Let's start predicting the next update

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


I’m just bored now at this point and coming up with posts, not like anybody important is paying us any attention haha.

So let’s start betting on what wonderful and magnificent updates us humble Engineers shall be receiving next update.

I’ll start. Took this from another post I did earlier.

Weapon Stats now go over to Kits. Engineers now do 33% less damage though to balance this.

No more random effects on Elixirs!
Elixirs now only last 3 seconds.

Static Discharge is now fixed. Now had 30 second Cooldown.

Engineer’s can now equip Maces! Lose 33% movement speed with Maces to compensate for this.

Engineer’s can now equip Dual Shields! Immobile when doing so to compensate for this.

Turrets now take 10 hits to down no matter the damage. Now do 33% less damage to balance this.

Turrets now can follow you through the Inventions Traits. Can be downed in 1 hit though to balance this.

Flamethrower now no longer misses. But it was working as intended before, we just redesigned it. Now does 33% less Condition Damage to compensate for this.

Poison Dart Volley no longer is random! Now does 33% less damage to compensate.

Iron Man Kit!
Engineers can now equip an Iron Man Suit! It’s just town clothing though.

We have heard your complaints about Engineers always falling on their backs or butts. Throw Mine’s Toolbelt skill now allows you to put a mine on your back, and when hit from behind, propels you forward onto your face!

EDIT (Adding some of my favorite ones from the ones I see being posted by you guys)

- Weapon stats now apply to kits. Kits deal -100% damage and inflict you with every condition every second.
- Everytime you equip the grenade kit, one of your family members get cancer.

Kit Kit (yes thats right Queens of versatility this skill will turn your weapon skills into all of your kits, a kit within a kit within an Elite kit, think of all the possibilities that are only a 4 or 5 clicks away.)

(edited by FiftyTwoBears.5482)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


If the put a CD on SD and nerf kits due to applying weapon stats, I’ll toss my engineer off the top of SM

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


If the put a CD on SD and nerf kits due to applying weapon stats, I’ll toss my engineer off the top of SM

What’s SM?

And anyways, you should probably start getting ready then….I suspect as jokingly as my post is, it’s probably going to happen.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Vekthor.8914


All my predictions to the engineer in the next patch:
- Weapon stats now apply to kits. Kits deal -100% damage and inflict you with every condition every second.
- Everytime you equip the grenade kit, one of your family members get cancer.

(edited by Vekthor.8914)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Knox.3748


It so many, “Now does less than 33% damage” it seems u want Anet to delete this job.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


It so many, “Now does less than 33% damage” it seems u want Anet to delete this job.


Now WHY would I want that?


New Kits!

Sniper Kit!
Engineers now receive a Sniper Kit! Misses 50% of the time!

Iron Man Kit!
Engineers can now equip an Iron Man Suit! It’s just town clothing though.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Kalan.9705


All my predictions to the engineer in the next patch:
- Weapon stats now apply to kits. Kits deal -100% damage and inflict you with every condition every second.
- Everytime you equip the grenade kit, one of your family members get cancer.

Don’t forget they’ll fix maybe two tooltips to balance those necessary changes.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Aegael.6938


I’ve been saying for ages that every single buff to this class is really just a nerf in disguise.

Nobody listened until their precious grenade kit got nerfed.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Choops.3710


I would like a kit that can be used when I’m not the only Engi in hotjoin sPvP. I call it the “No kittenin Way” kit. Automatically equips when within range of another engineer. Once equipped, the skills would be as follows;
Skill 1- Puts a party hat on anyone within 1500 range
Skill 2- Lays out a delicious cake
Skill 3- Pours out some refreshing punch for everyone to indulge in
Skill 4- Gives the other engineer a gift. Opening the gift applies the engineer with a buff that guarantees the next 3 flamethrower attacks will not ‘missmissmissmissmiss’ or be ‘obstructed’
Skill 5- Creates 3 turrets that automatically fly towards the closest opponent and blow up for roughly 80% of the enemy’s health. It’s a rare occurrence that 2 engineers be in the same hotjoin match at the same time, so let’s celebrate by letting you feel like the 7 mesmers that are currently in the match, if only for a minute.

Any input on this idea would be greatly appreciated!

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


SM = stonemist castle

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


We have heard your complaints about Engineers always falling on their backs or butts. Throw Mine’s Toolbelt skill now allows you to put a mine on your back, and when hit from behind, propels you forward onto your face!

That….was awesome.

I predict:

Mortar has been replace with Elite Engineer kits
An Elite kit that when equipped provides 5 new kit options
Skill #1 – Hammer kit (you get a hammer)
Skill #2 – Marble kit (throw specialized engineered marbles at ppl)
Skill #3 – Chemistry kit (pour one potion into another potion to make even more RNG)
Skill #4 – Makeup kit (disguise yourself as another race, gender or profession)
Skill #5 – Kit Kit (yes thats right Queens of versatility this skill will turn your weapon skills into all of your kits, a kit within a kit within an Elite kit, think of all the possibilities that are only a 4 or 5 clicks away.)

Engineers must use kits because kits are what make an Engineer engineery.
Without kits your are just some common IKEA assembler running around with half the weapons everyone else has.

(edited by CriSPeH.8512)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: LoreChief.8391



Deployable Turrets: Still not fixed.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


New kit added:
Minigun kit: Walk 50% slower while wielding it but allows you to shed manly tears

I would also accept replacing mortars with a stationary gattling gun. No more slow projectiles that have a min range

(edited by Penguin.5197)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: winfong.2841


New kit added:
Minigun kit: Walk 50% slower while wielding it but allows you to shed manly tears

I would also accept replacing mortars with a stationary gattling gun. No more slow projectiles that have a min range

And we can also get a AK47 kit coupled with offhand Desert Eagle and 7.62mm arctic sniper rifle……

Oh yes… we can also change our name to “COMMANDO” class…. ^^

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


-Add 50% base damage to all thief skills
-Add 9 max clone to mesmers
-Add +100% base defence to Warriors
- No CD to Elementalist attunements and added swap weapons
- The ranger now can use 2 pets at the same time, add 2000 range to Long Bow
- Now Guardian Aegis can block 5 hits instead 1
-Necromancer Life force regenerate over time, and minions now have more 500% more life and 300% more damage
-Reduced 33% Engineer base damage of all skills to compensate this

Sorry i just only coulndt resist :P

The sad part is that reading this is the feel what i had in each balance class patch.

I love the engineer core and was my main since firest BWE, but i couldnt stand the no sense nerfs each patch, a lot of bugs, a lot skills useless, the elixir randomness, my usseles weapons and the issue with kits and stats dont help, the lack of motivation to get a legendary, to what ? only to see it in the inventory ?.

Now im talking serius, each time what i see a update skill patch i think that Jon Peters or maybe other guy in “balance team” hate engineers, maybe because is the troublesome class to balance and give a lot of headache to developers or something, i dont know, i remember to Paragon issues in GW1 ( my main too ), all class had a super big skill update patch by the live team in the last years, but the paragon was almost forgoten in the void with only 1 viable build, and i feel that the engineer follow the same patch.

I just wish that arena.net shut up my mouth in the nexth patches.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


I’m going to laugh my kitten off when all these “updates” actually happen to us.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


I dont think tomorrow is one of the major monthly patches though is it? If its not we probably wont be seeing any major updates…probably a few small ones like increased cooldown on some tool kit skills…or reduced jump shot range to stop cheating on jps. Nothing to worry about :S

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


I dont think tomorrow is one of the major monthly patches though is it? If its not we probably wont be seeing any major updates…probably a few small ones like increased cooldown on some tool kit skills…or reduced jump shot range to stop cheating on jps. Nothing to worry about :S

Jump Shot now has an RNG effect. Where will you end up? Who knows? You could go from fighting Jormag to The Mists! to Lion’s Arch, even back to Level 1!

All kits now share a 30 minutes cooldown on swapping.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Crows.2764


Outside joking about coming “lovebat” I really would like to see
- weapon stats affecting while using kits
- ft cone aiming fixes which applies to lots of classes
- ft #2 damages all targets on path (like guard staff #2) or blow up on collision
- remove elixirs random elements, I rarely want to use anything else than H & B
- change ft & eg related traits not being tied together
- static discharge working better with thrown elixirs
- fix pistol autoattack speed so autoattack damage would be about same as rifle
- bit shorter shield skill cd
- turrets shooting your target or previous target if youre not targetting anything
- aoe attacks (especially vet/champ/boss) not hitting turrets

These changes would make solid base imo and after that damage numbers could be adjusted accordingly…

What comes actually to next patch is weapon stats affecting to kits, static discharge CD, food nerfs (which is really needed…) and with major luck #2 ft change.

(edited by Crows.2764)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


-weapon stats now apply to kits
-to balance this change, engineers take a 30% damage output decrease across the board

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Turrets now follow you and have a 120 min cooldown to compensate

Cone attacks never miss but do 1 hitpoint damage no longer cause condis who needs those anyway

elixirs when thrown now turn you into a giant fried chicken dinner and like all trays cost Bottles of Elonian Wine Arcane Crystals Mystic Coins with each throw, or 250 T6 mats.


Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Slick shoes is now a 59 second cooldown but you can trip on your own oil.

(im a girl btw)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Decklan.7540


Downed State #2 – Grappling hook has been given a 10 yard range increase but no longer interrupts attacks to compensate.

Fumigates damage has been increased by 2% but now poisons the Engineer!

Flame Blast’s damage has been increased by 1% but now gives enemies a 20 second retaliation buff!

Elixir U now provides the engineer with Swiftness instead of Quickness, the debuffs are still present however as this on demand buff is too powerful.

The Engineer is now damaged by his own Bombs from Bomb Kit to make up for the power of Elixir Infused Bombs.

The Engineer is now damaged by his own Grenades; Grenade damage decreased by 33% to compensate.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: BubbleShot.9853


When does this update arrived?

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


New Kit added:

Kitten Kit, equips two kittens.
Skill #1: Meow
Hold you main and off hand kitten in the enemies face to inflict bleeding and allergies.
Skill #2: Arch
Get on all fours, arch your back and walk sideways to confuse the enemy (1 stack, 1 sec)
Skill #3: Furball
Cough a giant furball on your enemies inflicting 1 sec stun
Skill #4: Doggiestyle
Throw yourself on your back, pretending you are a dog to trick the enemy into playing with you. Deals 2x the damage of skill #1
Skill #5: Hello Kitty
Makes you 20% cuter and charm the enemy by purring and makes him attack his allies

Red Guard

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Plok.5873


“We heard complains about engineer requiring two abilities, each with a preceding kit swap, to compete with one non-engineer ability.
To address this, we merged two respective abilities into one, which can now be triggered directly be dialing a 4-digit-code on the numerical pad.”

Pry Bar in yo’ face, You big disgrace / Box of Nails all over the place
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Walorx.5129


-All attack and heals: Decreased effectivity by 95%.
-All kits no longer take up a utility, but are instead elites.
-Turret health and attacks per second decreased by 50%
-Removed bomb kit from game.
-Pistols now shoot water instead of bullets because we felt engineers were too strong and could possibly hurt someone.
-Engineers now wear light armor for added mobility
-Med kit has been replaced with “Boo Boo Bunny”

Boo Boo Bunny:
1: Apply to ouchies (heals for 69)
2: Apply to ouchies (heals for 69)
3: Apply to ouchies (heals for 69)
4: Apply to ouchies (heals for 69)
5: Apply to ouchies (heals for 69)

Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: MikeT.9428


If the put a CD on SD and nerf kits due to applying weapon stats, I’ll toss my engineer off the top of SM

What’s SM?

Guess you don’t WvW on eternal battlegrounds much. SM = Stone Mist castle. The big one in the middle of the Eternal Battlegrounds. If your side controls this you can treb 4 or so keeps in the area. Normally the winner for the week will control Stone Mist the longest.

Jade Quarry
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW

(edited by MikeT.9428)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


10 out of 10 engis use supply drop.

I see a nerf coming.
7second cast I think sounds about right.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: MikeT.9428


I think the strategy is make every class terrible but one so everyone rolls that and then the devs only have one class to balance.

Get your good warrior names in now!

Jade Quarry
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Rewian.9174


Grenades are now autoattacks, and to even the playing field for other classes who dont have spammable AoE, we increased the recharge on grenade #1 to 10 seconds.

Increased the damage of Hundered Blades.

Fixed a bug where one set of medium armor did not look like a trench coat. They all look like trench coats now. Working as Intended.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


Grenade Kit now heal enemies and damage allies.

Bomb Kit now has a larger explosion radius, but slows allies by 50% and gives a random Boon to enemies.

Flamethrower Kit now only targets Level 1 Critters like Rabbits.

Elixir Kit no longer heals or does damage. It’s there to look nice.

Tool Kit is taken out of the game as it’s shield was deemed to OP.

Each Kit now takes 1 gold to activate each time.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


New elite:

- instantly kills your and ANet players characters on every server. cooldown 1 hour. Everyones repair bills are directly substracted from the players gold, or if not enough gold available, the players real life money. After you respawn, you are knocked down, knocked back or launched in the air randomly during the cooldown period.

Red Guard

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


Grenade Kit’s Attack Speed is buffed back by 30%

To compensate, Engineers can no longer wear armor.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


Engineers now move 20% slower for every kit equipped, to balance out their utility options.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


New Kit!

Shovel Kit!

1- Smack your Opponent in the head with a shovel!
2- Fling dirt in your Opponent’s face! Cast Blind!
3- Stab at your Opponent Viciously, causing Critical Damage and Bleed Damage!
4- Dig a pitfall in the ground, if Opponent walks over it, they fall in and become immobile and takes 3 seconds to get out!
5- Dig your own grave!

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


Grenades are buffed 15% incr damaged

mortar range is incr to 1500

to compensate for this The proffesion Engineer is now deleted

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Thet.7153


the “I’m just too good at this proffesion” kit. All skills are for use when you feel sorry for your opponent, because this proffesion was created with such vast superiority over the other proffesions.

1) Nerf-nerf all of your damage by 33%, stacks up to 5 times, with no cooldown.
2) Self inflicted gunshot wound-shoot yourself in the foot causing bleeding and crippling.
3) Smoke break-your character stops, lights a cigarette, and takes a 3s smoke break.
4) Elixir WTK-tosses elixir at your opponet, granting quickness, retaliation, and 5 random boons.
5) Street clothes-removes armor and replaces them with your street clothes set.

cog in the wheel for the Tarnished Coast
did you call me a PUG, I am Militia.

(edited by Thet.7153)

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


big changes in the near future for eng? I think not after this:

Hey guys,

Just to help provide some clarity on this, we’ll be releasing within the next couple of weeks a high level summary of our big plans for the first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our goals for the game, information about the stories and features that you’ll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.

To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a relatively small release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases and beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we’re talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you’d only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.

More details and specifics to come in the next couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide some more insight into what to expect at a very high level.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


big changes in the near future for eng? I think not after this:

Hey guys,

Just to help provide some clarity on this, we’ll be releasing within the next couple of weeks a high level summary of our big plans for the first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our goals for the game, information about the stories and features that you’ll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.

To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a relatively small release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases and beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we’re talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you’d only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.

More details and specifics to come in the next couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide some more insight into what to expect at a very high level.

While I don’t see anything to really suggest that there’s nothing coming the Engineer’s way, I did see what I just bolded – which seems to imply that there’s some work on the existing game on the way.

Here’s hoping that it’s going to involve hella bugfixes.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: ClaviculaNox.8762


MAKE KITS/Weapon Kits get stats from our weapons

I’m not Obsessed , I’m POSSESSED!

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Yeah, they’ve intended to do that for a while now.

Of course, they intended the same thing with Sigils on kits. Look what happened when they did that.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: dirtyshame.1863


Found some secret Patch notes from Devs

Skills and improvements

Toss/consuming elixirs now creates an AoE cripple and bleed on all enemies not wearing shoes when the bottle hits the ground. To compensate, Engineers will be billed 1 silver littering fee for every bottle dropped.

Turrets health and damage output have been doubled. The turrets are now heavier give themselves stability when deployed and to the engineer when stowed. However, the engineer experiences a 25% loss in overall speed movement for each turret stowed. Careful if you’re holding 4, you will be the unmovable statue.

New Turret: Tripod Camera: allows enemies to create screen shots of themselves after they successfully stomp the engineer.

Trait line improvement for tools. Scattered Toolbox: As your fumble around looking for parts, the engineer creates 3 seconds of fury and 3 seconds of self inflicting confusion when toolkit is equipped.

Pistol #1 no change, but a little flag comes out the end saying “Bang”. Pistol #2 has been fixed. It now misses with every shot as intended.

Weapon stats now effect kits which means the overall damage output of kits must be tweaked to compensate.
Grenades now have pins to pull making cast time 2 seconds and if caught by enemy player may
be thrown back at the casting engineer.
Flamethrower works under water (yay just like elementalists who can still attune to fire underwater) creating extreme heat and boiling water around enemies. Enemies are relaxed, regain HP, but are too lazy to actually attack you.
Flamethrower #2 is now a targeted AoE, but instead of exploding hands out sticks with marshmallows to all in range. Flamethrower #1 now causes fuel leak igniting the engineer on fire allowing for those with cooking of 325 or higher to cook marshmallows on engineers burning body.
Bomb kit explosions now can be traited to work 75% faster, but they can damage the casting engineer and allies.
Elixir gun #2 has been replaced with Snot Rocket covering the enemy in a green sticky ooze. Enemies flee in terror for 3 seconds. Engineer is forced to /laugh for 5 seconds after cast.

All elixirs now have same 30 second CD and create random abilities. We don’t even know what they do, we closed our eyes and just coded blindly on this part. Have fun.

Static discharge has been changed to compensate for the extreme burst. After each cast the engineer gets a 10 second stack of “Charged”, at 3 stacks the Engineer becomes fully charged and all enemies are pulled to the engineer and cannot be removed without jumping in water.

Gadgets now have passive skills. Goggles allow the engineer to see the enemies without any armor. Rocket boots now play “Rocket man” constantly in the background. Slick shoes now give you the appearance of Data from the Goonies movie. Battering ram turns into a small mechanical ram that can be ridden (50% movement decrease, 100% fun increase).

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Found some secret Patch notes from Devs

Skills and improvements

Toss/consuming elixirs now creates an AoE cripple and bleed on all enemies not wearing shoes when the bottle hits the ground. To compensate, Engineers will be billed 1 silver littering fee for every bottle dropped.

Turrets health and damage output have been doubled. The turrets are now heavier give themselves stability when deployed and to the engineer when stowed. However, the engineer experiences a 25% loss in overall speed movement for each turret stowed. Careful if you’re holding 4, you will be the unmovable statue.

New Turret: Tripod Camera: allows enemies to create screen shots of themselves after they successfully stomp the engineer.

Trait line improvement for tools. Scattered Toolbox: As your fumble around looking for parts, the engineer creates 3 seconds of fury and 3 seconds of self inflicting confusion when toolkit is equipped.

Pistol #1 no change, but a little flag comes out the end saying “Bang”. Pistol #2 has been fixed. It now misses with every shot as intended.

Weapon stats now effect kits which means the overall damage output of kits must be tweaked to compensate.
Grenades now have pins to pull making cast time 2 seconds and if caught by enemy player may
be thrown back at the casting engineer.
Flamethrower works under water (yay just like elementalists who can still attune to fire underwater) creating extreme heat and boiling water around enemies. Enemies are relaxed, regain HP, but are too lazy to actually attack you.
Flamethrower #2 is now a targeted AoE, but instead of exploding hands out sticks with marshmallows to all in range. Flamethrower #1 now causes fuel leak igniting the engineer on fire allowing for those with cooking of 325 or higher to cook marshmallows on engineers burning body.
Bomb kit explosions now can be traited to work 75% faster, but they can damage the casting engineer and allies.
Elixir gun #2 has been replaced with Snot Rocket covering the enemy in a green sticky ooze. Enemies flee in terror for 3 seconds. Engineer is forced to /laugh for 5 seconds after cast.

All elixirs now have same 30 second CD and create random abilities. We don’t even know what they do, we closed our eyes and just coded blindly on this part. Have fun.

Static discharge has been changed to compensate for the extreme burst. After each cast the engineer gets a 10 second stack of “Charged”, at 3 stacks the Engineer becomes fully charged and all enemies are pulled to the engineer and cannot be removed without jumping in water.

Gadgets now have passive skills. Goggles allow the engineer to see the enemies without any armor. Rocket boots now play “Rocket man” constantly in the background. Slick shoes now give you the appearance of Data from the Goonies movie. Battering ram turns into a small mechanical ram that can be ridden (50% movement decrease, 100% fun increase).

Saw Goonies reference, left satisfied.

Red Guard

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


…that Gadgets change actually sounds hilarious. I would actually use the Battering Ram, just for comedy.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


The Rifles and Pistols shall be made kits so the engineer will be “improved” to include extra keys to press in order to get those attacks as well.

Bombs no longer have an explosive radius they just have a puff of rainbow smoke.

The bullets from the #2 attack on pistols have been removed and replaced with the much more useful gag flag that says “BANG BANG”

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Bombs no longer have an explosive radius they just have a puff of rainbow smoke.

Holy crap, you replaced the bomb kit with Quipbombs.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


Here what I see coming lol. Grenades, for as little as 30 pts into explosive, engineers can now throw more grenades for the exact same damage. Grenades now can be use to fully counter thief, every time the thief is hit he gain 3 secs of stealth per grenade. Mesmer will now also get one clone per grenade, making the Mesmer extremely confused that he won’t be able to figure out the real one himself. Guardians will now be tickle instead of receiving damage by grenades. Warrior will now get frenzy every time a grenade land near him. Anytime a necro is down, some where in the world of guild wars 2 an engineer will be kill instead. If an engineer downs a ranger, he will incur the cost of repair for that ranger multiply by a random number from 1-100. All players that have a lv 80 engineer main will now be limited to that one character slot and must pay a monthly fee to play. Last but not least, engineer will now be charge 100 gold or the equivalent amount in runes for the players convenience for posting in the official forum. Thank you for playing.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: FiftyTwoBears.5482


Engineer’s now pay the repair costs of whoever kills them.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


Kitt Kit: You become Knight Rider.