Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Hello guys
I made a new vid with some fresh kills.

I’m solo in all but one fight, I tried to compile some different style fights I had, a 1 vs many, some fun 1v1s vs good players and a few 1v2s. The last fight is a 3 sided fight which we win as the smaller side -a duo-, I don’t do anything particularly outstanding in that one (all credit go to Doppleganger Sup, the mesmer) but we do leave a nice corpse trail which should be fun to watch.
If I do a new vid it’s probably going to be something more in line with this last fight, not exactly a solo engie, but a small group guild thing.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment.

for those who missed it, here’s the link to the first one:


happy new year^^

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Nice video! Really liked the first song)

Loled at engi with grenades in the beginning. Also a nice engi vs engi duel.

And btw, how do you fight vs conditions?

EU Aurora Glade

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Thanks for this nice video!
Haha, good fight against Tanktree. It stood a real chance, but in the end it literally owned itself…. should have known better… stupid tree, err… cat.
(A strange build though, or badly played.

Edit: I meant the opponents build and not yours obviously!)

Red Guard

(edited by Pannonica.5378)

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


Nice video! Really liked the first song)

Loled at engi with grenades in the beginning. Also a nice engi vs engi duel.

And btw, how do you fight vs conditions?

I’d say vs. heavy condition builds its very risky business unless he swaps out HGH for Cleaning Formula 409 or replace U w/Elixir gun or Elixir C/R definitely major trade-offs to be had. Alternatively you can try and ride out the duration of some of the heavier hitting conditions with S.

I personally use Elixir Gun in place of U a lot of the time Acid Bomb makes a good escape mechanic, gives you a condition removal, low cooldown cripple for kiting and weakness helps keep heavy hitting range on the low when necessary. Pairs well with Sigil of Geomancy small aoe bleed 5stacks 7 seconds + small direct damage when it’s applied since kit swaps count as weapon swaps.

(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

Well, our duel lasts pretty long, that’s something I guess.

But it’s interesting seeing how things played out from your side.
I made some mistakes, but it couldn’t have ended any other way then with my face in the dirt.
Your pistol damage greatly outmatches mine and since you completely neutralized my bombkit on multiple occasions, there wasn’t much I could have done different.

I did put in some decent reflects here and there, but the return was fairly minimal since you we’re quick enough to cancel your shots.

Nice vid, but I’ll take the remaining pride that I have and call our duel the highlight of the vid.

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: tehdevbot.1398


Noobish question here, but what stats would one work towards on a build like this?

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Noobish question here, but what stats would one work towards on a build like this?

All the info you need is here:

Just read the first post.

Red Guard

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I’d say vs. heavy condition builds its very risky business unless he swaps out HGH for Cleaning Formula 409 or replace U w/Elixir gun or Elixir C/R definitely major trade-offs to be had. Alternatively you can try and ride out the duration of some of the heavier hitting conditions with S.

I personally use Elixir Gun in place of U a lot of the time Acid Bomb makes a good escape mechanic, gives you a condition removal, low cooldown cripple for kiting and weakness helps keep heavy hitting range on the low when necessary. Pairs well with Sigil of Geomancy small aoe bleed 5stacks 7 seconds + small direct damage when it’s applied since kit swaps count as weapon swaps.

I do the same. Elixir U is the skill I remove most times for either elixir gun/C/flamethrower (flamethrower in the jade maw fractal beacause of the projectile reflection).
Lately I haven’t been using elixir U at all when solo because I noticed from watching the recorded footage it’s the utility skill I use the least, even though I use the toss often. I have used elixir C instead, it contributes more to the boon stacking thing I’m looking for. When grouped I still use U tho.
Condition removal depends alot on the situation. in a 1v1 situation it won’t make a difference except vs plague signet necromancers (if I don’t use elixir C they auto-win) or vs some confusion stacking mesmers, everything else I can just outlast. Problem comes when its 1v2 or more.

Well, our duel lasts pretty long, that’s something I guess.

But it’s interesting seeing how things played out from your side.
I made some mistakes, but it couldn’t have ended any other way then with my face in the dirt.
Your pistol damage greatly outmatches mine and since you completely neutralized my bombkit on multiple occasions, there wasn’t much I could have done different.

I did put in some decent reflects here and there, but the return was fairly minimal since you we’re quick enough to cancel your shots.

Nice vid, but I’ll take the remaining pride that I have and call our duel the highlight of the vid.

Our fight was really fun and without a doubt the best duel I had vs a fellow engie, that’s why I included it.

thanks all

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


The part of the video where you go as low as 646 always makes me smile.

Red Guard

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


it was clearly more than enough!

it has been a productive week so I’m probably going to make a new vid sometime this weekend, maybe even tonight if I’m happy with the stuff I have recorded. this time i’ll try to make it all 1vs2+ level 80s and leave the 1v1s out, I think I’ve shown enough thieves dieing in 3 seconds :p

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Noobish question here, but what stats would one work towards on a build like this?

The question is would it be better to maximize bleed duration or not?

Maskaganda's Second WvW vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987


Our main bleed is 2s so you need condition duration of +50% to get another second. The explosives traitline is where +condition duration is which this build doesn’t use. You can get +40% duration from food (rare veggie pizza) and find more duration on runes so it’s possible to do if you desire to. I would suggest trying it and see if you feel it makes a difference.