Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Even before last patch, I think most people agreed that tookit was a very useful kit.

But since last patch, just with the amount of build (mine,Mask build, Serj build,100nade) that revolve around using tookit is crazy.

I think overall, this kit went ahead of Grenade as our most useful kit in the bunch.

Every, every skill on it is useful, except maybe the auto attack but WHO CARE!

For one utility, we have an AoE cripple/bleed on a low cooldown, especially if traited. We have a HARD hitting direct damage + 5(FIVE!) stack of confusion for 5 seconde. We have a 3 second gear block on another low cooldown when traited. And finaly, an awesome pull that could be the best pull in the game.

For one, I think every kit should be like that. Every skill are used during a fight. They don’t feel like a waste like flash grenade, or lackluster like glue bomb or fire field or most EG skills except SE.

I think Anet is on a very good way with Toolkit, and should work the same way with other kits. Early on, Toolkit had prybar nerfed for not knocking back people. The kit was a bit lack luster. 1 sec block for gear block, and I think something around 600 range for magnetic pull.

It got slowly buffed each patch. The last patch double buff was out of nowhere, still not sure it needed it. But that kit is just awesome.

We want more kit like that Anet!

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

I absolutely agree. Main attack with power wrench makes it an excellent cripple, together with aoe cripple from box of nails.

Prybar, HALLELUJHA! 2k crit damage and 5 stacks of confusion! on uterly low CD?! WhaT?!
gearshield! A 3 second block, on 16 seconds CD!? WHAT!?

magnet “we all know how great it is to pull a stupid rifle warrior of a wall in WvW” to quote one of my fellow NERF engineers (can’t remember who stated this).

But seriously, what were the devs thinking? The buff was great, but it is completely narrowing my build options down. It’s currently kind of stupid NOT to use toolkit, it’s just to OP.

everything else feels just crap now, making it even more clear that our class needs tweaking.

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

(edited by Ferum Flamebender.5910)

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: Kai.3680


It really is just a fantastic kit. For a while I felt like i just forced it into my builds because I liked it. Now I realize its there because almost every build can benefit in some way from it. Not to mention its traits fall in a tree that, taken as a whole, is probably my personal favorite tree. There really is something very satisfying about a kill shot with the prybar too.

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


Ya i thought it was an excellent choice before this last buff. Not sure if this pushes it over the edge to a must have or not. But in SPVP, its hard to ignore the utility mixed with damage, plus the toolbelt skill is really good.

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856


I’d hardly say OP.

I don’t see these big hits with prybar but thats prolly cause I’m not +power build but I do love my confusion ticks As for the rest of them the aoe cripple/bleed I rarely use it since I don’t care for the 1s cast I’d rather 1/2s targetable immob or use the toolbelt throw wrench. The shield I don’t use often enough because 25%h elixirS tells me to get the hell outta there lol Magnet is handy but I don’t pull people from walls I use it more of an interupt.

:) I like it

The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



For box of nails, I mostly use it ether for setup, AoE slow when all is on cooldown or for running away.

If you have to retreat, and the enemy is right behind you, use your glue shot, then if it’s not enought, boxe of nail.

If you are dropping a prybar on someone in the middle of a group, walk out while throwing box of nail. You cripple the whole group. Useful when glue shot/bomb are on CD. Also give Bleeds damage.

When using magnetic pull, drop nails just before. Ennemy will be crippled.

I just can’t live without Gear shield. When you get focused on by a group, or someone drop a burst on you. Gear shield is just magic. 0 damage from a shatter mesmer is awesome.

Magnetic pull is a lot more about setting up combo. 100nade combo, prybar combo, big ol bomb combo. Magnetic pull is wonderful. Also useful to chase or interrupt someone.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


+1 to everything you said, couldnt agree more.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: Kalan.9705


Throw wrench and box of nails feel very slow and unresponsive, and 1 auto should either be long range or much stronger.

Kit of the Month : Toolkit!

in Engineer

Posted by: hackks.3687



yer gonna get it nerfed…..

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long