Magnet Combos

Magnet Combos

in Engineer

Posted by: pheroth.5306


Was reading some of Chaith’s posts about his rifle/nade/toolkit build and the magnet combos he uses, and it got me to start thinking about what sort of combos I should use on my build.

I’m using P/P/Nade/toolkit right now, what do you think would be the optimal combo for this build? Obviously it wouldn’t be spike damage like a power build but it would apply powerful conditions

Magnet -> Prybar -> Glueshot -> Blowtorch -> Grenade 4 -> …..

I just came up with that, anyone know a better combo?

Magnet Combos

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

Pretty much what you said, but don’t forget about Nade 2/pistol 2/pistol 3.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Magnet Combos

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Maybe stick Pistol 3 towards the beginning of the rotation since it hits rather hard and it’s difficult to get all the shots to hit at range.

PvP only

Magnet Combos

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaith.8256


What you decide to combo with Magnet is determined by how many unique conditions your enemy has on them.

As a side note, if you get quick enough, you should always be able to pry bar and do one more 1/2 cast before they can move again. So go straight for Blowtorch or a grenade, and save your Glue Shot for another combo.

For example, if you see that your allied Necromancer casts Signet of Spite on an Engi, and the Engi panic-dodge rolls twice:

  • Magnet -> Prybar -> Blowtorch Then stop. If he has a dodge roll, it almost always comes after the Magnet wears off. Glue Shot -> Grenade 2 Then stop. After that, just use whatever is available. Pistol 2-3, Grenades as necessary.

If the target has no conditions on them when you magnet, I don’t advise using blowtorch first – set your blowtorch up later by starting out with vuln & bleed first.

  • Magnet -> Prybar -> Grenade 2 Then stop. Wait for dodge roll, Glue Shot -> Blowtorch.

Stopping between your guaranteed hits are very important.. if you just go ham and repeatedly unload all the buttons, there is a super minuscule chance of you landing everything. Unless your magnet pull scared them so bad that they just lost all hope – and they stop trying, try to let them dodge when it doesn’t benefit them.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

(edited by Chaith.8256)

Magnet Combos

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

That’s really good advice, thanks Chaith.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Magnet Combos

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I usually go

Magnet -> Prybar -> Rocketkick -> PDV

Likely inc. powder procced. PDV helps with assuring an inc powder proc. Aswell as likely proccing some more bleeds and adding poison. Even if the target dodges, poison will land due to the channeled nature.

So in the end i got a solid confusion going, long burn, bleed and poison that protect my strong confusions and debuff any heal. And PDV pretty much forces a dodge, or punish it harshly if they dont. And i got Blowtorch as a backup burn.