Looking for feedback on a support build

Looking for feedback on a support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimdroid.2765


Hello everyone, i just reached 80 with my engineer and now i’m starting to look at dungeon runs: story first (done only AC yet), and explorable later.
I enjoy play support role and i came up with a build which tries to maximise the concept of battlefield control through snares, knockbacks, weakness, blind and such.

So, after the introduction here is the build i made: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcAQFAUl0pyaX3ShF17IxoHfuzbGki8WXRKyfjB .
I’m looking for advices from more experienced engineers on how to improve it: i think it looks good on paper, but will it be effective in dungeon teams?

My gear is currently rare knight set armor with rare berserker jewelry and weapon: would be worth it to change from rifle to pisol+shield to and use healing turret as #6 to get the most of blast finisher on its field?

Looking for feedback on a support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

Pistol/shield is awesome for support builds, but you’ll need to adjust to traits and get either rampagers or a carrion set. (I use a mix between both)

You’ll be giving up your DPS, but you’ll survive pretty much everything dungeons throw and you and be able to help your allies better.

Are you prepared to do that?

Looking for feedback on a support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimdroid.2765


Ok so, 3 carrion pieces and 3 rampager’s? What about weapons and jewelry? I’d like to contribute a little bit in downig mobs and eventually be able to solo some casual pve or do DE, so (if possible) i’d like to keep a decent offensive capability; but thanks for the useful advices! I’m gonna buy my new set, a pistol and a shield today at tp!

Looking for feedback on a support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

You should mix Carrion and rampagers (including weapons and jewelry of the same types) to an extent where you happy with the balance between vitality and critchance.

And you’ll be giving up your hard hitting direct damage DPS, you’ll still do plenty of damage, mostly via conditions.
So you’ll have no worries soloing.

Looking for feedback on a support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimdroid.2765


Ok thank you!

Looking for feedback on a support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Haki.6138



I use clerics gear for this build the idea is to mainly use bombs to heal your allies switch to elixir gun hit your aoe heal and the fungal spray for the stacks of vulnerability back to bombs for healing. I would call it a tank build but i have hard time holding any form of aggro and very little cc past net shot and glue bomb

Looking for feedback on a support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimdroid.2765


Thank you Haki for the input on your build

I already tried the way of the healing bombseeder but it doesn’t fit my playstile very well; i wanted to hinder the enemy damage, not heal trough it.

Might give it another try, when i’ll make the money to buy cleric’s gear!

Looking for feedback on a support build

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I suggest Tough/Prec/Cond Dmg gear (I like runes of the undead) and I think the jewelry is Pow/Vit/Cond Dmg.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.