Looking for ideas for my engineer's build
more info sparks more interest.
are you looking for power/conditions/toughness…healing even?
you might consider rampager/dire/carrion/apothecary as other alternatives for example.
i have been runing a p/s apothecary it is good for condi dmg over time and healing your party
randal althor char warrior
hibbari norn guardian
Could you provide more information? By PvE do you mean open world, Dungeon crawling, Fractals? Maybe all of them? Do you intend to be in an organized group, or solo?
Mostly open-world PvE, and most of the time solo. But, I think I want to reserve him for when I’m with a team, so I would like to have the build have some healing ability.
One other thing I should mention: I would like it to take less time to dispatch enemies. I find that if I have 3 or more arrayed against me, I have a hard time with the group.
But, his “build” (if you can call it that) is basically random stuff I’ve picked up along the way. I started this thread so I would know what direction I should go with his ascended gear.
Above is a guidea written with premade spvp in mind. However, with some minor substitutions it is actually a pretty fun build to run in living world and wvw. It’s not 1v1 king against tanky wvw builds, but it definitely holds it’s own, and you can solo camps in less than 3 mins once you get used to pulling, kiting, and the build.
I run this with almost primarily berserker, one condi dmg accessory, and one piece of assassin’s armor, kitten’s power comes from crits and your crits proc burning.
Substitute superior runes of the ogre. These are cheaper to get ahold of a 6/6 set, boost your base damage with power and a flat 4%, best of all you have essentially perma rock dog companion for all your solo needs. It adds to dps(some is more than none), is actually a fairly effective tank, and works great as a distraction target if you find yourself in over your head.
Substitute superior sigil of force for a total base dmg boost of 11%, and superior sigil of accuracy for passive crit boost of 7%. Unbuffed, no food or utility, this build sits at 64.75% chance to crit. Again, crits are what make SD viable so it’s important not to skimp on crit potential.
Substitute stim pack for HGH. No elixirs in this build and that fury is excellent for the build.
Substitute battering ram for elixir s. This gives toolkit for melee if you must, perma swiftness, and oh kitten button in gear shield. Caltrops isn’t horrible if you need to gtfo there either. Throw wrench is the real skill, causes cripple does decent dmg and procs SD. Rifle turret is eh, but the 6s cooldown on surprise shot which does nice dmg and ofc pros SD. These will both crit well into 3-5k each. Battering ram is a personal favorite of mine, for no reason other than it gives the trifecta of toolbelt skills that are target guided, do good damage, and ofc bring the lightning. Don’t forget that SD chains to other enemies as well, it’s pretty powerful imo. The primary skill proc of battering ram can help buy time to get gear shield up and drop HT if you get in a hairy situation. Does damage, and a knockback. As far as I can tell, it will interrupt even enemies with stability, even if it doesn’t knock back. The toolbelt skill is the focus ofc and it does really great dmg, high range, procs SD, and has a reasonable cooldown of only 12s.
Bring food, and engi precision drinks ftw. This is a pretty easy build to use, I found it very effective when trying to make that leap from total engi nab to mediocre engi nab. I still play it today when I roam, though I keep a condi set in my bag. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do, gl.
I have 2 builds below that I would recommend and use:
1. Full zerk. I know it is very squishy but hear me out. If you place flash shell from Mortar Kit, you negate a lot of damage from most enemies and if you play the damage game well enough, you kill everything before it can harm you. Obviously getting stun locked is death by most classes in zerk and this is no exception.
2. Sinister. Basically you just want to stack all the burns in the world on the enemy. It is important to know that using streamlined kits buff for swapping to bomb kit will drop a bomb that pulls enemies into it when it goes off, very good for stacking enemies into your burn fields from your FT and Bomb kit.
The Zerk build is actually deceptive in its usefulness as it’s utilities give a ton of support. Mortar and Elixir Gun combo very well together giving you lots of blasts (two from Orbital Strike and 1 from Acid bomb) and a water field to use them in from Elixir Shell on Mortar. The best part of healing this way is it does a lot of damage on the spot you do it, as these blasts are hard hitting cause zerk stats. Also if you stand in your Elixir shell and your Super Elixir and apply regen to yourself, you can face tank to an extent as long as the fields are there (for the record, by the end of those fields, everything is typically dead anyway). You can also use the blasts on your fire field to blast might, which is what I usually do, just to kill everything faster and this does help in lots of pug situations as plenty of people don’t use support in open world events nearly enough outside of things like reflect(like in vinewrath).
The Sinister set is just another flavor but by taking Bombs we vary our capabilities a fair bit worth mentioning. That Streamlined kits buff should be consumed in battle by swapping to your Bomb kit, this drops a bomb that pulls enemies together which is a very strong CC and makes it much easier to land all your AoE skills. With all the burn and poison from your kits, even the mighty husks stand no chance. It is important to note that you can blast stealth with this build and that makes keeping escort NPCs much easier to keep alive by dropping aggro on them. I would recommend taking a shield for out of combat utility via an extra blast finisher (or in combat if you don’t need the insane burn from Blowtorch). Honorable mention to Glueshot, very underused in Silverwastes. Pop that on teragriffs and laugh as they trip all over themselves.
I could go on, but this is already in danger of being TLDR.
Thanks for the ideas!