Lack of direction/Wants to be everything?

Lack of direction/Wants to be everything?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vuh.1328


I sort of feel like engineer is trying to be a mix of everything, like pretty much every kits wants to be both condition and power.

Kinda feels like it would be easier to balance etc if the kits werent so mixed.

Maybe i’m just tripping balls and being stupid atm though.

Would also love i it was possible to make useful builds with no kits/1kit and be on par with other classes(mainly talking s/tpvp since i guess it’s possible in wvwvw/pve).

(Not saying engi is up/op or that it should be easier/harder btw..)

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

(edited by Vuh.1328)

Lack of direction/Wants to be everything?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I sort of feel like engineer is trying to be a mix of everything

I agree, but I feel that it succeeds.

However, it is true that most of our 0-1 kit builds lag a bit behind our 2-3 kit builds at high levels. I think the way to reverse that is for gadgets and turrets to be relatively weak BUT with low cooldowns, so that a bar of gadgets could effectively replace a weapon swap.

Lack of direction/Wants to be everything?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I sort of feel like engineer is trying to be a mix of everything

I agree, but I feel that it succeeds.

However, it is true that most of our 0-1 kit builds lag a bit behind our 2-3 kit builds at high levels. I think the way to reverse that is for gadgets and turrets to be relatively weak BUT with low cooldowns, so that a bar of gadgets could effectively replace a weapon swap.

I disagree with the bolded portion in particular. Here’s why:
If we balance in such a way that a skill bar of Gadgets ‘effectively replaces a weapon swap,’ where does that leave Kits?
They are weapon swaps.
If a bar of Gadgets is more or less equivalent to a weapon swap in terms of power…nobody will use them, because they can just take weapon swaps.
Why use three skills when one will do?

In my opinion, each Turret, and each Gadget, should be even with any given Kit in the hands of an average, no greater and no worse, user. My rationale for this is that the effectiveness of Kits is more skill-dependent than Turrets or Gadgets; looking at simple numbers is the quickest way to screw it all up.

Lack of direction/Wants to be everything?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I disagree with the bolded portion in particular. Here’s why:
If we balance in such a way that a skill bar of Gadgets ‘effectively replaces a weapon swap,’ where does that leave Kits?
They are weapon swaps.
If a bar of Gadgets is more or less equivalent to a weapon swap in terms of power…nobody will use them, because they can just take weapon swaps.
Why use three skills when one will do?

In my opinion, each Turret, and each Gadget, should be even with any given Kit in the hands of an average, no greater and no worse, user. My rationale for this is that the effectiveness of Kits is more skill-dependent than Turrets or Gadgets; looking at simple numbers is the quickest way to screw it all up.

Hmm. I have a couple of issues with that goal:

1. Kits aren’t really a “weapon swap.” The kits are officially divided into “weapon kits” (EG, FT, TK) and “device kits” (GK, BK, MK). The “weapon kits” don’t really stand on their own well as a “weapon” and are usually extra utility. The “device kits” are nothing like weapons and are used to provide damage in a build that otherwise lacks it (GK, BK) or healing. None of the kits are really much like a weaponswap.

2. Drawing a direct comparison (these two skills combined are as effective as these six skills combined) is near impossible. If you use rifle turret instead of bomb kit in a bomb/nade PvP build, it will be awful, because the bomb/nade build depends on the heavy area control synergy of the two kits working together.

There’s no way to re-design rifle turret to make it “as good as” the bomb kit. It does something different. A better approach would be to make rifle turret do something that works well in the context of a good build, just like bombs/nades work in a good build. It’s already very close to doing that.

Lack of direction/Wants to be everything?

in Engineer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


The more i think about weapon swaps, kits and attunements, the more i feel that GW2 is much more of a traditional MMO than GW1 was.

ANet only hides the fact by having half the skills bars behind buttons, rather than allowing all the bars on screen at the same time.

And with our inability to rearrange the bars as we like, they add meta-difficulty by making the interface deliberately unergonomic. In a sense feeding into an APM mindset.