MDF doesn't work with HT
It’s bugged… or at least that is what I hope it is. I’ve hunted down this on most if not all Engi based traits/abilities and below is what I’ve posted in threads like this:
For one, the regeneration boon doesn’t proc it even if the combat log mentions that “You heal yourself for X using [Regeneration]” I made sure I was the only one using regeneration.
Healing turret procs it; however, if you use Cleanings Burst, it does not activate MDF despite it saying again it says “You heal yourself for X using Cleansing Burst”
Backpack Regenerator also doesn’t proc MDF… log says – “You heal yourself for X using [Backpack Regenerator]”
But what’s weird is that both Super Elixir, the impact heal and the pulse heal, and the Elixir Shell pulse heal, activates MDF for each pulse of its occurrence for both skills.
Now granted, Elixir Shell and Super Elixir have the “Healing: X” in the tool tip, but shouldn’t Cleansing Burst do it as well? It also has a “Healing: X” in the tool tip. Also, since Regeneration and Backpack regeneration is considered ‘healing yourself’, why don’t they proc?
I checked the other heal skills and I got the following-
Elixir H- Works fine.
Med Kit- Bandage self and all other skills work.
A.E.D.- It works for both the nonlethal and lethal procs.
Supply Crate Overcharge- Cleansing burst from this doesn’t proc
Soothing detonation- Procs
Rabid Regeneration- Procs
Healing Gyro- The initial heal will proc MDF, but the pulsing AOE heal called Reconstruction doesn’t proc MDF, despite saying in the log it is considered a self healSome skills work… some don’t despite these other skills/boons reporting in the log as “Healing yourself” This is where the true bug lies with this trait right now.
Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon. Also… Rabid Regeneration in the Scrapper line, last time I check, will proc the healing from swiftness, but if applying super speed, the super speed will overrule the swiftness heal instead of being added together ( the tool tip also is bugged in the trait line not showing increased healing from healing power)