

in Engineer

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Sorry for the crappy music, recorded with no sound so added in best i could find.
Mainly testing if my Laptop can handle recording like in Beta. Not as good as beta weekends but I can still record on low settings! So i will be making more videos with any free time i have.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]


in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


are you using fraps? if you are, consider changing to dxtory. it’s vastly superior in my opinion and it won’t tax your hard drive as much. with that laptop you should be fine recording without lowest settings.
About the gameplay itself, it was solid, even more so because you are sub 80 and lasted longer than all the rest. Just a couple of things: don’t shoot thieves with dagger storm, the only non-projectile you have is blowtorch; also, when running away don’t forget you can turn the camera back and shoot glue shot while still running away. it helps alot escaping.
it was also fun watching my build (or at least my utility choices) being played by someone else, first time :p

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:


in Engineer

Posted by: TriskaiX.7014


nice vid Otaur
you have better WvW skills than me xD
I used to run a similar build but with elixer U or R instead of C
your traits look like 10/30/0/30/0
with burn on crit, pistol and elixer recharge reduction, pistol pierce, maybe +range too
HGH and cleansing formula


in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


Upscaled 60 blues glass pistol engi? Surviving for that long against all that? Maybe being a tiny asura helps, but still pretty good.

I know you’re probably not playing serious, but I’d use food if I were you. Super helpful and so cheap.


in Engineer

Posted by: Shadow.3475


This is still small group fights, show me how to survive when you run in to Iron group with 30man zerg or Viz 50man Zerg with a engineer and get kills when you can heal about 30% off your max heal with 10sec CD.


in Engineer

Posted by: BrimstoneAshe.5043


This is still small group fights, show me how to survive when you run in to Iron group with 30man zerg or Viz 50man Zerg with a engineer and get kills when you can heal about 30% off your max heal with 10sec CD.

This wouldn’t be an ideal build if you’re primarily in zerg warfare. A grenade/elixir gun build is probably going to be the better option I would think. You don’t take a 4 wheel drive to a drag race and expect it win.

Good job to the OP on keeping yourself safe as the big green arrow over your head always makes for a tempting target.

Asuran Engineer – Norn Ranger
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock


in Engineer

Posted by: Otaur.9268


nice vid Otaur
you have better WvW skills than me xD
I used to run a similar build but with elixer U or R instead of C
your traits look like 10/30/0/30/0
with burn on crit, pistol and elixer recharge reduction, pistol pierce, maybe +range too
HGH and cleansing formula

At the time in the video i was 0/30/3/30/0

@Maskaganda.2043: Yes I am using fraps. Back in beta I could run everything on max settings, but they did some “optimizing” after release and I can no longer run everything maxed. I don’t know what they changed, but it killed fps.

@Everyone, thanks for the comments, I will record gameplay as I play and will edit/upload when I get time!

@Chickenshoes.6250: I usually use some low level mushrooms for the 40 precision +50 condition damage as I have about 100 of them. So until I run out of them and actually have some gold, I will stick with them. I have 12silver to my name and only 3 pieces of exotics (bought of TP).
Never have I had an exotic drop in game, played since Beta Weekend 1.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

(edited by Otaur.9268)


in Engineer

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


There is nothing about WvW in this video.
This is ganking, roaming, dueling or even sPvP video, but not WvW, sorry.

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)


in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


There is nothing about WvW in this video.
This is ganking, roaming, dueling or even sPvP video, but not WvW, sorry.

This is a pretty long skirmish on the WvW map. What did you want, footage of a door getting disassembled splinter by splinter? A big zerg mopping the keep floor with a smaller zerg?

It’s not ganking, nobody died one-sidedly or in repetition.

It’s not roaming, he’s with other people in a fixed area outside an objective.

He’s not dueling, there’s tons of stuff happening all at once.

There was nothing structured about it.

Come back when you know anything about what you’re talking about.


in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


There is nothing about WvW in this video.
This is ganking, roaming, dueling or even sPvP video, but not WvW, sorry.

you should show us what real wvw is since apparently none of us knows.
I guess you think zerging stuff up is where you see skills.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:


in Engineer

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


There is nothing about WvW in this video.
This is ganking, roaming, dueling or even sPvP video, but not WvW, sorry.

This is a pretty long skirmish on the WvW map. What did you want, footage of a door getting disassembled splinter by splinter? A big zerg mopping the keep floor with a smaller zerg?

It’s not ganking, nobody died one-sidedly or in repetition.

It’s not roaming, he’s with other people in a fixed area outside an objective.

He’s not dueling, there’s tons of stuff happening all at once.

There was nothing structured about it.

Come back when you know anything about what you’re talking about.

I just tried to avoid to say more rude, but if you wish...
Ok, we calling it Pug-Wars and this is still not WvW ^^

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)


in Engineer

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


There is nothing about WvW in this video.
This is ganking, roaming, dueling or even sPvP video, but not WvW, sorry.

you should show us what real wvw is since apparently none of us knows.
I guess you think zerging stuff up is where you see skills.

WvW – about making income points. This random fights will not make it.
Zerging stuff? Hmmm, looks like insulting… And maybe you need to find more professional guild and this “zerging” becomes to “organized battles”?

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)


in Engineer

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Maskaganda.2043 dont mean its anything wrong with 1vs1 fights its just that never happens if your on SFR except maybe in JP, at least not if your going to help your server, the enemy allways run at least in 5man groups and then it is 4-5 groups like that close so even if it start with 5 at the end its 30+ and there a engineer have nothing to ofer except free kill for the enemy

When I play my engineer with I love I always defend because manning a arrow cart, ballista I can help but if I try to jump down in the fight am dead within 3sec.

Now I play Guardian more and more because there I can jump down in the middle off the enemy zerg and help my server and I have a chance off surviving.

(edited by Shadow.3475)


in Engineer

Posted by: Malvado.1460


Now I play Guardian more and more because there I can jump down in the middle off the enemy zerg and help my server and I have a chance off surviving.

you can do that too as enginner .. /sight


in Engineer

Posted by: Oakwind.6187


@Otaur: Please forgive me for the random order of topics. I am writing this at work between tasks.

+1 for having the courage to post gameplay. I really like how you seem acutely aware of your surroundings and what to do most of the time. This is the foundation of a successful engineer.

I would like to offer some advise if I may. First of all, I recommend going in strong when wanting to burst. Your blowtorch (Pistol #4) needs to hit at point blank for maximum damage. Try immobilising your opposition first with Glue Shot before applying burning. Note that you can time Static Shot so that their alpha strike fails after the Immobilize wears out. Secondly you missed out a lot on Might stacks from Elixir B toss. You should constantly have this on cooldown if you run Elixir C, as I assume that means no formula 409. On some fights outside fortifications I noticed you were not at full health and had both Elixir H and the tossed version off cooldown. Make your best effort to always have either Regeneration up while not at full health, or use Elixir H aggressively to keep yourself topped off so as to maximize combat effectiveness. In this regard try not to use dodges for sideways movement to collect bags :P You often need to dodge once to avoid a disable, followed by incoming burst damage packets. Remember pistol #1 explodes, so you can spread bleeds on tower defenders to harass and suppress. This property right there makes pistols really potent in WvW.

If you run P/P, I wouldn’t recommend stacking sigils. My personal favourite is Sigil of Nullification and Sigil of Generosity. The former removing a boon on crit at 60% chance with 10s CD. Very effective against roamers who depend on Regen or Protection. The latter on the other hand helps deal with conditions without having to rely on 409 or Elixir C to remove non-damage conditions. It can be argued that using Generosity is a risk, and is correct; you could use Purity instead, but I personally prefer the unpredictability that Sigil of Generosity represents.

For food, I recommend running with Rare Veggie Pizza or it’s lower level variants to prolong conditions you inflict.

Landing glue shot against melee, thieves in particular is very important. Always try to use it so that it’s no more than 300 distance away from you, so you can run over it and gain distance. Don’t use it to stop people, if at all possible. When it’s on cooldown and 600 units away from you, that’s when you’re vulnerable to melee. Maximize Pistol #2 and #4 by dodging or Elixir S:ing their burst, plopping glue shot and shooting point blank. Similarly, when you select placement for Supply Drop, immediately decide if you want to use the stun or the supplies. If you must stun the enemy, hit autorun to move forward, turn the camera and drop it on them. If you want the heal, drop it a little ways in front of you so you can run and collect all the medkits for heal. That way you also have a little leeway in choosing where to go from the spot of the supply drop. The key to being a successful engineer in WvW is to use all your supplies efficiently.

Also, check your misguided air of superiority at the door SilverWF. In case you aren’t busy reciting the tenets of the elitist’s handbook through your monocle at present, please note that all the information we are given is that it’s about LilEngineer, and WvW somehow. I recommend you query the OP for his/her intent before you make silly assertions about professionalism or correctness in a video game.

I play Engineer.
Balthazar runes are broken.


in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Don’t feed the SilverWF troll guys.

Good video LilEngi! Go get some gold now!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]


in Engineer

Posted by: Otaur.9268


@Otaur: Please forgive me for the random order of topics. I am writing this at work between tasks.

+1 for having the courage to post gameplay. I really like how you seem acutely aware of your surroundings and what to do most of the time. This is the foundation of a successful engineer.

I would like to offer some advise if I may. First of all, I recommend going in strong when wanting to burst. Your blowtorch (Pistol #4) needs to hit at point blank for maximum damage. Try immobilising your opposition first with Glue Shot before applying burning. Note that you can time Static Shot so that their alpha strike fails after the Immobilize wears out. Secondly you missed out a lot on Might stacks from Elixir B toss. You should constantly have this on cooldown if you run Elixir C, as I assume that means no formula 409. On some fights outside fortifications I noticed you were not at full health and had both Elixir H and the tossed version off cooldown. Make your best effort to always have either Regeneration up while not at full health, or use Elixir H aggressively to keep yourself topped off so as to maximize combat effectiveness. In this regard try not to use dodges for sideways movement to collect bags :P You often need to dodge once to avoid a disable, followed by incoming burst damage packets. Remember pistol #1 explodes, so you can spread bleeds on tower defenders to harass and suppress. This property right there makes pistols really potent in WvW.

If you run P/P, I wouldn’t recommend stacking sigils. My personal favourite is Sigil of Nullification and Sigil of Generosity. The former removing a boon on crit at 60% chance with 10s CD. Very effective against roamers who depend on Regen or Protection. The latter on the other hand helps deal with conditions without having to rely on 409 or Elixir C to remove non-damage conditions. It can be argued that using Generosity is a risk, and is correct; you could use Purity instead, but I personally prefer the unpredictability that Sigil of Generosity represents.

For food, I recommend running with Rare Veggie Pizza or it’s lower level variants to prolong conditions you inflict.

Landing glue shot against melee, thieves in particular is very important. Always try to use it so that it’s no more than 300 distance away from you, so you can run over it and gain distance. Don’t use it to stop people, if at all possible. When it’s on cooldown and 600 units away from you, that’s when you’re vulnerable to melee. Maximize Pistol #2 and #4 by dodging or Elixir S:ing their burst, plopping glue shot and shooting point blank. Similarly, when you select placement for Supply Drop, immediately decide if you want to use the stun or the supplies. If you must stun the enemy, hit autorun to move forward, turn the camera and drop it on them. If you want the heal, drop it a little ways in front of you so you can run and collect all the medkits for heal. That way you also have a little leeway in choosing where to go from the spot of the supply drop. The key to being a successful engineer in WvW is to use all your supplies efficiently.

Also, check your misguided air of superiority at the door SilverWF. In case you aren’t busy reciting the tenets of the elitist’s handbook through your monocle at present, please note that all the information we are given is that it’s about LilEngineer, and WvW somehow. I recommend you query the OP for his/her intent before you make silly assertions about professionalism or correctness in a video game.

No i do not use formula 409, still getting used to throwing potions, as I spend a lot of time watching my surroundings and not cooldowns. I thought about using the sigils you suggested, but 2 on crit sigils is not useful as when one goes off it puts both of them on cooldown.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]


in Engineer

Posted by: Oakwind.6187


To be honest I wasn’t aware of this. Is this stated somewhere?

I play Engineer.
Balthazar runes are broken.


in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987


@Otaur, fine Pistol and Pots play. Welcome to the club!

For gold I recommend living in WvW or repeating AC paths 1,2,3 each day. For AC that usually requires a guild. Nice thing about grinding AC though is that it’s nice xp towards 80.