Leveling Engie Build with no Grenades?
what level are you? Kinda hard to make a build when we dont know how many skill points or utility we have to play with
Draci – 80 Guardian ( on hold)
-Far Silverpeak-
I’m pretty low level (20-ish) and I’m rocking twin turrets, medkit, and flamethrower kit. The flamethrower is just there for the looks..I only use rifles.
I like to use bombs personally. Go up the explosives/firearms/alchemy trees, and use Bomb kit, Elixir B, and either another elixir or a kit that has a good tool belt skill. Being in melee range is a little tricky, but once you get kiting down as well as the feel of the bomb kit it becomes very easy to master.
I need a build with no nades. I’m tired of them being so strong that they’re in so many builds.
You pretty much need either grenades or mines. I actually do just fine with pistols and mines. Grenades are just for when I can’t be bothered to run all the way over there somewhere to do AoE and want to do it from where I currently am. With 1500 range, it’s pretty much “if I can see it, I can AoE it”. Just too darn convenient.
Turrets are nice and all, but their stationary nature and cooldowns are a killer, for me at least. Leveling is just such a mobile process that it totally clashes with turret spec.
I’d like a build where I didn’t need to put points in explosives and utilise them at all, but for now all the viable builds seem to favor them since they simply out-perform the other alternatives. Gotta wait for some rebalancing on this …
Condition engineer, rotate pistols / grenades / bombs. Just drop smoke bomb to get as many ranged mobs as possible inside and then drop everything on everyone.
Not as good for bosses or dredge though, so back to spamming 1
Slightly Tanky PVE Condition Engineer.
Healing Turret, Rocket Boots, Flamethrower, Net Turret, Supply Crate.
Change out Rocket Boots for elixir gun if bored.
Infused Precision, Hair Trigger, Coated Bullets
Energized Armour, Reinforced Shield
Invigorating Speed
Kit Refinement/Speedy Kits
Its what i used to get to 80 and it’s what i still use as i find anything that requires grenades boring.
I have great fun running with flamethrower+elixir B and Firearms trait line. High crit rate allows the flamethrower to stack large amount of bleeds on multiple mobs very quickly. For tough fights (soloing veterans with adds), I switch between pistol-shield and flamethrower. Very good damage and good control options. Obviously soloing veterans is easier with my guardian, but the Engineer also can do a veteran + 3/4 adds without much trouble.
Any build will be easy to level with. I played a few builds but FT with high power/precision was the most fun. Note using the thumper turrent is needed as monster will attack it instead of you
Leveling is generally easy enough that you can use any kit and do well (medkit excepting, of course.) Despite how it’s derided, I actually level just fine with my toolkit, though I pair it with gadgets instead of turrets (the rocket kick is a nice ability to have on the toolbelt if you’re going melee.)
Don’t underestimate the elixir gun. It’s got all the same utility as the rifle (minus the jump), but with a heal, a combo field, and condition damage thrown in. The acid pool is especially deadly if you cripple the target first, and the condition damage on #1 synergizes perfectly with a pistol build- and gets increased range from the same traits as well. Toss in the toolkit (that wrench hurts) or mines for a melee range finishing punch and you got it made.
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259
I leveled with Flamethrower almost the entire way. A couple turrets here and there, Asura Pain Inverter racial power, and I don’t think Elixir B ever left my bar while leveling.
Was a lot of fun.
Don’t underestimate the elixir gun. It’s got all the same utility as the rifle (minus the jump)
What? The jump is literally the only thing the two actually DO have in common. Does the elixir gun have a knockback or an immobilize? No. But it has a jump, and so does the rifle.
The elixir gun serves its purpose, but it’s not good for leveling. The toolbelt regen is useful (it’s worth keeping it equipped just for that sometimes), as are the supportive kit skills, but if you keep it out and kill things with it, it’s going to take way longer than just using a normal weapon or another kit. It’s good when surviving a long fight is more important than high damage, but when leveling you want to burn through mobs as fast as possible.