Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732



I wonder what would be the best setup for levelling. I’m currently trying bomb kit and flamethrower (turrets for events), I didnt like the grenade kit. What would be the best utilities for levelling? Also, which heal? I tried first aid kit but it seemed weird and difficult to use


Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: Raiff.6742


FT is said to have the lowest damage potential. I leveled using turrets and wrench. Wrench is a good melee kit for when baddies get in close, and turrets are just fun. Not to mention wrench attacks heal your turrets. Get Static Discharge and even when not deployed, your turret skills bring good damage abilities.

I currently run Turrets and FT/Elixer gun at level 80.

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Healing turret for the heal, gives condi removal, regen, and great hps. Bomb will be better than FT. I’d say go rifle/bomb and then it’s up to you. Nades are inferior if you’re not traiting for grenadier.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Thanks guys, is exactly what I’m using, Healing turret + bomb kit,and elixir B fro speed buff (switching it for a turrent on DEs)

Looking forward to unlock more stuff, engi is really fun

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i levelled with bombs and medi kit (sure turret is better for actual healing)
put medikit skill #5 on auto cast and switch to medikit for a long duration swiftness that has a higher uptime than downtime, throw in “speedy kits” too for perma switness and you don’t need to swap kits too much

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: That Guy.5704

That Guy.5704

by the time I got fully leveled I had settles into the following:

Heal: turret. When you need the heal, real fast hit 6-6-F1. You place it, overcharge it which releases a water field and then blow it up which is a blast finisher in the water field. That is all on a 20s cooldown. If you wait even a second or 2 to hit 6 the second time, it takes an additional 3 seconds to overcharge instead of happening right away.

Kits: Grenades when you get to a champ fight. Can stay at a pretty long range and has high damage if you are accurate. They should all go down pretty fast. Flamethrower for event tagging. Bombs for normal mobs. Run in a small circle gather 3-4-5, find a middle position and start placing bombs. When they get close, especially if one is a vet, drop bomb 3, 4 for confuse and blind. If mobs are spaced out can go for rifle as you run toward them to get a few shots in before you ever get to melee range. Just makes individual things go faster.

Underwater: elixir gun. in spread mobs. bombs close, grenades for champs. underwater grenades both auto target and auto attack

(edited by That Guy.5704)

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Bomb, rifle turret (switch to elixir gun vs troublesome content), and rocket boots (mobility is key to leveling). IMO, this will ensure a fairly carefree leveling experience. Make sure you have swiftness from speedy kits (get it asap). Pick up healing turret because you will need to learn to use it.

Also keep in mind the toolbelt skill for rifle turret has a really short cooldown so don’t be afraid to fire away if your turret is dead.

Grenades are not good without grenadier which is sadly a grandmaster trait, meaning grenades are pretty much out of contention while leveling.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kabuki.9103


Grenades and Edge of Mist Karma trains!

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Thanks guys I will make sure to test some of your suggestions Right now I’m lvel 24 using bombs and turrets.

God, no one told me the engineer was soooo fun. Explosions, explosions everywhere :P

Levelling? Bombs? Flamethrower?

in Engineer

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I leveled mostly with the FT but my tactic was always, run in, grab a ton of NPC’s BURN BABY BURN as the damage from flame jet would burn everything.

It worked well for me