Levelling Engineer - Good PvE Weapon Choice?

Levelling Engineer - Good PvE Weapon Choice?

in Engineer

Posted by: PapaSprague.5817


Since Engineers can’t weapon swap in combat (except for using kits), I was pondering a good weapon combo for PvE. The pros and cons I can see from the combos, as a novice player, seem to be…

Rifle – Good AoE at close range through Jump Shot/Blunderbuss, as well as good enemy control.

Pistol/Shield – Conditions and anti-range abilities.

Pistol/Pistol – Conditions and more conditions!

It seems like Pistol/Pistol would be best in PvE, for stacking Bleed/Poison/Burn.

Representing Carnelian [Gem] on Blackgate!

(edited by PapaSprague.5817)

Levelling Engineer - Good PvE Weapon Choice?

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

High Skill High Reward

1) Grenade Kit (AoE Damage and Conditions)
2) Tool Kit (Single Target Confusion + Utility skills)
3) Bomb Kit (PBAoE Damage and Conditions. Includes Confusion and fields)
4) Rifle (High Damage. Pseudo Melee)

Low Skill Medium Reward

1) Med Kit (Healing, Condition Removal, Fury and Swiftness)
2) Elixir Gun (AoE Party Heals and Condition Removal. Also Single target Weakness)
3) Pistol Pistol (Lots of conditions)
4) Pistol Shield (Some conditions, good defense)

Low Skill Low Reward

1) Flamethrower (CC and Damage)

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Levelling Engineer - Good PvE Weapon Choice?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


The rifle is better as a stand-alone leveling weapon than p/p or p/s for most level ranges. You’ll probably find yourself wanting to use at least one kit, though. Bomb kit is probably our best leveling kit, and flamethrower may make a good leveling kit now since its high-damage ability can now hit since the last patch. Grenades are good after level 60.

Levelling Engineer - Good PvE Weapon Choice?

in Engineer

Posted by: PapaSprague.5817


Thank you both for the swift responses. Sounds like I had a good idea on the equippable weapons.

I’ll certainly try out kits when I unlock more of them! I only have one skill slot open, and I have it set to my flame turret. Using dual pistols for now.

Representing Carnelian [Gem] on Blackgate!