Looking for Scrapper Bunker build SPvP
For bunker/tanky builds you generally wanna have celestial stats
Weapons you can choose from: hammer or rifle
Sigils: focus on survival so maybe blood and generosity for condi clearin and heal/dmg
Rune: optional depends on what you wanna get out of it (ie toughness, vital, power etc)
Trait line: Fire arms, Inventions, Scrapper
This is just a starting guide, if you want specifics i can describe more in detail. Because figuring out one the suits you will be more effective than if i just give you mine which may not match ur play style gl
(edited by Crux Marionn.7925)
I would also add Bulwark Gyro as a suggestion.
Yeah, in big brawls it dies fast and helps little, but in a 1v1 or 2v1 point cap/hold scenario, it basically doubles your health for as long as it’s up, and the toolbelt skill is amazing.
Hello! Nowadays I am testing a Scrapper Bunker build that with really good results…. I posting from my mobile, so I cant put any link.
Weapon: Hammer
Amulet: Celestial
Rune: Hoelbrak
Sigils: Energy and Geomancy/Air/Battle/….
Skills:HealingTurret/ElixirGun/ToolKit/SlickShoes or PurgeGyro/ SneakGyro
Healing turret is our best heal as usual… really strong with Hammer3 combo
ElixirGun: Ranged option good Sustain(EG 5) +source of might(HGH)breakstun+Blast (EG4)
ToolKit:PryBar!!! +LowCD block +magnet pull…. really strong kit … offensive and defensive.
SlickShoes: really hard CC and rapid regeneration… good for teamfights
PurgeGyro make easy to deal with condition spammers and create a really strong poison field that allow you to stack a lot of poison (+Hammer2 combo) and 21s of weakness with hammer3 helping to deal with power builds. Good for solo bunker.
Inventions: AMR/MechaLegs/BunkerDown
Scrapper: RecoveryMatrix/RapidRegeneration/AdaptativeArmor
I hope that you enjoy it as I do !!
As a tank I would really recommend the following:
Bulwars Gyro for reduced damage and reflect.
Blast Gyro for point decap, superspeed regen and stunbreak