Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Ivonwe The Wanderer.9364

Ivonwe The Wanderer.9364

I love the idea of the engineer, and yes in sPvP I think they work really really well. However the lack of a viable long range weapon is really beginning to hurt my interest in the class in my main environment of PvE.

I know people will shout ‘Grenades!’ but that is not the answer – as a lefie and semi clicker, grenades are almost impossible to use (and since from experience only a small proportion of people go as far as fully keybind everything, that is a lot of people this is causing problems with) – and to be perfectly honest there is no sense in making grenade the only viable long range weapon (logic – you are not going to throw a grenade as far as you can fire a rifle) Far too often in dungeons I am reduced to auto attacking with the rifle!

Some other threads here have suggested a sniper kit, but instantly missed the point. I don’t want to outrange a longbow ranger, I just want to be able to use a viable direct damage weapon build at a reasonable range. Call it a sniper kit if you like, but it would offer the option. Or perhaps a distinct ‘Grenade Launcher’ kit or something which does not rely on keybinds to work.

And others have said ‘well go condition and use pistols’ but that is the point, I don’t always want to play conditions.

It is strange that my mate (a warrior) is complaining that he has to spend loads of boss fights having to be at range using the rifle (wth?) where I, as a supposed ‘gun specialist’ cannot do the same even though it makes far more sense.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


I agree, i believe our low damage in general is directly because we don’t have anything purely single target (besides elixir gun which is focused on support)

Furthermore, i want a kit that is a rifle, because it looks mint to drop your rifle and pull out pistols cos you are out of ammo. Charr Soldier HOOOOOOO!

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: kidbs.8920


Continue to use rifle, then slot Rifle Turret, Personal Battering Ram, and Toolkit as your utilities. Take the Static Discharge talent. Now you’ve opened up 3 great ranged toolbelt abilities that do really good damage. You don’t actually use the utilities, you basically took them for the toolbelt abilities. These abilities will also get the stat boosts from your rifle.

Just consider these as extensions of your rifle attacks and there you go.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


The long range weapon for engi is the grenade kit. If you don’t like that that is fine but they are not going to rework the whole class just to accomodate someone who refuses to use grenades.

You might be happier changing classes now rather than later. Never say never but the chances of them adding another long range damage weapon is approximately zero.

P.S. Necros and ekitten th have mainly ground target abilities on their 1200 range weapons too. If you refuse to use ground target abilities you will find your options rather limited in this game.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


I personally am not at odds with grenades, love em, but i wish we had something single target. I feel our damage is kittened in most cases because we almost always have AoE built into our attacks, pistol for example can’t hit hard because that tiny explosion could be OP if it did, flamer can’t hit hard cos its a cone AoE, Rifle can’t hit amazingly hard because it pierces.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I do not get it OP. Your simply saying , yeah I know we have a kit with long range, but I want the devs to make something else just for me because I do not like it and am a lefty?

Sorry but I find that as a bit petty. I am a lefty. I am missing several fingers lost during my military service. I simply poked around and found alternative manners to control my character.

Personally I dislike the GTAoE in this game myself. That does not mean I feel they need to add or subtract weapons or kits to the class because I do not like it. It means I needed to over come the issue or not play this class, and find one I could play. What I am saying is, if your complaining about being left handed as an issue, you will get no pity from me. That is a very bad excuse in my opinion.

Also I have to ask, you point out that you know some other threads here have suggested a sniper kit. Which suggest your well aware of the 300 other threads that we have with this exact discussion going on. Personally, I feel the mods need to start deleting repetitive threads of the same discussion. Is there some reason you felt we needed a new thread simply for your post on the same topic? Why didn’t you simply add to the various on going discussion already in progress?

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


I agree, there are lots of threads abaut this alredy. Good to see others have the same opinion.
But better get redy the minor trolls come soon and say : “dont touch my class”
For they dont understand the forum exists for ideas and opinions to. Or mostly for that. And giving your opinion " that you want a direct damage long range weapon" is worth as moch as there. Its only by change there opinions are alredy implemented, and this is not.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Umm, I feel like they shouldn’t touch my class either. How does that make anyone who feels that way a troll?

It really appears your claiming that anyone who like the abilities others want to make topic upon topic of changing, or not allowed to share their opinion? Kind of a one sided and trollinsh thing to say if you ask me. Not a lot of sense to say everyone is entitled to their opinion on these forums, then in the same breath say that those who oppse this idea though, are not allowed to.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Honestly, grenade kit is the answer. 1500 range Aoe, fast casting, scales well with condition damage and power, and a toolbelt that with power/crit gear can hit for over 7k. We’re one of 2 classes with decent ranged aoe, and of those 2 I honestly think we get the better deal.

We’re not going to get a “single target ranged dps kit” for one simple reason.
2/7 classes specialize in single target ranged dps (Ranger and rifle warrior). Another class, the thief, can build for single target ranged (900) burst with pistols. Ranged single target dps is clearly not the intention with engineer. If you want that, you have a great many options in other classes.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


I am not a fan of the Grenade mainly because they are real hard for me to use. However I will use them when I have to even with subpar skills with them they can really mess people up.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I absolutely agree Potato. every time I see someone remake this exact thread, they always say I know a warrior, I tried a warrior, I got a friend who is a warrior, and they did such and such.

Seriously, we have spectacular ranged options, if you prefer a profession such as warriors ranged option, then go play a warrior please. that is why they made varying classes. Because the idea is to find a class to suit you, not to pick a class and spam the forums with threads about how we need to change the class you chose to be like one of the others you should have chose.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Clickers are not going to be as effective as non clickers no matter what you have equipped.

I do agree it would be nice to have a direct damage long range weapon. However, I personally have no problems with the GTAoE of grenades. Once you learn to lead your target / properly disable them grenades absolutely destroy.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: MassRelay.9327


Start your grenade spam with Grenade ability #4, then go to town!! When they get close, rifle #4 + Rifle #2 + Grenade tool belt!! Oh man, what fun.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


Grenades are fine, though they bore me a bit, its like having the finger of God. ‘You there! 1500… things away from me! You are going to die before you can reach me!’ then you just point, hold your cursor over them(or a little infront of them) and spam.

clearly a lot harder in PvP, but i rage quit grenades in pvp after trying to catch a zipping greatsword warrior, slashing to and fro, where he stops, no-one knows.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


New weapon options will be added in the future. Possibly another kit. Seeing as sniper rifle is a high request its very likely you’ll see something like that soon. Though whether it’l be a weapon option or another kit is unknown. As for next weapon option (which i get the feeling is already under design due to optimism in interviews about the subject) very curious what it’ll be….. most likely a 1200 range weapon or a mellee is my guess.

Also weird people would suggest grenade kit if you dont like conditions. outside the primary (spam click) attack its a condition spreading kit.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I wouldn’t say it is “likely”, but I might suggest it is possible.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


Grenades are mint cos they scale well for both damage and conditions, and they become amazing if you go glass cannon and spec for both power and condition. The price you pay to have 1500 range and immense damage is becoming squish tastic.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Grenades are mint cos they scale well for both damage and conditions, and they become amazing if you go glass cannon and spec for both power and condition. The price you pay to have 1500 range and immense damage is becoming squish tastic.

Yep, I currently run this spec and I absolutely ANNIHILATE people during an ambush / hit and run. Grenades are the ultimate anti zerg weapon, I can easily stop 4 people from resing someone. Engineer excels at pulling off ganks of all kinds.

Once you learn to not overextend being squishey is no problem. On top of that in one vs one we have so much CC to keep our target in place the enemy just doesn’t stand a chance 9 times out of 10. With perma swiftness + perma vigor, we are truly a force to be reckoned with.

I personally spec 30/20/0/10/10

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Istarien.3147


I spec 30/20/0/0/20 (Incendiary Powder, Explosive Powder, Grenadier, Rifled Barrels, Rifle Mod, Speedy Kits, Static Discharge.) Utilities are MedKit, Rifle Turret, Grenade Kit, Tool Kit, Supply Dump. Carry a Berserker’s Rifle of Air. In full Berserker’s gear, it is hilarious how much mid to long range direct damage you can do.

I absolutely wreck people 1v1 in ways I never could as a condi. dmg. engineer. Even putting on Pow/Tough/Vit gear and Valkyrie jewels for more survivability, I still wreck people, albeit a bit less quickly. You still have the grenades for when you need to clear the walls or defend the gate, but your best single target damage comes from your rifle. All of your toolbelt skills, including your heal, proc lightning bolts. Open with Barrage (which does a terrifying amount of damage as long as you’re holding your rifle), follow it up with Surprise Shot and Throw Wrench. Your rifle autoattack hits pretty hard already; Blunderbuss is even better, and Surprise Shot should be up again to finish the job.

We can do some serious damage at mid range without grenades, and we aren’t completely useless at 1500 m without grenades. However, just like a warrior is required to use a gun or longbow in long range combat, we’re pretty much obligated to use a grenade kit to do our best long range damage.

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


I spec 30/20/0/0/20 (Incendiary Powder, Explosive Powder, Grenadier, Rifled Barrels, Rifle Mod, Speedy Kits, Static Discharge.) Utilities are MedKit, Rifle Turret, Grenade Kit, Tool Kit, Supply Dump. Carry a Berserker’s Rifle of Air. In full Berserker’s gear, it is hilarious how much mid to long range direct damage you can do.

I absolutely wreck people 1v1 in ways I never could as a condi. dmg. engineer. Even putting on Pow/Tough/Vit gear and Valkyrie jewels for more survivability, I still wreck people, albeit a bit less quickly. You still have the grenades for when you need to clear the walls or defend the gate, but your best single target damage comes from your rifle. All of your toolbelt skills, including your heal, proc lightning bolts. Open with Barrage (which does a terrifying amount of damage as long as you’re holding your rifle), follow it up with Surprise Shot and Throw Wrench. Your rifle autoattack hits pretty hard already; Blunderbuss is even better, and Surprise Shot should be up again to finish the job.

We can do some serious damage at mid range without grenades, and we aren’t completely useless at 1500 m without grenades. However, just like a warrior is required to use a gun or longbow in long range combat, we’re pretty much obligated to use a grenade kit to do our best long range damage.

Why rifle turret? Net turret allows you to hold people down so much better in a 1v1 (and lets face it, holding people down allows you to use your nades on them optimally) especially when you have supply drop down. It also gives you another immobilize on your toolbelt…

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


With full tools the tool belt skill for rifle turret is about a ~7 second cool down. With static discharge it’s fairly nice dps.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


With full tools the tool belt skill for rifle turret is about a ~7 second cool down. With static discharge it’s fairly nice dps.

Ah ok that makes sense. My build is built more around ganking / holding people down for me to to grenade DPS and allowing me to outmaneuver them when they are moving. I do sacrifice a bit of single target DPS on the rifle for alot of extra CC and mobility but for my play style its worth it.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


The net turret is a really strong turret 1v1. I was noticing the other day that it seemed to target and shoot thru stealth if a thief went back into stealth after a attacking. Which is really really handy for those hit and run D/D thieves that flee the second you hit elixir S or they’ve used their signet.

But the 600 range on the turret is a bit tricky. It’s much easier to dodge and avoid then the net shot as well.

But it is massively OP for certain dungeon boss fights. Like the twin golem bosses in the second path of SF.

It lets you completely lock down the mark I golem for 10-15 seconds at a time making the fight much easier.

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


If you time your supply drop net turret and utility net turret to alternate, very few enemies will stand a chance unless they can quickly destroy both of them.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Lack of viable long range direct damage weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


Net turret is actually fairly tank as well. It takes 2-3 hits to kill it unlike the rifle or rocket. After thumper I think it has the most HP of any turret.