Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: TheUndefined.1720



I’m sure there are probably dozens of these threads, and I apologize for adding to them. However, the ones I’ve read through either do not have enough information or too much. So I figured I’d make my own.

I’m a returning GW2 player from probably 1yr and a half – so basically new. I played my Engi upto around level 60. The build I loved the most was a personalized bunker-ish grenade / elixir build (I stood in one spot, drank elixirs, and just blasted things to death).

Upon returning, I’ve tried to follow builds, guides, and look over the updates. I’ve gone to heart of the mists and I’m just… totally overwhelmed. I can see this class is not an easy class to master; however, surely there is a build that doesn’t involve 25 buttons for 1 single rotation.

Please community, link / explain / show me an easy / fun to play engi build that does not require a novel to read or a rotation that is little more than me frantically pushing dozens of buttons and hoping for the best.

TLDR: Looking for an Engi build for pve that doesn’t require a novel to play or dozens of buttons to push for a single rotation. Something with survivability and is fun to play – I used to enjoy the elixir / grenade build.

Thanks so much again

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


If you liked nades/elix try them again.
the new alchemy trait is good and HGH is back to sweetness.
i really like hTurret/nades/elixU/elixS/mortar atm swapping thing around depending on situation
Is good in high end pvp with pugs.

Openworld i’d stick with FT ^^

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Take grenades if you want to push 1 button and get the best of the meh dmg. Sinister with aristocracy runes is pretty easy in pve. Take p/p with grenades/bombs/ft/mortar. With all the chill you can generate mobs will rarely get close to you, and you can just bleed them out with conditions.

You can swap traits around as wanted, and you can drop toolkit for bomb kit to get better damage if you don’t want the block. It’s modified off another guys build that was designed to be lazy.

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: TheUndefined.1720


Thank you all so very much for the suggestions. I wont’ lie, I was pretty nervous posting b/c of how long it’s been since I’ve played lol.

I was wrong though, it was the bombs that I loved using. I remember there was a skill where explosions healed and I would just sit and throw bombs. Of course, this didn’t work in dungeons so I’d switch out to Grenades.

I’ll try these out. The absolute last thing I want is more than one kit (ie I’d rather swap between weapon and just one kit (like bombs for open world and grenades for dungeons).

Currently I was trying grenades or bombs / elixir, but there’s so little healing going on and the elixir healing skill feels extremely weak even if I use F1 for buff. Again though, I’ll try these out. (Sidenote, I never liked Flamethrower… I know! I’m horrible ,_,)

Thanks so much again, I’ll def come back here for more questions. Hopefully that’s ok!

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Thank you all so very much for the suggestions. I wont’ lie, I was pretty nervous posting b/c of how long it’s been since I’ve played lol.

I was wrong though, it was the bombs that I loved using. I remember there was a skill where explosions healed and I would just sit and throw bombs. Of course, this didn’t work in dungeons so I’d switch out to Grenades.

I’ll try these out. The absolute last thing I want is more than one kit (ie I’d rather swap between weapon and just one kit (like bombs for open world and grenades for dungeons).

Currently I was trying grenades or bombs / elixir, but there’s so little healing going on and the elixir healing skill feels extremely weak even if I use F1 for buff. Again though, I’ll try these out. (Sidenote, I never liked Flamethrower… I know! I’m horrible ,_,)

Thanks so much again, I’ll def come back here for more questions. Hopefully that’s ok!

Ft is powerful because it has a hard hitting blast on a 6sec cd. With bombs it gives for very good might blasting, and it can be put into mortar 5 and healing turret fields for aoe heals. Grenades are your hardest hitting kit if you want to press one button, and it allows you to stay at a safeish range. Bombs hit a little bit harder against targets where other people are capping 25 vuln, but melee range most ppl want to avoid, so grenades work in both cases pretty well.

http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Backpack_Regenerator here is a passive sustain trait, though you can avoid lots of damage by keeping mobs chilled and having a constant speed boost.

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: TheUndefined.1720


I’m definitely feeling the pain in standing around in melee. Usually I kite in a circle (which is equally effective and hilarious to watch!) dropping bombs. I tried that backpack regenerator and I didn’t get a regen. I don’t know if it was supposed to show up as a buff or not, but even when I took it off I didn’t seen any of my health regen.

Thanks so much for the info on the kits! Also, thanks for putting up with my newbieness! I certainly don’t want to act like I know more than I do, just the playstyle I prefer playing – which I’m positive isn’t effective as others.

So far I’m planning on sticking with grenades whenever something won’t chase me around lol.

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


The trait doesn’t give you a buff, or the regen boon, you just heal a bit of health while you are wielding a kit.

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: TheUndefined.1720


Ah ok, great thank you

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: Chairman Wang.5930

Chairman Wang.5930

If you take flamethrower and bunker with some good crit chances, thats a pretty easy and fun build. The rest you can customize to your liking.

Another idea that I’ve toyed around theorycrafting is trying healing bombs again. Definitely going to need a group and I’m not convinced that its all that effective as a “proper build” but I can see it being easy and fun :P

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: Faction.4013


Good builds here. Going to post to Bookmark.

Thanks all.

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Take grenades if you want to push 1 button and get the best of the meh dmg. Sinister with aristocracy runes is pretty easy in pve. Take p/p with grenades/bombs/ft/mortar. With all the chill you can generate mobs will rarely get close to you, and you can just bleed them out with conditions.

You can swap traits around as wanted, and you can drop toolkit for bomb kit to get better damage if you don’t want the block. It’s modified off another guys build that was designed to be lazy.

I don’t know if I’d call the Sinister P/P rotation easy, at least not to optimize. If you want to run sub optimally and just try to hit your big hitters when you feel they’re up, both are “easy” but I wouldn’t call one easier than the other but you’re losing a lot of potential by not running the rotation “right”.

Still working on “perfecting” my rotation. I know a lot of quotations, I think it’s worth noting that a perfect rotation takes an autistic madman to actually pull off in a fight. When you look at the “meta” which DnT seems to hold the authority on even their rotation is lacking in optimization.

But, I find Firebomb tougher to time up than Flame Blast which is ready almost every shrapnel. After the second Fire bomb your timings are WAY off in the condi rotation. You can Blow Torch every other Fire Bomb but even there you lose a second.

Basically it’s complicated.

My suggestion is pick a path you like better, both condi and power are good, and just keep working at it trying to get comfortable just knowing the timings. At this point I kind of do a near but not quite optimal power rotation just by instinct. I’m still working on getting the condi rotation down and closer to optimal.

That said, they’re pretty darn close on potential, and you lose less on condi when you have to bring other tools for defense which is a perk, but you don’t do as much on structures compared to Zerker, so pros/cons.

I will say, the reason I love engi so much is that I can always be better, I’ve almost never run a perfect rotation. It takes an autistic madman to keep track of everything and play it to it’s limits. But even sub optimal rotations are coming in at near the top of professional potential. If you do it perfect I have no doubt that outside the Ice Bow craziness we’d be a top dog on paper… but again, that’s not practical application outside a few ridiculous players who can actually pull it off.

(edited by Jerus.4350)

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Figured I’d throw it in another post cause that one was getting long. Don’t be afraid to throw some blasts or if you use a rifle leaps into any water field. With Healing Turret and Mortar we have a lot.

The other day we were 3 manning Iceblind Fractal which can be a pain, and I was having a lot of success throwing an Orbital strike ahead of me tossing the Mortar water field below it, running up and blasting it with flamethrower and catching 2 “area healing” procs out of it, enough to help me sustain a run back to the fires.

Engis are crazy, I don’t want to scare you off, but “easy” just isn’t the name of the game, but the fact that you like Nades is excellent, because even nade spam with sporadic additions of our bigger hitters and keeping Grenade Barrage on cooldown is enough to out damage most people.

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I find the condi rotation easier because you don’t need to land the double jump shot or acid bomb cancel. Everything in the condi rotation is mid-range or you can drop a bomb and it will detonate as the enemies walk closer to you.

And Condi engineer supports itself well with aristocracy giving you perfect might uptime as well as food giving you nearly perfect vuln, whereas a zerker gets a lot of its buffs(namely might/fury) from working with 1-2 other players.

Looking for Easy / Fun Build (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


True, I’m speaking purely from an optimized rotation point of view. That 8s bomb can leave me lost a lot of the time without as much to time it with, just have to get the feeling down. Though, fire bomb is at 180 range iirc, meaning you do have to dip in and out and you want to dip in for your Blowtorch as you need 200 range to maximize it. So I don’t see it as that different. Jump Shot actually has a larger radius than both of them, Acid Bomb being 180 as well.