Meaning of letter after the Elixir?
Elixir H – Heal?
Elixir R – Restore/Revive maybe.
Elixir B – Boon. The one that gives you three of them.
Elixir C – Conditions.
Elixir U – I dunno.
Elixir X – X just for being super duper elite?
I like to think of them like this:
Elixir R – Elixir Resurrect. Throw Elixir R revives allies!
Elixir H – Heal.
Elixir S – Elixir Small, Stable, and Stealth. When you use S, you become small/invulnerable. When you throw it, you’re either stealthed or granted stability!
Elixir U – Elixir Ultra/Ultimate. It gives you quickness, so you do everything twice as fast. Phenomenal for damage bursts or quick stomps.
Elixir C – Elixir Conditions. It turns your conditions into boons!
Elixir B – Elixir Buffs/Boons. It gives you a ton of boons!
Elixir X – Is terrible, don’t ever use it =P
Representing Legit Guild [LG] for life on Fort Aspenwood. Send me a tell in-game!
B – Buff
C – Convert Conditions
H – Heal
R – Recover (endurance/anti-stun)
S – Shrink (evade/anti-stun)
U – qUickness (I’d have used Q myself, but eh)
X – Elite (eXtreme!(Not really))
I wish elixir X just turned player to mundo/singed.
u- Unleash/ Unchain
I wish elixir X just turned player to mundo/singed.
If Elixir X worked like Insanity Potion, I’d probably use it over Supply Crate. Give me tons of toughness, health regen, and a move speed boost from Elixir X, not some random elite skill that may or not be useful.
I’d probably run 5 elixirs in my build if that were the case…
Representing Legit Guild [LG] for life on Fort Aspenwood. Send me a tell in-game!
Elixer U is most likely Utility
I always felt:
Elixir R – Elixir Restore. Restores endurance and allies!
Elixir H – Heal.
Elixir S – Elixir Shrink.
Elixir U – Elixir Utility
Elixir C – Elixir Conditions.
Elixir B – Elixir Boons.
Elixir X – eXtreme! I like using this because its funny fighting an oakheart, and getting so annoyed i stop shooting it, and start punching it to death.
But if Elixir X is crap, does that mean the warrior and elementalist elites are crap also?
Elixir U – Unpredictable ?
Elixir U thrown does only have 3 possible variations, would be nice if it told us what they were. And all of them block projectiles in some way if i am not mistaken.
Its actually one of the elixirs i like the random chance on: It has one dedicated effect which will always happen, you will always get quickness, you will always get projectile deflection. But for self you get a random debuff to outset the benefit, and for thrown you get a random extra effect like smoke field, ethereal feild (can run through to gain stealth too) or light field for reflecting attacks.
I wish Elixir H and B followed the same pattern. Like if B always gave might + another buff(without traits) or if H gave 3 different healing fields, like healing rain, well of blood or super elixir.
For those that haven’t noticed:
Elixir S
Elixir C
Elixir R
Elixir U
Elixir B
Elixir X – Is terrible, don’t ever use it =P
haha yeah, as in scratch this one out
U stands for utility…..
But if Elixir X is crap, does that mean the warrior and elementalist elites are crap also?
no because both ele and warr have guarenteed effects and stats for them, unlike us