Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: Ash.2059


Found this on Reddit

Please note that this may or may not get you banned.
What you need:
*Adaptive armor
*High Caliber Exploit
*Backpack regenrator
*Rapid Regeneration
*Bomb kit
*Action cam
With action cam you can simple place something on your left mouse botton, and it will constantly spam skill 1 in bomb kit, which will give you Swiftness thanks to High Caliber Exploit. Swiftness gives hp regen from rapid regeneration and together with backpack regenrator and adaptive armor, you can go afk in the middle while your team pops the charrs.
Enjoy your masteries

Question is if its a bannable offense?

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


dont think its bannable but it ll cause some nerf to happen

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: Alkalissa.1706


Definitely bannable, you’re not playing the game but you’re getting rewarded. Don’t do it, and report anyone you see doing it.

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: Pride.1734


Guardians and warriors can do that as well. Also theoreticly this is bannable “botting” in pactice its very hard to prove that its a rock on your mouse and not your finger.

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: zaced.7948


how to avoid the ban: build a wireless “mouse” or actually a circuit that works the same way as the left mouse click. build it in a way that activates the mouse click when the circuit is closed (like in a real mouse). this is easily done with two connecting isolated (except for the area that touches) small plates of metal.
place those plates anywhere on your body accordingly so the circuit is always closed (between fingers, armpits, buttcheeks).

that way “you” are theoretically playing the game assuming given body part is defined as a subset of “you” (which it theoretically is).

if you manage to establish an uplink to a satellite you can theoretically farm masteries from all over the world while doing other stuff.

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Of course it’s legal but it’s against tos. Don’t confuse legality of something with corps’ own terms of service and terms of use.

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: Runewolf.8456


It’s most likely gonna get nerfed, but I don’t think it’s against the ToS.

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: daniel.2517


place those plates anywhere on your body accordingly so the circuit is always closed (between fingers, armpits, buttcheeks).

+1 for butt-bot

Legal? Scrapper AFK Mastery Farm

in Engineer

Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

technically its the same thing, setting a skill to autocast by CTRL+Mouse 2(right click) is the same exact thing, as long as no third party program/cheat is detected its fine…also check here.

its NOT against ToS…just distasteful

banning you for using something that doesnt effect the market etc and is NOT third party ran shouldnt get you banned. somewhere on these forums a dev stated so because of a technicality. will post after updated.

dont use scripts etc its bannable…

cant see getting banned by setting a skill to autoattack -_- or some tape on a mouse…too absurd.

didnt say it was bannable for afk farmin :/

(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)