Med Kit Advice

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Dusk.4708


Allo engi community, Just wanted to get some insight on what you guys think of the med kit nowadays.. Most are gonna say “its trash or compared to meta heal turret a -7/10”, but i used to run this when it was still a backpack kit w the 3 bandages an antidote and a stim pack and i miss it! I been running it in WvW for a few hours now and if you are knowledgeable about it you can really dish out some nice healing with it! as for condi removal, 3 of the 5 skills clear a condition one giving resistance in the process that will delay condi ticks for almost 3 seconds when used with alchemy. This is the most underused heal imo for the engi (At least I see some people running A.E.D despite how situational it is…) and it should be buffed to be competative with the current meta and with HoT coming out make it a choice that will stand out more, because no matter what anyone says about how balanced the heals are we all know people will ALWAYS slot healing turret for its speed heal, cleanse and blast combo that is unbelievably op when compared to the other heals.

Can we think of any way to improve this kit???

Here are a few of my ideas that I think can make it competitive:

-Maybe make the last 3 skills elixirs for even more viability when used with HGH?
-Increase the base healing of the med kit skills by maybe 20% so instead of 500-600 per bandage/stim pack it would be like 700 and toolbelt 7k?
-make the “actual” heal on toolbelt remove two conditions and leave the healing the same?
-increase the amount of resistance you gain from 2 seconds to 4 seconds, fury from 5 to 7 seconds, and add a second bandage unit to be tossed out with skill 2 from a single one to two bandages
-Take off the ground targeting. Lets be honest, who sits there and throws bandages at people when they are using that kit -_-" (add the ground target ability to medical insurance to compensate)

Tell me what you all think and make this post be known so that we can get a worthy competitor for the healing turret!

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


If you’ve read these forums for the past 3 weeks or so, you might have noticed a lot of similar threads most of them have really cool ideas how to make med kit viable and good to use.

Imo, CD reduction is the first thing that should happen for the skills, second is A PANIC HEAL, the reason we pick HT.

You tap a button twice and another button once, you and your teammates are all at 100% hp(assuming you stick together) and it clears 2 condis, what’s not to like about it?

HT is the only panic heal when someone in your team takes spike damage and falls to 20%~ hp, kitten ing around with medkit is pretty much useless at that point and you should just toss elixir R there already to rez him when he dies.

With HT, you get near the dude and totally save his kitten , and you can do it again in 15 seconds.

The medkit as it is, seems good on paper, it has good HPS when doing the math, but reaching that HPS in an actual encounter is a completely different matter

For example, you can stack 4 heals on the ground to pick them all up at once for a crazy spike heal, but if you get knocked back a couple times, you gained 0 hp/s, didn’t clear condis and have half of your heals on cooldown and the kits have vanished from the ground because of the low time they linger.

Saving someone else with this kit requires more coordination/communication than pilot/gunner in planetside, seriously?

“ok m8, i threw a stim near the gate, left side, not that side, dude. its right there.
ok, it’s already gone gg.”

IF they would still stay on the ground for a good while, there wouldn’t be a problem, it would be the tactical healing tool for high skill gaming where you stack piles of heals so you can grab em when you need em.

Why, oh why did they change it

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


Med kit was barely hanging on before specialization patch, I liked to run it with rune of the defender back then but now the ground targeting thing pretty much pushed it into the coffin and nailed it shut in my eyes.

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: abc.5790


Med kit was barely hanging on before specialization patch, I liked to run it with rune of the defender back then but now the ground targeting thing pretty much pushed it into the coffin and nailed it shut in my eyes.

I’m commenting on this thread to let you know that I like your name and it made me laugh because I’m shallow. I too, like buying holes on sale but sometimes I just get em at Costco

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: cakeonroof.7385


lololol wtf are people on?

EU since Aug 2012

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


Cake, we’re on a crusade to get more than 1 viable healing skill xD And ABC is on acid or shrooms most likely.

Want to shelve my healing turret but there’s nothing else to take it’s place xD!

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Dusk.4708


Got a new theory, as of right now, does anyone know if defender runes proc while equipping the med kit?

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: abc.5790


Cake, we’re on a crusade to get more than 1 viable healing skill xD And ABC is on acid or shrooms most likely.

Want to shelve my healing turret but there’s nothing else to take it’s place xD!

PvP engie here. I’m pretty much on the same boat as you. I main engie but also multiclass and healing turret is as good if not better than warrior’s signet.

I’ll even go as fas as saying it’s the best healing skill in the game – short cd, heals, regen, water field, blast finisher for more heals, condi cleansing. wow just wow. and it kills me coz I want alternatives but non are good enough.

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Dusk.4708


That’s a perfect example right there that the med kit needs to be buffed a bit to make it compete w the heal turret and maybe the devs can even get the medic gyro in the same boat, the thing doesn’t even cleanse conditions for fudge sake…

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


Wish we could at the very least get one dev post here, informing us that they’re gonna make some changes to engi healing skills some day.

but there’s one little ray of sunshine, atleast we still have HT and don’t have to choose between medkit/gyro/elixir and aed xD

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: lorddarkflare.9186


Cake, we’re on a crusade to get more than 1 viable healing skill xD And ABC is on acid or shrooms most likely.

Want to shelve my healing turret but there’s nothing else to take it’s place xD!

This is wrong.

Elixir H is a very good heal. ESPECIALLY in an environment that pretty much requires Alchemy.

Healing Turret just happens to be that ridiculously good.

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


Yeah, it’s a good selfheal, should’ve chosen my words differently and said “to get more than 1 viable PARTY healing skill.”

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: lorddarkflare.9186


Yeah, it’s a good selfheal, should’ve chosen my words differently and said “to get more than 1 viable PARTY healing skill.”

With the recent changes, Medic Gyro is a solid contender for a second AoE heal.

Also: Most classes do not have a single solid party heal let alone two.

Do not get me wrong, I would LIKE more of our heals to be improved, but as a class, we do not NEED any of them to be improved.

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


Health Insurance: 15% Outgoing Heal Effectiveness
Med Blaster: Heal allies with a wave of healing energy. Heals more for each boon on that ally.

And HT totally pwns it as a group healing tool, and it doesn’t even have any traits for that role.

It’s a design error, as it’s clearly meant to be THE group healing kit, and perhaps other classes don’t have that kitten because we’re meant to take that role, thus we even have traits and kits that only affect healing of others, not ourselves?

What do we NEED as a class? Hammers and drones? Why don’t we NEED our basic class functions fixed too?

boopity zoop.

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: lorddarkflare.9186


Health Insurance: 15% Outgoing Heal Effectiveness
Med Blaster: Heal allies with a wave of healing energy. Heals more for each boon on that ally.

And HT totally pwns it as a group healing tool, and it doesn’t even have any traits for that role.

It’s a design error, as it’s clearly meant to be THE group healing kit, and perhaps other classes don’t have that kitten because we’re meant to take that role, thus we even have traits and kits that only affect healing of others, not ourselves?

What do we NEED as a class? Hammers and drones? Why don’t we NEED our basic class functions fixed too?

boopity zoop.

Yeah, Med Kit can get in line in terms of core functionality that does not seem to work as intended.

Besides, my contention was the implication that we do not already have effective group healing. Which we do.

To me, it seems like you would prefer Med Kit take that role from Healing Turret. Which is a fine position to have. But let us not dissemble: we already do what you want and we do it pretty well. You just do not like HOW we do it.

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Health Insurance: 15% Outgoing Heal Effectiveness
Med Blaster: Heal allies with a wave of healing energy. Heals more for each boon on that ally.

And HT totally pwns it as a group healing tool, and it doesn’t even have any traits for that role.

It’s a design error, as it’s clearly meant to be THE group healing kit, and perhaps other classes don’t have that kitten because we’re meant to take that role, thus we even have traits and kits that only affect healing of others, not ourselves?

I have spent over 2500 hours using medkit. I am perfectly fine with it being a selfish heal and not that much of a group support, but medkit #1 as it’s current form is way too weak. Try it if you don’t believe me and analyze your combat log. Make it to the level of elementalist water staff #1 at least and heal the engineer as well.

And medkit #2-5 need to get rid of their delays, make them 1/4 s cast with NO after cast and have their base heal increased by about 50 %.

With the synergy with some “On heal” runes, I could see medkit becoming fairly competitive after these changes.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Med Kit Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It’s probably the worst supportive healing ability/weapon in the game by far, even though supportive healing is all it does. The amount the auto-attack heals allies for is pathetic even with boons. It’s basically like a really crappy version of water staff #1 for eles, and it’s totally beyond me how professional designers managed to undertune something so severely.