Lock-On Trait doesn't work properly
I have seen people say this but haven’t seen or been abke to replicate it myself.
Can you suggest a way to replicate?
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
Short Explanation: This should be getting fixed in the next patch
Long Explanation: I believe this is the nature of what Irenio was talking about in the Balance preview.
“Revealed” normally shows up when the last stealth stack falls off. “Revealed” itself is supposed to remove stealth, however it only removes “one stack” of it rather than all stealth. This means that any external application of “Revealed”, Lock On for example, would remove only single stack of stealth. If your opponent had multiple sources of stealth (chaining smoke blast finishers), you’d only remove the latest source of stealth they applied to themselves, reducing the duration. This results in the opponent having “Revealed” yet not being revealed.
The new patch will make a player lose all instances of stealth upon gaining “revealed”, which SHOULD fix the issue with Lock-On.
Purity of Purpose
That would explain why i’ve had Lock On randomly fail and i couldn’t figure out why.
I was positive it was not on cooldown, and i hit the target while it was in stealth, yet it did nothing.
I theorycrafted another reason, but as long as they fix it I don’t really care that I was mistaken
Just made a noob vid: https://youtu.be/ChkGHOISMcQ
1.)Using Lock On while SR is ticking will make the Thief lost Stealth at next Tick.
2.)Using Lock On after SR will not make the Thief lose Stealth.
3.)Using Lock On while Thief is Blasting for Stealth will make him lose the Stealth at the next Blast. (Hard to see, but I believe it’s working this way.)I see it as they coded “Revealed” so you can’t ENTER stealth while you have the buff but it will not remove it.