I’m afraid the gyro’s still worse.
- You manage to keep the gyro alive for its entire duration (unrealistic, I know)
- The gyro’s AOE heal ticks immediately and then every 3s (so you get 5 pulses in total)
- You’re running the tools traitline (ie. have the -15% toolbelt CD). If you’re not, the gyro loses out more than the HT does.
- You can leap combo regenerating mist at most once, and reconstruction field three times.
- You pick up the HT immediately after overcharging it, so have 15s CD and get a single application of regen from the HT and its overcharge.
Medic gyro:
- Gyro heal = (4510 + 0.7H + 5 * (820 + 0.6H)) / 35s
- Reconstruction field + 3x leap combo = 3 * (1300 + 0.5H) / 21.25s
- Total: 429.5 + 0.176H hp per second
Healing turret:
- Base heal: (2520 + 0.5H + 3 * (130 + 0.125H)) / 15s
- Cleansing burst: (2520 + 0.5H + 5 *(130 + 0.125H)) / 15s
- Regenerating mist + 1x leap combo = (6 * (130 + 0.125H) + 1300 + 0.5H) / 17.85s
- Total: 521.9 + 0.203H hp per second
The MG is worse than the HT at 0 healing power, and furthermore it scales worse than the HT with healing power. And that’s with several assumptions stacked in the MG’s favour!
Other factors:
- If you take tools and alchemy, going with the MG gives you 35% protection uptime and the HT gives you 0%. Point in the MG’s favour, but it’s almost completely cancelled out if you run with the recovery matrix trait. With that, MG gives you 52% protection uptime, HT gives you 50% uptime. That said, the MG’s base 35% protection is AOE whereas the HT’s prot is all selfish.
- At 0 healing power, 27% of the MG’s healing affects your allies, while 54% of the HT’s healing affects your allies. With healing power, 49% of the extra healing from healing power affects allies with the MG; 70% of the extra healing affects allies with the HT. The HT is much less selfish when it comes to healing.
- Should you choose to blow them up, the MG gives you a 1s stun and ~400 damage in a 240 radius every 35s. The HT gives you a blast finisher and ~1200 damage in a 120 radius every 20s. Traiting can give you a lightning field + superspeed, or knockback respectively. The HT hits harder and its lower CD gives it more CC (when traited). It’s possible you might see more benefit from the lightning field + superspeed, depending on traits and what you’re trying to achieve.
- Both the MG and its toolbelt have 0 cast time, and thus can be used instantly, even when stunned. This is perhaps the only solid point in the MG’s favor – it’ll allow you to fend off a burst quite well.
- The healing turret can cure 2 conditions every 15s. The MG cures exactly 0 conditions. IMO, this is pretty much the most critical factor, and why people just aren’t going to take the MG even if its healing is improved. The HT is one of engineers’ very few active condi cleanses; if you’re not running alchemy or EG then it’s likely your only condi cleanse. With engineers having so little access to condi clear generally, this is utterly critical to maintain.