Livestream 1/18 Engineer is fine?
So grenades or gtfo!? Will these devs ever understand the sting of their words?
I watched all of those interviews but I don’t remember them mentioning that (or engineers specifically at all actually). Was this from the twitch thing or something else? I personally feel like grenades are fine in PvE, but in PvP they’re obscenely hard to land unless you’re in melee range. They basically just force people to move around more than they might do normally (to stay out of your little red circles). I sometimes slot grenades in PvP just for grenade barrage though…net shotting someone followed by barrage and maybe even the extra kit refinement barrage does pretty crazy damage.
when a glass cannon engineer (power/precision/crit damage) can achieve the same single or aoe damage potential as a meat shield warrior can (power/toughness/vitality) then i’ll be happy starting at 30:30
“We’re looking at all professions at all times,” huh? They sure as hell aren’t showing it.
^Yeah, just going on this forum page and still seeing no red is a testament to that. We do need reworking for a large amount of our skills to be “fine” by anyones standards. I could go on about whats not fine and so can everyone else here, but no, we still aren’t where we need to be, where ever it is Anet says that is -.-
I remember a while ago that they released a chart showing profession breakdown also, and engineer was by far the lowest played. Wonder if it’s changed that much since then?
I would love to see an update of that chart as well.
Mesmers were the least popular then but that must have changed by now.
If you really want to, anyone with access to a polling site and time can set up a poll for this, maybe even set up a facebook poll that anyone can answer if it allows you to without log in, and simply post a link on each professions forum, or dulfy if he can get one going on his site. But yes, with how prepared Colin was when that question came up, Im really doubting that he’s telling the whole truth. Keeping fingers crossed this future infraction doesn’t get me banned from forums, if this post dissapears and you no longer see me posting, you know why :D
If you really want to, anyone with access to a polling site and time can set up a poll for this, maybe even set up a facebook poll that anyone can answer if it allows you to without log in, and simply post a link on each professions forum, or dulfy if he can get one going on his site. But yes, with how prepared Colin was when that question came up, Im really doubting that he’s telling the whole truth. Keeping fingers crossed this future infraction doesn’t get me banned from forums, if this post dissapears and you no longer see me posting, you know why
I doubt Colin plays his Engineer often, myself, or has played it much. Doesn’t help that the Host felt it necessary to comment “To be fair, the engineer is still awesome with the grenade build.” or whatever it was, which just seems like a setup/cue.
It honestly almost seems like they only mentioned the Engineer to mention ‘the Grenade build’ so Colin can go “Yeah, that’s what I run on my guy. I agree, ’s pretty awesome” and then go on to say, essentially, “Different profession, different intended playstyle” without actually addressing anything regarding what might make the Engineer feel weaker. They don’t mention the weakened weapon damage, the pervasive bugs, the lackluster everything-but-kits (and a couple Elixirs), nothing. I am sorely tempted to call shenanigans on that particular section of the interview, if not the whole thing.
Of course, there’s always the chance that Colin really does play an Engineer, and play them often. I just happen to doubt it.
Also: According to, the profession spread is fairly even.÷=charprofession
Of course, this just means that 10.8% of the characters people told GW2census they were making were Engineers. Not that they continued to play them. I’d like to see a chart from Anet, showing which profession was most played organized by amount of time played, as opposed to a simple fraction of all characters made.
(edited by Anymras.5729)
I cannot believe that the split between professions is remotely balanced. I’ve seen polls run among a few hundred players. Engineer and Necro run dead last, while Warriors pull ahead by a landslide. Seeing as much as 6x more Warriors then Engineers.
So no way its a balanced split. Perhaps the difference is, the polls i have seen ask the question “what is your main”. Im sure if you just ask how many Engineers are there, regardless of level or activity, it might not look so gloom. But with 5 character slots available, people are likely to make one. Doesnt mean they level it, or even play it anymore.
Skewed statistics at its finest.
Also the comment they are looking at professions all the time. No, just, no. They have a mere 2 devs working on professions. They cannot possibly keep track of the (meta)game like this. They dont play the professions, and dont test outside of limited and sterile environments.
But i am not surprised, considering their profession descriptions and the development theyve done upto this point. They are disconnected from the game. ANet thinking Engineer is fine, thats nothing new. We already know that they think Engineer is fine. And thats why, ive said this before, i expect more nerfs and no real fixes anytime soon. Because we need the devs to realize that its not fine, but they wont listen to us. When was the last time anyone saw a dev on this part of the forum?
I do believe that is old data, if not feel free to correct me and I’ll delete this to save space.
I’m not into dev bashing. The engi does have some strong builds that are capable of achieving at the level of most other professions, in the hands of a quite skilled player, of course.
That said, the dev response to that question was pretty bad. They should not be surprised at taking flak for that. The question started “My engineer feels weak…” and the first thing the dev responds with is, “We just nerfed grenades.”
“Versatility, tricks, and gadgets”—right after championing our cheesiest one-trick-pony build as the engineer’s full potential. Cool.
The devs aren’t clueless and they don’t hate engies, but people will look at bad responses like this and think otherwise.
The devs aren’t clueless and they don’t hate engies, but people will look at bad responses like this and think otherwise.
We know they aren’t clueless, but like you said its still the same issue. We still haven’t gotten a straight answer from devs, we’re left with horrendus patch notes and ‘answers’ that seem more setup than an american reality tv show. It makes us feel bad and they just repeat the same mistake, honestly listening to devs talking about engi is like dealing with missmissmissmiss flamethrower, its just frustrating and there is no apparent reason to why its happening.
The devs aren’t clueless and they don’t hate engies, but people will look at bad responses like this and think otherwise.
We know they aren’t clueless, but like you said its still the same issue. We still haven’t gotten a straight answer from devs, we’re left with horrendus patch notes and ‘answers’ that seem more setup than an american reality tv show. It makes us feel bad and they just repeat the same mistake, honestly listening to devs talking about engi is like dealing with missmissmissmiss flamethrower, its just frustrating and there is no apparent reason to why its happening.
Right, that shows what I meant pretty well. A lot of engineer players are frustrated, even though there are some decent builds and the problems aren’t as bad as they’re made out to be (although the problems are real). Why are people frustrated? Refer to first post.
(edited by NevirSayDie.6235)
I’m assuming colin only plays pve and has an easy time hitting predictable targets.
The devs aren’t clueless and they don’t hate engies, but people will look at bad responses like this and think otherwise.
I dont think theyd hate the profession, why hate something you create?
But is it really that hard to imagine they might just be a bit clueless? I think not. They approach the game from a different angle. Things that are clear to them are obscured to us, but this works both ways. And things that are clear to us are unknown to the devs.
Do i have to remind you about the whole profession description debacle again? Applying a hybrid tax for being versatile, then recognizing another profession as much more versatile but allowing that without a tax.
The very description of the Engineer conflicts with reality, and no steps have been made to bring reality and intent closer. So they must believe these two already meet.
Good example, they suppose the Engineer is a highly versatile profession. When in reality it is not. The best builds put forward, those that are trailing behind the least, are all highly specialized builds.
(edited by Terrahero.9358)
Ladies and gentlemen, the rant is about to begin, I’ll put this bluntly as possible. He’s either lying through his teeth or an idiot; or both. All I saw, in the Engineer portion of the video, was somebody dodging a bullet.
I’m calling him an idiot, simply because the split between professions is skewed data. They should be showing TIME PLAYED for each profession. Any bloke can create an Engineer, but who plays it, and who lets it sit in their character log in? And until I see factual hard data on this topic, I’ll take this as ignorance on his part.
I’m calling him a liar since he had the tenacity to say, “Grenade kit rocks, even after the update,” not to mention the other bloke actually agreed with him. It’s all quite sickening. I doubt this gentlemen has played the grenade kit (Or the Engineer?) since the update. Almost anyone here that has tried out the grenade kit since the last update would agree, that if you’re running, just a grenade build; your dps is outstandingly low compared to pistol, rifle, or other kit builds.
I’m just tired of this word, “versatility.” If our overlords are having a hard time figuring out what “versatility” means, remove it altogether. As of right now, any class that was supposed to be “versatile” is under powered. Over while, the classes that were not formed around “versatility” are insanely overpowered. What ever happened to this so called balance that or overlords were trying to achieve? If we were truly balanced, we would only have to press 1 and 2 to be on par with the Warrior; or the Warrior would have to use every single ability to kill one mob.
Our overlords need to give each class a role, in both pve and pvp, and build that class accordingly. Quit trying to build your classes around a single word. Why can’t they just give us a large selection of skills to choose from to make an 8 skill build. Where have I seen this before… GW1 perhaps?
They could just give me my kitten bug fixes, and either increase my overall dps, or lower the stupid long cool downs on my abilities. I would be on my way, and be merry.
This all boils down to the devs. Yes live streams are nice and informative to the community, but when it makes you look like a kitten, it damages your reputation with your own community. I’d rather have never seen that footage, and continue to pretend that our overlords knew what they were doing. I really hope they get their act together before they aggravate more of their own community.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
They seem so uninformed about their own game when it comes to the balance of professions.
Eh, it could be that he’s being taken out of context, and he was speaking about “the AoE issue” specifically. The question immediately before the Enge question was about Eles being on the “watch list” for having AoEs that are perhaps too strong, and the question immediately before THAT was about AoEs in general. It could simply be that he was only talking about Enges in that specific context because the questions were leading him that way.
If that’s the case, we can gleam that:
-enges are likely being ignored by any AoE nerf
-even when kits get the stat bugfix, ‘nades will stay around the same power level relative to other kits
-there’s an implicit suggestion that the devs see grenades = “Enge AoE”, so stuff like bombs and FT aren’t even being considered
-the talk about damage-based AoEs for both classes suggests that utility AoEs aren’t being looked at either, despite some of the more wild speculation on the general forum
One thing is certain: they didn’t say much about the state of the enge at all. It COULD be that they have no clue… but it’s more likely that they know, but it’s too big a project to talk seriously about until some other major issues are ironed out.
Still, it hurts nothing to remind them that things still need fixing…
“engineer is more for people who are looking to play with versatility, tricks, and gadgets. If there is something on engineer we need to tweak, we will take a look at it. "
Heh. The bolded part sounds like a good thread title.
Edit: one of the devs made an off-the-cuff remark that they might spread the portal ability so that more than just one class has it — Enge is the only profession that has a lore reason to have one, since Snaff had a mini-asura gate (a “Hole in his pocket”) in the “Edge of Destiny” novel. Just sayin’
(edited by Silentsins.3726)
I suppose they just don’t know how to fix engi without a thorough class rework, but they are to lazy to do it now.
And since we still have stubborn people playing engi and saying “engi is fine”, devs can continue to ignore us.
Well, I’m glad I have a warrior to do dungeons while we wait.
The devs aren’t clueless and they don’t hate engies, but people will look at bad responses like this and think otherwise.
I dont think theyd hate the profession, why hate something you create?
But is it really that hard to imagine they might just be a bit clueless? I think not. They approach the game from a different angle. Things that are clear to them are obscured to us, but this works both ways. And things that are clear to us are unknown to the devs.
Do i have to remind you about the whole profession description debacle again? Applying a hybrid tax for being versatile, then recognizing another profession as much more versatile but allowing that without a tax.
The very description of the Engineer conflicts with reality, and no steps have been made to bring reality and intent closer. So they must believe these two already meet.
Good example, they suppose the Engineer is a highly versatile profession. When in reality it is not. The best builds put forward, those that are trailing behind the least, are all highly specialized builds.
Fair enough. Logic tells me that developers skilled enough to create, advertise, and release a popular game like GW2 cannot be absolutely incompetent. However, statments like the one in this thread seem to indicate otherwise.
I fully expect that the original logic is correct, and this statement is just a bad blunder on the devs’ part. However, I can’t say I blame anyone who sees so many badly-worded statements like this and begins to assume that the devs really are that ignorant.
Another thing I’ve often wondered: engies are actually pretty good in WvW, so I’m wondering if maybe the devs are more focused on that game mode than others. Engineers:
Competent in WvW
Fine for world PvE, because everything’s fine there
Sort of all right in PvP, but not good enough for the meta
Bad at dungeons
I think a lot of the players on the engineer forums are thinking of dungeons and tournaments, and maybe the devs are thinking of Orr events and Keep defense. Again, not a shining reflection on the devs’ competence, but it could explain some things. Certainly, most of the players who defend engies as being powerful as-is are WvW players, and most who see them needing buffs are dungeon/tournament players.
They’ve already said they want each build to have 5 to 6 viable builds, and it’s pretty clear the Engineer is lacking there. I actually tend to agree with them that the Grenade builds are close to competitive anyway, it’s just a lot of the other stuff is an issue that needs to be fixed.
Tirydia – Scrapper
“grenade kit rocks even after update” i have seen 0 nade engis after patch in WvW. Pre patch it was played by many. Cold fact is our zerg zapper build deliver about same damage as warrior/guardian tank builds. (well they do more than us) Berserker is fun in groups but even finishing someone off is really hard. (zapper cant afford tiny dunk in build) I mostly put enemies to downed state and wish someone else finish them off. IF i get downed i just go afk. those 4 skills do nothin.
(edited by ikiturso.4026)
I think the biggest problem is they honestly do not do enough internal testing to really be familiar with profession balance intricacies across the board. And I don’t think they’re capable of it either, because from what I hear they’re VERY short staffed and have a ton of crap on their plate. Combine that with no PTR and it’s no wonder things are as they are.
I think obsidus got it right. In the Dec 14th patch Mesmers got the largest buff any class has ever seen in any patch. Not only that, but it buffed their best spec in many different ways, some of which still remain in the game after the 6k mind wrack fiasco that ensued.
To me they just seem clueless. The smoke bomb nerf killed engis in competitive PvP while things like shocking aura remain on eles. THAT is the definition of clueless.
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
I think obsidus got it right. In the Dec 14th patch Mesmers got the largest buff any class has ever seen in any patch. Not only that, but it buffed their best spec in many different ways, some of which still remain in the game after the 6k mind wrack fiasco that ensued.
To me they just seem clueless. The smoke bomb nerf killed engis in competitive PvP while things like shocking aura remain on eles. THAT is the definition of clueless.
got no idea what shocking aura on eles got to do with this but ele d/d being nerfed they are going down the same path
colin is probly spamming grenades on a target that has lost half of its brain or a mob who stands still
and i mean grenades? one spec is ’’ok’’ in pve and its done over
i would appricate if colin would go on his engineer and SHOW me how to play, something like this would be nice rather than writing crap on paper
everyone can write crap on paper
im sorry but these are the worst devs i have ever seen, they are completely clueless and wouldn’t know balanced if it slapped them in the face. which is something i really do think needs to happen.
how they can say the engineer is fine is beyond me. why does a warrior do better damage with a rifle than me? why do my pistols hit for about the same amount as a level 40 warrior .. while I am level 80.
why even give me a kitten flame thrower or elixir gun if those are going to be garbage …. just for fluff? I would rather have less kits if most are just fluff and have the concentrate on 2-3 that are pretty kitten awesome.
I just don’t see how people say Engineers are fine when I am getting outdamaged by my wifes warrior and shes in greens.
when a glass cannon engineer (power/precision/crit damage) can achieve the same single or aoe damage potential as a meat shield warrior can (power/toughness/vitality) then i’ll be happy
Agreed. It doesn’t have to be as good as the guardians, thieves or mesmers which apparently everybody at ANet plays. Or even as good as warriors at anything. It just has to be able to do something without sacrificing everything else to do it.
Colin is off his kittening gord if he thinks the engineer is fine. This is not the first time I’ve felt like they were completely blindfolded to the profession imbalances in their game. Put down the kittening statistical analysis reports and start paying attention to the people posting complaints on this forum. (At least to the complaints that are repeated ad infinitum.)
And this is why Engineers who don’t play their Engineers should delete immediately. Not only do the devs think you’re “fine”, they’re using the fact that you’re waiting for them to get their act together against you! That engineer gathering dust in your character slot is being cited as proof by the devs that they don’t need to fix the class, ever!
If you aren’t playing your engi until it’s “fixed”, delete if you ever want to see it fixed.
I’ve never played grenade spec because I’m not skilled enough to ground target, but I came up against a grenade Engineer while playing my Warrior today and I felt bad for the guy. I filled him with hot lead while watching grenades fly all over the place. When they did hit it wasn’t all that painful.
My P/S Engineer is fun to play, but nobody quakes in fear when I meet them in open field fights.
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
And this is why Engineers who don’t play their Engineers should delete immediately. Not only do the devs think you’re “fine”, they’re using the fact that you’re waiting for them to get their act together against you! That engineer gathering dust in your character slot is being cited as proof by the devs that they don’t need to fix the class, ever!
If you aren’t playing your engi until it’s “fixed”, delete if you ever want to see it fixed.
Absolutely true. I never thought of it that way but you’re right. I deleted mine to make a thief anyway. Talk about a great profession! Nobody in this game should ever play anything but mesmer, thief or guardian (maybe the occassional warrior and ele) because they just kick so much kitten it’s stupid.
And this is why Engineers who don’t play their Engineers should delete immediately. Not only do the devs think you’re “fine”, they’re using the fact that you’re waiting for them to get their act together against you! That engineer gathering dust in your character slot is being cited as proof by the devs that they don’t need to fix the class, ever!
If you aren’t playing your engi until it’s “fixed”, delete if you ever want to see it fixed.
Absolutely true. I never thought of it that way but you’re right. I deleted mine to make a thief anyway. Talk about a great profession! Nobody in this game should ever play anything but mesmer, thief or guardian (maybe the occassional warrior and ele) because they just kick so much kitten it’s stupid.
I can’t believe you put Guardian on the list!
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
They will probably nerf our good builds to make useless builds viable, this what they have been doing in other updates.
And this is why Engineers who don’t play their Engineers should delete immediately. Not only do the devs think you’re “fine”, they’re using the fact that you’re waiting for them to get their act together against you! That engineer gathering dust in your character slot is being cited as proof by the devs that they don’t need to fix the class, ever!
If you aren’t playing your engi until it’s “fixed”, delete if you ever want to see it fixed.
Absolutely true. I never thought of it that way but you’re right. I deleted mine to make a thief anyway. Talk about a great profession! Nobody in this game should ever play anything but mesmer, thief or guardian (maybe the occassional warrior and ele) because they just kick so much kitten it’s stupid.
I can’t believe you put Guardian on the list!
While the warrior and elementalist do have builds that allow them to be OP under certain circumstances, guardians have had those since early on in the alpha. They have been kicking kitten longer than anybody else. Guardians are not that great in sPvP however, which is why I don’t mind that they are so great in PvE. But I’m talking about PvE in the original post. The difference in how easy it is to level my thief compared to my engineer, necromancer and even my warrior, is crazy. It’s a slaughterfest. I’m level 19 on my thief after 10 hours of playing. My guardian was about the same before I deleted him. Usually I get about one level per hour (even on my warrior).
And this is why Engineers who don’t play their Engineers should delete immediately. Not only do the devs think you’re “fine”, they’re using the fact that you’re waiting for them to get their act together against you! That engineer gathering dust in your character slot is being cited as proof by the devs that they don’t need to fix the class, ever!
If you aren’t playing your engi until it’s “fixed”, delete if you ever want to see it fixed.
Absolutely true. I never thought of it that way but you’re right. I deleted mine to make a thief anyway. Talk about a great profession! Nobody in this game should ever play anything but mesmer, thief or guardian (maybe the occassional warrior and ele) because they just kick so much kitten it’s stupid.
I can’t believe you put Guardian on the list!
While the warrior and elementalist do have builds that allow them to be OP under certain circumstances, guardians have had those since early on in the alpha. They have been kicking kitten longer than anybody else. Guardians are not that great in sPvP however, which is why I don’t mind that they are so great in PvE. But I’m talking about PvE in the original post. The difference in how easy it is to level my thief compared to my engineer, necromancer and even my warrior, is crazy. It’s a slaughterfest. I’m level 19 on my thief after 10 hours of playing. My guardian was about the same before I deleted him. Usually I get about one level per hour (even on my warrior).
I have a thief and what was most impressed upon me is I hadn’t seen anything squishier and more punishing of the tiniest mis-twitch than a thief.
Additionally, short bow feels both unimaginative and awkward on thief.
Compare this to engi, which can blind-and-kite tank lvl 9 vets at lvl 6.
I don’t know dude. I slaughter some kittens with my thief (poor kittens). Literally three or four heartseekers and any regular mob is dead. And that’s about the number of second the fights last too.
I love the thief’s shortbow. It hits three targets. All I have to do against a boss is spam the cripple every few seconds and use my utilities when they come up.
Granted, the thief not very forgiving of mistakes. But I duo’d the cave troll in Queensdale with a mesmer earlier today. I was level 15 with level 14 gear.
zonz, compare at lv 80 not 15 . . . also you can solo cave troll just by his poor pathing issues
Guardians are not that great in sPvP however, which is why I don’t mind that they are so great in PvE.
I’d love to know how a class that has been a permanent fixture in sPvP tournies, because it is so good as a bunker, is not great at sPvP?
It’s not uncommon for someone of any profession to think their class isn’t that great in sPvP. I mean, the community generally sees Thieves and Eles right now as doing very well in sPvP, but there are threads in their profession forums that have many opinions stating how bad they are.
There is some truth to it as well, given that many traits/utilities/weapons are still for the most part nonviable to use across many professions. Personally though, I’d agree that Guardians have always had a role in sPvP to play as a Retaliation Bunker. That alone has broken many multi-attack builds from being viable.
Tirydia – Scrapper
Colin and the entire dev team are idots. I hope they can read this:
Since the epic grenade nerf, not a single dev cared to check on us. Not a single comment, reply, or update was given on what they are planning with the class. The forums was filled with rants for weeks, but not a single word from those great devs.
Now Colin comes out of nowhere and says that his engineer is still awesome? He claims that they watch all 8 professions, yet only warriors are getting consistent buffs while elementalists and engineers suffer the same fate of only having one or two decent builds because other weapon sets are either bugged or are just really weak? This guy is a hypocrite – a big one. I hope he can read this so it can knock some sense in his mind.
You say you guys look at all 8 professions yet you turned a blind eye on engineers. What a great team.
It may sound like just ranting but this is entirely true. We only wished for some sort of communication. We just needed to know what they were planning with the class. But there was nothing at all and this guy pops out and tells engineers are fine. SMH
Yeah right.
If everyone who is not AT ALL happy with their engineer deleted their characters then we could see them looking into the problem.
When I do less dps than anyone else, there is a problem
When I have to piano through 20 skills (not exaggerating) to achieve a third of the burst dmg and control of a thief, there is a problem.
When I am being killed by an elementalist who is full hp after the 40 sec long 1v1 and I blew all my cooldowns, avoided all the large attacks there is a problem.
When I must play support in a dungeon or practically contribute nothing as a dps, there is a problem.
When I love playing that class but am forced to level up alts so that I can see over 2k numbers, then there’s a problem.
Are you people blind??? What is wrong with you realising that the damage of the engineer is WAY too low. And don’t start talking about grenade spamming or toolkit bunkering. I want to be able to play with something else than kits. I want to be able to DO damage instead of outlasting all other classes and hoping to god they are kitten
Yes, there are a couple of semi-viable builds. But is it fair that I do 1/5 the dps a warrior does? Yes i’m versatile. But I am also doing almost NOTHING in terms of damage.
So seriously, fix engineers. I quit for a month, my friends pulled me back into the game (and it’s a bloody great game overall) but after today’s humiliation both in pve and in 1v1s in WvW i’m about to quit. And it’s not only about the engineer. It’s about the attitude of “all is fine”.
A seriously disappointed engineer who has played MMOs for a decade but has never ever complained at an MMO forum in his life before. —-