(edited by Wall E.5349)
Meet the Crapper! Engi's elite disappointment
Think twice , what about a mellee SD scrapper .
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
SD scrapper
All I want.
SD scrapper
All I want.
It could be interesting I guess. BUT only if they fix SD and after 3 years of complaining I kinda don’t expect them to. Right now the lightning from SD needs to be manually targeted with your line of sight if your toolbelt skill isn’t an enemy-targeting attack skill. And from the looks of it, all the gyro toolbelt skills aren’t =/
I expect it to be crap or at best mediocre. If i am positively surprised then it’s all the better. If it’s what I’m expecting (crap or mediocre) then I was already ready for it XD
I think Anet try to insert scraper into WvW meta, as tanky Frontliner.
You only have the right to complain about stability and gap closers if your a necro
And minions that don’t even take a utility slot? Please
Hammer that grant block when you also have gear shield? Yeah keep complaining- you guys keep doing that while I dust off my engi and have a good HAMMER TIME
If Rocket Charge is only 2 leaps then it should look like 2 leaps
True Shot should be cast on the move
(edited by Zantmar.5406)
You only have the right to complain about stability and gap cloers if your a necro
And minions that don’t even take a utility slot? Please
Actually, the new gyroscopes do take a utility slot. And the new “class mechanic” is just for stomping and rezzing so…. not that great.
We know all traits’s names & general function. We have no idea what numbers they actually apply & where hidden icd’s are.
We know only 2 gyros & what they do. We still don’t know whether or not they get damaged / how their AI actually behaves.
We know only the 3 last hammer-skills, all of which we have no idea about their cd’s, nor the power-scaling on them. 2 skills, 1 of which is the AA. We don’t even know if it is a chain & what it will do.
And we also have no idea how our f-key gyros will behave exactly. Can they get damaged or interrupted?
So until all this is revealed (5h39min remaining), it would be wise to shut the kitten up & stop forecasting doomsday.
Oh my bad then, I guess I mis interpreted the post reguarding functioning gyros but still ability to Secure a stomp and ress is very valued in pvp.
Hell the most secure way to stomp for a necromancer is to blow a 180sec elite
And for a ranged aoe res (albeit a very big aoe) for a warrior is to drop down a elite banner.
Also think of the raids, ranged res might become a necessity, yes you can just say that you all play better to avoid being downed in the first place, but look at teq and VW- people will die, it’s a given.
And yes some one will post L2P, but chances are, people are still gonna die, more so especially to the upcoming challenging new content
Also I dont think being disappointed by a specialization that didn’t even come out is fair treat ment
If Rocket Charge is only 2 leaps then it should look like 2 leaps
True Shot should be cast on the move
For me it’s already bad depending on how much might the juggernaut build will stack. If it’s high enough, they might as well have just told us “Hey guys, we like the Cele meta and how people can be tanky and still deal a ton of damage!”
Can you guys a least wait until they fully revelate the spec before hate the kitten out of it ? It can’t be worse than Tempest. I am expecting a nwe brawler option for the engi with the spec just looking the new trait
Can you guys a least wait until they fully revelate the spec before hate the kitten out of it ? It can’t be worse than Tempest. I am expecting a nwe brawler option for the engi with the spec just looking the new trait
Oh don’t get me wrong. Mine is just to be practical and call out things I find to be mistakes. The spec is already better than Tempest, it’s just, I know it could’ve been different and maybe more interesting than what we may be getting.
(edited by Dirame.8521)
SD scrapper
All I want.
It could be interesting I guess. BUT only if they fix SD and after 3 years of complaining I kinda don’t expect them to. Right now the lightning from SD needs to be manually targeted with your line of sight if your toolbelt skill isn’t an enemy-targeting attack skill. And from the looks of it, all the gyro toolbelt skills aren’t =/
I am pretty sure that was intended. It’s easy mangyang I just autoattack and then use the toolbelt skill, that way your character faces your target so you will hit with SD
Can you guys a least wait until they fully revelate the spec before hate the kitten out of it ? It can’t be worse than Tempest. I am expecting a nwe brawler option for the engi with the spec just looking the new trait
View this as satire and deflating the overhype. Any engi of 3 years that isn’t a casual knows that despite niche builds being removed through less traits, we’re still in a great spot and new tools and toys just keep things nice and fresh for us.
Kluzukaze – Mesmer
Rhomulos Prime – Revenant
Being a casual Engi after three years, life sure is hard.
Purity of Purpose
Wow, just wait till the thing is revealed.
after watching the reveal, please delete this thread.
A few things were a bit weak. Auto attack isnt all that, but over the test I am sure things can get swapped or sorted out. The traits are pretty dang good atm wouldn’t mind seeing a hammer cd on that grandmaster and possibly your drone detonations becoming blast finishers as I noticed wasn’t listed on the skills. I think this is gonna be insanely fun too play cannot wait too try a cele build with defender runes since we get a block it will make the runes pretty amazing for some instant in combat burst heals.
I think Anet try to insert scraper into WvW meta, as tanky Frontliner.
Tanky frontliners cannot rely upon any form of pet or minion for stuff like condi-cleanse and other boons because they die too fast.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
You. Don’t. Have. To. Take. The. Gyros…you guys get that right? From the traits alone, stacked with Juggernaut there’s your frontliner.
You. Don’t. Have. To. Take. The. Gyros…you guys get that right? From the traits alone, stacked with Juggernaut there’s your frontliner.
You have to take the two minor gyro traits.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Yea, ill give you that. I’m hoping we can get those changed/tweaked a bit, if everyone speaks up over the beta weekends.
Well “try” is a keyword. I myself don’t know much about WvW (especially that more structured one).
Ugh… When I watched PoI i felt something repulsive (I think it is how false/artificial it seems). Also saying that elite will be useful in skipping… I had quite nasty comment about it.
Generally I feel “Meh” about it, and If it is good idea to drop explosive line for this one. It for sure is not that I was waiting for.
Haha, I can’t believe people are disappointed with this. Considering Engi is already an extremely versatile and strong class, getting a few more fun toys to play with seems like something to be happy about to me.
The Hammer looked really cool, stealth gyro was cool, and I like the stacking toughness+superspeed regen traits. The other gyro’s are not that great, sure but as someone else in this thread said, YOU DONT HAVE TO RUN THEM.
The Hammer looked really cool, stealth gyro was cool, and I like the stacking toughness+superspeed regen traits. The other gyro’s are not that great, sure but as someone else in this thread said, YOU DONT HAVE TO RUN THEM.
I was a little bit disappointed as I saw the damage numbers of the hammer. The AA critted with 1,5k if my memory isn’t fooling me. I know it is meant as a defensive weapon, but I hoped it would get a stronger AA than rifle….
well we don’t know for sure what amulet he was using.
well we don’t know for sure what amulet he was using.
I’m talking about the “showing some PvP builds” part, where he stated he is using Marauder.
Well “try” is a keyword. I myself don’t know much about WvW (especially that more structured one).
My guardian has roughly 20k HP and 2900 armor. A good bomb by an enemy zerg can down me within 3 seconds if I’m not dodging out, using renewed focus, or blocks to avoid damage. I seen some players using Nomads builds for their guardians and getting up to 3500 armor. They can last a little longer in such a bomb, maybe 5-7 seconds.
I don’t know what kind of health and armor these gyros have, but it is safe to say that no minion type AI gizmo in this game has ever been found viable in the middle of such a zerg. Minions just cannot tank/mitigate/avoid damage like a player can.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Haha, I can’t believe people are disappointed with this. Considering Engi is already an extremely versatile and strong class, getting a few more fun toys to play with seems like something to be happy about to me.
The Hammer looked really cool, stealth gyro was cool, and I like the stacking toughness+superspeed regen traits. The other gyro’s are not that great, sure but as someone else in this thread said, YOU DONT HAVE TO RUN THEM.
Unfortunately they took my toys away, and none of new one is shiny enough (not to mention they are so similar to each other). So I am disappointed, and the longer it goes the harder it will be to change it.
Engies can be frontliners cause traits, not utilities. The level of tankiness you can get from traits is scaring, and as someone said before you can get easy stab with juggernaut, condi cleanse from elixirs and Im sure the stealth gyro is going to do some awesome stuff. I’ve not worked in any frontliner build, but im sure its viable, maybe not meta, but viable.
Was the guy testing the scrapper in rabid gear ? because even with rabid it still had a few hard hits
were you watching the same stream as me?
triple leap finisher evade,
block attack, reflect attack,
tons of daze from lightning fields
500 health per second from super speed (and lads of access to it),
250 per second from swiftness
(lets hope they stack!)
tons of stability
lets not mention that every 30 seconds you and your finisher bot can both stability stomp.
its gonna be very fun trying different builds!
were you watching the same stream as me?
triple leap finisher evade,
block attack, reflect attack,
tons of daze from lightning fields500 health per second from super speed (and lads of access to it),
250 per second from swiftness
(lets hope they stack!)tons of stability
lets not mention that every 30 seconds you and your finisher bot can both stability stomp.
its gonna be very fun trying different builds!
It was 105 for swiftness and 470 from superspeed and yes, they do stack. So if you’re running Streamlined Kits, and swap to Tool Kit, you’ll get Swiftness (10s) + Super Speed(2s), and you’ll get a +575hp for the first two seconds, 105 for the rest.
He did say that it scales with healing power, but you know how healing power scaling is.
The Master traits look really nice on paper so far. I’m probably going to be running Expert Examination over Rapid Regeneration or Mass Momentum (All that alliteration…)
9s of weakness + 5 stacks vuln with no ICD? That’s like an immediate buff to Supply Crate.
Purity of Purpose
were you watching the same stream as me?
triple leap finisher evade,
block attack, reflect attack,
tons of daze from lightning fields500 health per second from super speed (and lads of access to it),
250 per second from swiftness
(lets hope they stack!)tons of stability
lets not mention that every 30 seconds you and your finisher bot can both stability stomp.
its gonna be very fun trying different builds!
It was 105 for swiftness and 470 from superspeed and yes, they do stack. So if you’re running Streamlined Kits, and swap to Tool Kit, you’ll get Swiftness (10s) + Super Speed(2s), and you’ll get a +575hp for the first two seconds, 105 for the rest.
He did say that it scales with healing power, but you know how healing power scaling is.The Master traits look really nice on paper so far. I’m probably going to be running Expert Examination over Rapid Regeneration or Mass Momentum (All that alliteration…)
9s of weakness + 5 stacks vuln with no ICD? That’s like an immediate buff to Supply Crate.
Forget supply crate, You know that the leap finisher combo for lighting fields is a 1s daze right? And with all those lightning fields, we’re getting a skill that’s 3 leap finishers in a row.
were you watching the same stream as me?
triple leap finisher evade,
block attack, reflect attack,
tons of daze from lightning fields500 health per second from super speed (and lads of access to it),
250 per second from swiftness
(lets hope they stack!)tons of stability
lets not mention that every 30 seconds you and your finisher bot can both stability stomp.
its gonna be very fun trying different builds!
It was 105 for swiftness and 470 from superspeed and yes, they do stack. So if you’re running Streamlined Kits, and swap to Tool Kit, you’ll get Swiftness (10s) + Super Speed(2s), and you’ll get a +575hp for the first two seconds, 105 for the rest.
He did say that it scales with healing power, but you know how healing power scaling is.The Master traits look really nice on paper so far. I’m probably going to be running Expert Examination over Rapid Regeneration or Mass Momentum (All that alliteration…)
9s of weakness + 5 stacks vuln with no ICD? That’s like an immediate buff to Supply Crate.Forget supply crate, You know that the leap finisher combo for lighting fields is a 1s daze right? And with all those lightning fields, we’re getting a skill that’s 3 leap finishers in a row.
Yes. And Thunderclap → Supply Crate is a 3.75s stun (3s + 25% from minor trait) + 18 seconds of weakness and 10 stacks of vuln, which you can then follow up with Rocket Charge leap finishers and increase the vuln stacks to 25 and apply even more weakness.
Since there’s no ICD, this means that all of your stuns and dazes do this. Which means your AoE Supply Crate drop stun is also AoE weakness + vuln. Chaining stuns and dazes and not letting enemies regain their dodges is very very rude and I’m going to enjoy it very very much. It’s no surprise that Sigil of Paralyzation has shot up from 6s to 40s since the traits were announced.
Purity of Purpose
As awesome as 9s weakness sounds, I’m pretty sure that’s not going to be the actual duration when HoT goes live, probably not even for the BWE. Engineers frankly have enough stuns and dazes to keep 100% weakness uptime with that duration, and I doubt ANet would be OK with that.
I was 100% certain that Expert Examination would have an ICD and yet it doesn’t. I don’t know what they’re okay with but I’m just rolling with what I see now.
Purity of Purpose
I kinda have to agree, even if I don’t want to … The hammer is super great, no question. The traits however are only average and most of them are pretty underwhelming. Especially the lack of a damage modifier keeps me from using this traitline.
But the most disappointing part are the gyros. Not that their AI or targetable system bugs me, no. But they are simply NOT WORTH IT. They are weak and feel like split up kits. Cleanse and heal gyro = healing turret, cleanse and dmg gyro = elixier gun. They are weak and their toolbelts are even worse. Like a poison field alone? Some lousy superspeed alone? NO ANET, that’s by FAR not enough to be considered a solid pick. Only the bulwark has a nice kit, the others are terrible…
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Was the guy testing the scrapper in rabid gear ? because even with rabid it still had a few hard hits
I think he was. His condi ticks were pretty strong (a little over 100 per bleed stack, I think, which would work out to around 1400 or so condi damage). The hammer damage numbers were pretty low, so I hope it’s because he was using rabid or other condi amulet.
Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)
The hammer looks good and after watching the reveal, I don’t think there will be a problem of gap closing.
However I’m not convinced that the scrapper will be joining the meta for wvw frontline. At least not in T1 blob fights and GvGs. It seems like the survivability is coming from blocks, which we all know necro wells are unblockable. I still think warriors and guardians will be much better at frontlining with their ability to purge and cleanse, instant rez, blast water fields on a relatively low cd and very importantly, give stability. What I can see happening for a scrapper trying to be on frontlines is that we’ll survive leaping in, as the hammer rocket charge is an evade as well, but we won’t survive trying to get out of the necro wells and static fields remaining in the area after the initial leap.
What I can see happening is the scrapper having a possible counter pick-team role -going on the hunt for thieves to protect your backline during the fight.
The gyros look really really disappointing though. They look waaaaaay too fragile. They are something you DEFINITELY WON’T want to take with you in PvE. Imagine trying to heal up with the medic gyro in combat and it just goes down within a second after summoning it. Same goes with the other gyros. I can only imagine 2 gyros being useful in PvE. The functionality gyro (imagine picking up a downed ally with this and Elixir R at the same time!) and the sneak gyro to skip trash mobs in dungeons.
In sPvP I don’t quite see the gyros playing a significant role either. Except MAYBE for the purge gyro and functionality gyro if they don’t go down in 2 mesmer auto attacks like our turrets do >_>. The stealth gyro is just too unreliable for a stealth mechanism. Unless you are planning to attack and stealth up way before going into battle. That kitten thing just follows you around while you’re in stealth and it doesn’t stealth up itself. Which is a big problem cause like the video showed, when the gyros are destroyed, they do damage around them. This is gonna apply the reveal buff on you. So now way you’re gonna escape a thick of battle by stealthing yourself with the sneak gyro =/ The toolbelt skill for the reveal might be useful against PU mesmers and thieves though. But are these gyros really worth taking over the sPvP skills many of us engineers and our builds are pidgeon-holed into taking? (Grenade kit, Toolkit, Elixir S, Healing Turret). So far I’m not convinced.
You. Don’t. Have. To. Take. The. Gyros…you guys get that right? From the traits alone, stacked with Juggernaut there’s your frontliner.
You have to take the two minor gyro traits.
So what’s the point. You just admitted that they are a subpar utility. And you’re all happy cuz Juggernaut?
My current plan is to just use the hammer and try to tank up. No gyros.
were you watching the same stream as me?
triple leap finisher evade,
block attack, reflect attack,
tons of daze from lightning fields500 health per second from super speed (and lads of access to it),
250 per second from swiftness
(lets hope they stack!)tons of stability
lets not mention that every 30 seconds you and your finisher bot can both stability stomp.
its gonna be very fun trying different builds!
It was 105 for swiftness and 470 from superspeed and yes, they do stack. So if you’re running Streamlined Kits, and swap to Tool Kit, you’ll get Swiftness (10s) + Super Speed(2s), and you’ll get a +575hp for the first two seconds, 105 for the rest.
He did say that it scales with healing power, but you know how healing power scaling is.The Master traits look really nice on paper so far. I’m probably going to be running Expert Examination over Rapid Regeneration or Mass Momentum (All that alliteration…)
9s of weakness + 5 stacks vuln with no ICD? That’s like an immediate buff to Supply Crate.Forget supply crate, You know that the leap finisher combo for lighting fields is a 1s daze right? And with all those lightning fields, we’re getting a skill that’s 3 leap finishers in a row.
Yes. And Thunderclap -> Supply Crate is a 3.75s stun (3s + 25% from minor trait) + 18 seconds of weakness and 10 stacks of vuln, which you can then follow up with Rocket Charge leap finishers and increase the vuln stacks to 25 and apply even more weakness.
Since there’s no ICD, this means that all of your stuns and dazes do this. Which means your AoE Supply Crate drop stun is also AoE weakness + vuln. Chaining stuns and dazes and not letting enemies regain their dodges is very very rude and I’m going to enjoy it very very much. It’s no surprise that Sigil of Paralyzation has shot up from 6s to 40s since the traits were announced.
I really don’t see why that sigil would be so impressive, the stacked increase with the minor still means a minor stun goes to become a decent stun (1.5 or 1.75?) and the increase on our two minute elite is probably not something you would give up a fire, air, energy or what have you sigil. We got rather few stuns of decent duration that’s worth increasing with paralyzation. In the same way we did not go for paralyzation with our shield i don’t think we will here either, even with a 25% increase from traits.
But yeah, we will have loads of dazes though, and that means we will proc the weakness a LOT. The rocket charge through a lightning field which already procced weakness is just mean.
(edited by miriforst.1290)
Why is everyone talking about other skills? I ran pure berserker but with healing signet in pvp and felt powerful and nasty. 4/5 of my skills were berseker skills. I wasn’t just viable. People were running in terror at my fiery, physical assault of certain fiery death.
I ran acrobatics and full Dare Devil and had so much health that I was a brawler and not a DPS anymore.
So why should we expect anythig less than Scrapper to feel this way? 5 or at leasts 4 drones should be very viable. Based on what we’ve seen, there is nothing but pretend synergy.
We have one leap and zero blasts. But we have a trait that gives superspeed on blast or leap. But wait it gets better. Lightning fields have always given swiftness… On blast. But oh by the way, scrapper has not blasts! Scrapper has no native swiftness but they have a trait that heals based on swiftness. Engineer has boatlads of swiftness. But don’t we want to feel fresh and new? Don’t we want to feel like a different class when we play something our elite spec?
Anet is not going to listen until BWE3. Until then, I have this to offer you. It’s me reading the future:
December 2015: ANet: “After careful consideration we’ve decided to heavily revamp and rerelease Scrapper with this mechanic that we were going to give it when it was still called forge.”
were you watching the same stream as me?
triple leap finisher evade,
block attack, reflect attack,
tons of daze from lightning fields500 health per second from super speed (and lads of access to it),
250 per second from swiftness
(lets hope they stack!)tons of stability
lets not mention that every 30 seconds you and your finisher bot can both stability stomp.
its gonna be very fun trying different builds!
It was 105 for swiftness and 470 from superspeed and yes, they do stack. So if you’re running Streamlined Kits, and swap to Tool Kit, you’ll get Swiftness (10s) + Super Speed(2s), and you’ll get a +575hp for the first two seconds, 105 for the rest.
He did say that it scales with healing power, but you know how healing power scaling is.The Master traits look really nice on paper so far. I’m probably going to be running Expert Examination over Rapid Regeneration or Mass Momentum (All that alliteration…)
9s of weakness + 5 stacks vuln with no ICD? That’s like an immediate buff to Supply Crate.
The guy stated that this trait scaled well with Healing Power, so lets see… And, the heal starts at s 0 or s1? Cause if it starts at s0 equipping toolkit gives you like 1300hp from SS heal, pretty nice