Kit visuals...

Kit visuals...

in Engineer

Posted by: yhvh.8703


Anet, sorry if this is not high priority, but I’ve gotta ask for better graphics on Bomb Kit, please! Looks absolutely hideous! The bomb you hold and place in the ground is so big… Well, I was expecting at least a better looking bomb. Right now we have the hobobomb.

for the rest…

Grenades are okay, I wish they were more metallic-esque though, because from distance, they look like a stack of hanging onions lol.

Mortar is okay too, but I thought it would come more flashier than that. I could swear that was an already existent rifle skin.

MedKit is awesome!

Flamethrower… I love the gun, and I don’t miss the hobosack, but I miss the fuel reservatory in the back. Maybe put a backpiece skinned after the old FT bag? That counts for the Elixir gun too.

Kit visuals...

in Engineer

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


+ for the onion nades lol
i do like the bomb kit on my asura though, looks absolutely hilarious when he places it

For Ponei!

Kit visuals...

in Engineer

Posted by: glehmann.9586


I do wish the mortar kit looked more like a mortar and less like some cross between a grenade launcher and blunderbuss. But overall I’m pretty happy with the new kits.

As an aside, is anyone else getting no sound effects on medkit 1? I use the spray and it’s completely silent.

Kit visuals...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kharmadillo.8973


Yes please! The bomb kit looks awful. Standing situps anyone?