.5093

Weapon skills: 1-5
Profession Skills: F1-F4
Heal Skill: 6
Utilities: Mouse4, Mouse5, R (stun breaker)
Elite: Left Shift + Mouse4
Dodge: V, double tap :x
Movement: W, A, S, D, Q, E

Having a mouse with extra buttons really, really helps imo.

Necromancer/Engineer/Elementalist main
Plays every class though :>
The Dynasty Warriors [DW] – Far Shiverpeaks

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


get a mouse with like 5 extra buttons and put all your utilities on it and watch how much “better” you become

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Alkaholic.3875


1 thumb vs 3 fingers…I’m gonna stick w/ 3 fingers.

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Llanowar.1603


Hmm apparently the F keys are a consistent thing for most. Perhaps I should re-visit them.

@insanemaniac: I would certainly love to have a few more buttons on my mouse even if just to have an easy key for Team Speak push to talk. But right now I have to work with what I have.

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


I know it looks like a mess but its really really nice set up
weapons c2341
utilities: shift-342
heal: Shift-D
elite: Shift-1
dodge: v
profession skills: M4.Shift-c,z,tab
movement: wasd mouse to turn

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


My slightly confused setup:

weapon: 123qe
utilties: zxc
heal: r
elite: alt-e
dodge: shift
profession: alt-1234
movement: wasd

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Monadproxy.3489


Everything except for weapon no my naga mouse.

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


1-5 normal
6-0 qerfc
f1-f4 Extra mouse buttons
(z = aoe pickup x = autorun)

I’ve use this basic 1-5 then surround the wasd keys with other stuffs setup for many years.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Takato.4976


I use the merc stealth keyboard and razor naga hex ( for key placement reference since they’re placed differently )

Bellow is a picture of the keyboard left side.

My set up is as follow.

Crtl+1-2-3 for utilities.
E = heal
Q = elite
C/B/P/ ctrl + mouse wheel down = F1-4
mouse 1-2-3-4-5 = 1-5 skills.
Mouse wheel down = dodge
aswd = movement
F = action
V = aoe pick up/voice button
R = Weapon swap
7-8 = Zoom out/in since my mouse wheel had their buttons changed to be able to dodge.
Mouse wheel up = tab target
mouse 6 = attack called target.

I think that’s about all of it LOL

I’m so used to this set up now, works really well and all of the required fingers basically never goes too far from what needs to be pressed.

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vired swordhammer.9134

Vired swordhammer.9134

A good rule of thumb is if you are on a standard keyboard you don’t want to bind a key past r, f ,v in less it is something like opening up guild menu or for opening wvw just mainly in battle you don’t want to stretch your hand way over to hit a skill that being said here is how I set up
1-5 weapon skills
w ,a ,s, d movement is default
Q is heal
E is utility norm on skill 6
X is utility norm on skill 7
C is utility norm on skill 8
V is elite
3rd mouse button is dodge
rebinded the f1-f4 skills to shift+1 shift+2 ect
this set up works for me you just have to mess around with it to see what works for you.
Also if you have a mouse with multiple buttons and not just a 3rd mouse button you can bind your first skill to one of them so when you use bomb kit you don’t have to have one finger out pressing 1 all the time1

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


I Also use MERC Stealth + Naga Hex with this:
Skill 1-6 on mouse 1-6
Utility 7-9 on Mouse Wheel and top 2 buttons behind Wheel.
Keyboard left Keypad
Toolbelt Q,E,R,T
Elite on G button
Dodge on C button
Map on CAPS button
Tab targetting on Alt button
Select targeted on Tab button
Autorun on V button

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


Weapon skills: 1-5
Profession Skills: mouse2 + 1/2/3/4
Heal Skill: q
Utilities: e, mouse2+e, r, mouse2+r
Elite: x
Dodge: mouse1
Movement: W, A, S, D

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: isendel.5049


I strongly suggest to look for a gaming mouse. I played for years binding stuff to my keyboard and i became pretty effective, but when i tried a gaming, it felt like playing another game completely.

I’m actually using a logitech G300, very cheap (30 €), very effective in GW2 where you have 10 skills only. I have 1-5 on my keyboard, 6-0 on mouse, plus the highlight enemies function and the target target function (or a repeated 1 pressure when i’m doing zerg with my grenades engineer, feels really good not to have to keep pressing 1 to autoattack )

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cronkolo.3469


Weapon skills: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Skill 6: Mouse 4
Skill 7: Q
Skill 8: E
Skill 9: R
Skill 10: Mouse 5
Toolbelt: F1, F2, F3, F4
Movement: W, A, S, D (A/D Strate left/right)
Dodge: Mouse 3
Nearest Enemy: C

I use a mouse with 5 buttons (Razer DeathAdder LeftHand Edition).

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Mouse wheel up = tab target

this really sounds like a good bind, I never thought of that before

Also…using shift is very cool. I might make my F1-F4 SHIFT + something else. Very good thread.

R40 Mesmer

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: aelen.5673


I have kinda weird keybinds cause I used to PvP as a warrior in WoW… tooooo many keybinds, but here goes:

For movement I use SDF (D being backpedal), I move forward with auto run (middle mouse click) or just pressing both mouse buttons at the same time. Then it’s:

QWERT: weapon skills
1234G: utilities (I had trouble reaching 5 without looking for some reason)
F1-4: tool belt (actually been thinking about how I could better place these, it’s a bit of a stretch
A: dodge
C: looooot

Also I don’t have a “follow target” at the moment, since when we’re roaming we keep target on our roaming leader anyway.

Aelen – Vabbi (previously SFR)

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Meowcaholic.8521


am i the only one that uses the default double tap w for forward dodge or double tap s for backward dodge? im surprised to see no one does it. why use up a key you could be using for something else? the double tap w or s works so well, for me anyway.

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: GoZero.9708


If I can make only one recommendation, it’s this:

Map your 1 skill to middle click.

Keybinds for Reducing Engineer Fatigue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kevlar Eater.1985

Kevlar Eater.1985

am i the only one that uses the default double tap w for forward dodge or double tap s for backward dodge? im surprised to see no one does it. why use up a key you could be using for something else? the double tap w or s works so well, for me anyway.

I use it as well. I keep it enabled because I often forget which button I mapped the ‘dodge’ key on.

(topic) I use the Razer Naga mouse, so I hardly need to make many moves away from WASD. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have some stuff remapped elsewhere:

F1 – Z
F2 – X
F3 – C
F4 – V
Walk – J
Weapon swap – Scroll wheel (click)
Dodge – Mouse button 4