Med kit nerfed or buffed?
the worst is the loss of the minor in tools which recharged the toolbelt skills at 25% health. that gave you a double heal off medkit
the worst is the loss of the minor in tools which recharged the toolbelt skills at 25% health. that gave you a double heal off medkit
The actual worst is that Automated Medical Response doesn’t work. With Band Self only.
How could anyone list the ground targeting as a pro. It makes it impossible to use now. Its been a while since I have really played, but almost NO ONE was using med kit.
Every one uses healing turret. Hurr durr lets nerf med kit and maybe people will use it even though they already aren’t.
Remove the ground targeting and bring the healing back. In its current state it is worthless.
the worst is the loss of the minor in tools which recharged the toolbelt skills at 25% health. that gave you a double heal off medkit
You know we still have this trait in the tool specialization right?
the worst is the loss of the minor in tools which recharged the toolbelt skills at 25% health. that gave you a double heal off medkit
You know we still have this trait in the tool specialization right?
No, we actually don’t. We got 15% cd reduction by trait and recharge of one toolbelt skill if we dodged an attack before. He meant this trait:
We got toolbelt recharge traits, but they are working different to this. But I don’t think it’s bad, just make AMR working with Med Kits toolbelt skill and it will be fine.
•ground targeted without having to trait it
This is actually not a pro, it’s a con.
There’s a reason no one ever ran packaged stimulants, and it’s not because tossable bandages was so overpowered that engineers deliberately didn’t run it to give everyone else a fair chance.
It was because having them as ground targeted abilities made it very inconvenient to heal yourself with them, especially while you were on the move (although it was also because few people actually ran the med kit).
Not only that, but the ground targeted antidote didn’t auto-remove immobilize like the non-traited version did, which could be a death sentence to med kit users.
Simply “doing more” isn’t necessarily a good thing when it makes that thing inconvenient to use. It’s why necros that elected to use wells in PvP didn’t like taking ground targeted wells at times because it could delay the casting of their stun breaker or healing skill.
In all honestly, I would just like the dispensables in the kit to be like the untraited bandages used to be. That is, they just deploy right in front of you. Trying to toss the bandages at people is both slow and generally ineffective, and it makes it very inconvenient to use them on yourself or set them up in a stack prior to an engagement.
I’ve been trying the med blaster thing out for a bit, but it’s a little hard to tell how effective it’s being since the damage got cranked up way past 11.
•ground targeted without having to trait it
This is actually not a pro, it’s a con.
There’s a reason no one ever ran packaged stimulants, and it’s not because tossable bandages was so overpowered that engineers deliberately didn’t run it to give everyone else a fair chance.
It was because having them as ground targeted abilities made it very inconvenient to heal yourself with them, especially while you were on the move (although it was also because few people actually ran the med kit).
Anet is trying to tell you something doing this. Med-Kit was NEVER meant to be a healing machine for yourself, its whole concept is about supporting your team by healing (and now: removing the condition your mate is struggling the most). It is shown really clear by our new Med-Kit AA, it is just healing our team members, not us!
•ground targeted without having to trait it
This is actually not a pro, it’s a con.
There’s a reason no one ever ran packaged stimulants, and it’s not because tossable bandages was so overpowered that engineers deliberately didn’t run it to give everyone else a fair chance.
It was because having them as ground targeted abilities made it very inconvenient to heal yourself with them, especially while you were on the move (although it was also because few people actually ran the med kit).
Anet is trying to tell you something doing this. Med-Kit was NEVER meant to be a healing machine for yourself, its whole concept is about supporting your team by healing (and now: removing the condition your mate is struggling the most). It is shown really clear by our new Med-Kit AA, it is just healing our team members, not us!
I get that, but there’s certain situations where I want to give myself the dispensables, not other people.
More to the point, it’s always been very difficult to give other people the dispensables. You can’t feasible throw them on top of people, and they still have to make it to the dispensable even if it’s out on the floor. An immobilize clear is useless if the person can’t pick it up because they’re immobilized. It would be nice if I could, say, target my ally and throw it directly at them, and they receive the effects as soon as it hits them. But the engine just does not support that kind of play.
Of course, some of those problems could potentially be alleviated via practice and proper VOIP chat, but I think it’s poor design to require VOIP to use a skill effectively in a game that prioritizes impromptu group play.
Then there’s also the issue where a wall you run by gets the attention of your cursor just before you throw the dispensable, sending it all the way off to the side where you don’t want it, but that’s a separate issue.
I haven’t tested to see if there’s still a problem with them going through the ground yet. I think the ground targeting might actually prevent that, so that’s a plus I suppose.
•ground targeted without having to trait it
This is actually not a pro, it’s a con.
There’s a reason no one ever ran packaged stimulants, and it’s not because tossable bandages was so overpowered that engineers deliberately didn’t run it to give everyone else a fair chance.
It was because having them as ground targeted abilities made it very inconvenient to heal yourself with them, especially while you were on the move (although it was also because few people actually ran the med kit).
Anet is trying to tell you something doing this. Med-Kit was NEVER meant to be a healing machine for yourself, its whole concept is about supporting your team by healing (and now: removing the condition your mate is struggling the most). It is shown really clear by our new Med-Kit AA, it is just healing our team members, not us!
Oh they did an EXCELLENT job conveying that by making it heal for a whopping 75 health per second and have throwables that will miss 99.99% of the time.
Also love how bandage self isn’t affected by the toolbelt CD reduction of the Tools line. Really you can tell they wanted us to use this as a party heal over Healing Turret.
Also love how bandage self isn’t affected by the toolbelt CD reduction of the Tools line. Really you can tell they wanted us to use this as a party heal over Healing Turret.
IT’s not? I didn’t even notice that.
EDIT: That kitten above was a long string of f’s followed by u’s, FYI
Oh they did an EXCELLENT job conveying that by making it heal for a whopping 75 health per second and have throwables that will miss 99.99% of the time.
And about the toolbelt reduction: Bandage self doesn’t count as an toolbelt skill anymore for the new trait system. It counts as an heal skill like A.E.D., HT or Elixir H. It’s triggering AMR now. And I think that was the right decision, because it acts that way.
They could have swapped the places of the kit and bandage self, so bandage self is on the heal skill place and the kit swap on the toolbelt. That’s the situation we are having now. But they didn’t because they didn’t want to confuse us more as required, I guess.
Also love how bandage self isn’t affected by the toolbelt CD reduction of the Tools line. Really you can tell they wanted us to use this as a party heal over Healing Turret.
Even if it isn’t much a difference, but the AA is healing more than 75 per second, the tooltip is wrong because it ticks 3 times in one channel for the 75 heal. And it heals more for each boon on your mate.
The throwable bandages are hard to use, that’s right and there are many bugs out there to fix, but that doesn’t mean they are doing something wrong with the concept of Med-Kit. Give them time to improve it.
About the toolbelt reduction: It doesn’t work because bandage self doesn’t count as a toolbelt skill anymore. It counts as a heal skill. It even triggers the heal skill traits now like AMR. They could have swapped the places of bandage self and the kit, because that’s how it works now. Imagine bandage self on the heal skill place and the kit swap at the toolbelt. But they didn’t do it because kits always were on the utility skill bar and they didn’t want to confuse us more than required, I guess.
(edited by Kodama.6453)
Oh they did an EXCELLENT job conveying that by making it heal for a whopping 75 health per second and have throwables that will miss 99.99% of the time.
And about the toolbelt reduction: Bandage self doesn’t count as an toolbelt skill anymore for the new trait system. It counts as an heal skill like A.E.D., HT or Elixir H. It’s triggering AMR now. And I think that was the right decision, because it acts that way.
They could have swapped the places of the kit and bandage self, so bandage self is on the heal skill place and the kit swap on the toolbelt. That’s the situation we are having now. But they didn’t because they didn’t want to confuse us more as required, I guess.
Also love how bandage self isn’t affected by the toolbelt CD reduction of the Tools line. Really you can tell they wanted us to use this as a party heal over Healing Turret.
Even if it isn’t much a difference, but the AA is healing more than 75 per second, the tooltip is wrong because it ticks 3 times in one channel for the 75 heal. And it heals more for each boon on your mate.
The throwable bandages are hard to use, that’s right and there are many bugs out there to fix, but that doesn’t mean they are doing something wrong with the concept of Med-Kit. Give them time to improve it.
Even if that is the case, it has to compete with the instant 4k 2 condition cleanse AoE heal of the healing turret. If they wanted us to use this over it, they failed miserably.
Edited last post to clarify about the toolbelt reduction.
And yes, it is really hard to compete with the allmighty HT. ^^ That’s why we all really love it.
But as said, give them time to improve Med-Kit, because it really NEEDS IMPROVEMENT anet! Med-Kit needs to heal a little bit more with it’s aa because it’s really really tiny. (talking about the range of the aoe)
(edited by Kodama.6453)
It’s terrible, just run healing turret and b done with it lol.
[lion]~ riperonis
or set them up in a stack prior to an engagement.
With a 12 sec duration on them this is pretty much useless anyway.
Anet is trying to tell you something doing this. Med-Kit was NEVER meant to be a healing machine for yourself, its whole concept is about supporting your team by healing (and now: removing the condition your mate is struggling the most). It is shown really clear by our new Med-Kit AA, it is just healing our team members, not us!
I suppose that was what they intended, sadly, even completely untraited, Healing Turret removes more conditions from your group and gives more healing in a burst that what you can possibly squeeze out of MedKit even when camping it 100% of the time. And you can still help out your team with damage.
Also, it’s no longer possible to use MedKit under water, which was basically the only place it was being used by the majority of engineers before the patch.
Bill Kilgore – [BIER] –
(edited by Mork vom Ork.2598)
I liked the old medkit more. For few reasons:
1. Stowing the medkit no longer triggers “on heal” rune effects in spvp. You must use the F1 skill instead. Previously medkit had good synergy with “on heal” runes.
2. Ground targeting on skills #2-5 utterly sucks. It is super easy to miss the vial in the heat of the battle with all the AoE and effects. The old “drop the vial” method was better.
3. The new condi removals are okay, but so clunky to use in heat of battle
4. Medkit #1 is way too weak. Now spending 1 second just to heal circa ~90 is a bad joke. Superior sigil of water does the same better, passively and while you attack! I feel its healing per second for the user (engi itself) should be at least doubled.
5. The bandages vanish too quickly (previously they lasted like 1 minute)
6. Even with over 2k playtime with medkit, it still feels slow and clunky. And the new update just made things worse.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
The condition removal is a bit wonky. It’s a bit easier to specifically clear impairing conditions, but removing damaging conditions got a massive nerf.
It no longer removes a stack of 1 kind of damage condition. It removes 1 application of 1 damaging condition.
So if you have 4 stacks of Bleed the Bandage skill will, instead of removing the whole stack, just reduce it to 3 stacks of bleed. Which is utterly worthless considering how every damaging condition is now designed to stack.
Synergy with On-Heal effects has been diminished greatly apparently. And the de-coupling of effects is bad as well. Instead of 1 button to get swiftness + fury, you now need to ground target two skills.
Ground targeting overall made the kit far more clunky to use. Previously just being mobile often assured you’d pick up and benefit from your medkit skills. But it seems anet is pushing the engi hard to be a support player, at the expensive of making some things less functional for the engi himself.
And that affects how usefull and good it is negatively.
Med Blast is also utter trash. No reason to EVER press this button.
At first i thought the changes were overall okay, but after using it for a while i am having some serious doubts and i’d probably like the old Medkit back.
(edited by Terrahero.9358)
Ît just removes 1 stack of the condition? If that really is the case, it is obviously a bug and should be reported. Devs said removing conditions will work as they did ever, removing all stacks of the condition.
- Ground target is a pain to use.
- Lower duration fury
- Why do the drops cure different types of conditions, instead of simply conditions, period? This creates false skill diversity, and simply adds another annoying thing we must keep track of.
Seriously, the old medkit was far superior for ease of use.
The heal autoattack is cool though….
Well, as I read “false skill diversity” and “adds another annoying thing we must keep track of”, how would you like if the specific package would give a significant heal buff if you are curing one of the said conditions? This way we would get some reward for the “annoying thing to keep track of”.
Ground targeting is very clunky to use. I liked the old kit mechanics much more.
+1 much wow
<3 such amaze