(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)
I want to love it.. But I can’t. This game isn’t meant for the clunky play style this kit brings.
Make med kit much less clunky? Maybe nerf the 2-5 skills and make them not so ridiculously… ‘clunky’.. please. That’s all I ask. This thing needs more change.
Edit: Let me clarify what I’m postulating here. The 2-5 skills on the med kit are tedious to use. Make them like med bombs or something, just get rid of the throwing mechanic. Or make it a toggle-able choice for the old version.. There is a good reason why I never took the med kit trait to throw your med bags in pre-h.o.t. It was terrible, and forcing the players to use that mechanic is.. again… tedious.
(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)
Many threads about this in the past with good results, at least they already changed med blaster to affect 5 instead of 3, added 15% more outgoing healing to the trait and made the blaster target friendlies when you have them selected instead of the enemy target.
Next one that would boost the quality of life for med kit users, would be to make the throwables able to be picked up while they’re flying, so they don’t need to land on the ground first.
Having used the kit for hundreds of hours, I can already hit moving people with them pretty reliably, but sometimes the pack wont get picked up before the dude standing on top of it moves slightly, or I throw a fury to Mr. X and he decides to dodge at the same time, so that fury is wasted even as the bottle passed through that guys torso
The Med kit is almost fine, only skill 2-5 are horribly weak. It’ll be great if they would be 300 range aoes around you, then the med kit would be perfectly fine.
No med kit wont be perfectly fine even if they fixed 2-5 skills.
Med kit 1 still heals too less and has that weird extra heal per boon even engies can’t share boons that well.
Maybe remove healing per boon and let it scale with allies current health? (less health = more healing).
(edited by guildabd.6529)
Med blaster is actually quite amazing, if you’re wearing full healing gear and your targets have boons on them.
If you’re healing 4-5 people and nobody has boons on them, you should probably find some better company or teach em how to play.
For me it’s about 1200~ / 1,3sec.
CDless cone AOE that can hit up to 5 targets.
46 casts a minute = 56k~ from med blasting for a single person, if hitting 5 targets(like in wvw) thats about 280k~ a minute.
So imo, blaster is just fine it’s the other skills that could use some kind of a boost.
Keep in mind that nobody ever casts it 46 times a min, but you get the idea.
It’s one of the strongest HP/second skills in the whole game, and one you can use while the rest of your heals are on cooldown.
Let’s hope the rest get buffed a bit, they seem quite sad compared to blaster
Engi’s can share boons ok… Elixirs, converting conditions to boons, traited turrets, traited shield, lots of blast finishers and a variety of fields… So I have no problem with the healing improving with boons.
The thrown kits are clunky. I like the fact that I can use them for myself (with medical dispersion field) or for allies. At the very least, if they could get the fury kit to have the same casting time as the others, it would make things smoother when you need to throw a bunch of kits. Wasting a kit because of something in the way is annoying.
Keep in mind that nobody ever casts it 46 times a min, but you get the idea.
Perma-quickness full minstrel medic scrapper can do like 72 blasts per minute…
Yeaah, my point was that you won’t find a real life situation where blasting nonstop is more beneficial than using other skills when they’re off CD.
But you’re right, quickness makes med blasting friggin insane
Wish we could get a small response from the guy who added more outgoing healing bonuses to the trait and fixed medblaster targeting, he clearly cares and I would like to hear his theories about the future of med kit
I’ve tried full heal med kit engi in wvw couple of times. Allies health bar barely moves…
And not getting any loot in the progress only makes me qq.
My experiences in WvW seem different, ally health bars barely move DOWN at all because I can easily keep em topped if my guys stand in HOT fields, and we beat the same size blobs without casualties
I also use mortar and dot everything to gain loots, to me it sounds like you’re playing it wrong.
My experiences in WvW seem different, ally health bars barely move DOWN at all because I can easily keep em topped if my guys stand in HOT fields, and we beat the same size blobs without casualties
I also use mortar and dot everything to gain loots, to me it sounds like you’re playing it wrong.
I’m not saying that med kit is terrible and needs to be incredibly buffed.. It’s a good kit. I’m saying that the 2-5 throw skills need to be changed in how they are used. The way you have to throw them down is so incredibly tedious. Juggling skills and kits is already too much.
You know, that outgoing healing also works with any other healing sources while you are on the Med Kit. You’re able to F5, mortar #5, EG #5 and then swap to the Med Kit and see those numbers heal everyone up.
The issue here is that a Druid just is better in sharing boons, while also healing. The heal of the Engi isn’t too bad. So what would help would be some steroids on skill #2-5 that get boosted by the Med Kit trait.
Another issue is that Med Blast is an auto attack and therefore has to be weak. You can perma spam it. Wouldn’t it be better if it’d have stacks? It slowly regenerates up to 10 stacks over time, but if it reached 0, you cant use it. Then remove the boon affected heal and give it a high base value.
Think they should try making 2-5 into aoes just to see if we turn OP.
The amount of skill required to hit with them atm is quite balls, and I was reliably shooting planes down with a tank in planetside 2 so leading comes naturally to me.
Guess I’ll agree with the rest and say they’re too hard to use for what they actually do :P
Here we go, another try to make Med-Kit a worth healing skill. That’s right Anet, we won’t give up on this subject.
I have 2 suggestions to improve the Med-Kit.
Increase the healing of each package (skill 2-5) and give another extra healing if you are curing the condition the package is meant for. To prevent the Med-Kit to be OP, we add a debuff to each package. It is called “overdosis” and it is stackable. Each stack of it will decrease the healing of the next consumed package by a large ammount. That way you can’t reach incredible healing spikes by using all packages for the same team member. It would be most efficient, to give each member another package that depends on the conditions they have.
We add a new buff to the packages: elixir infused bandages. If an ally consume the package, they are pulsing healing in a small area around them. This buff doesn’t stack in time nor in itensity, it just get’s refreshed if you consume another package. Again: it would be most efficient to give the packages to different allies, making each of them a pulsing healing field which could create great regeneration. Name of the buff and if it will be a boon or not (for synergy with Med-Kit AA) is up for discussion.
Both suggestions try to make Med-Kit the great supportive group healing, I think Anet is wanting it to be. It rewards sharing the packages with many allies.
I hope to get some feedback for these ideas from all of you.
I know how to fix med blaster!
Add regen per pulse and blindess to last pulse.
(edited by guildabd.6529)
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