Merge Stabilization Core with Final Salvo

Merge Stabilization Core with Final Salvo

in Engineer

Posted by: guildabd.6529


Can stabilization core be merged with final salvo and then make a new adept trait called
Shocked Duck:
Stunning, dazing or knocking down a foe applies immobilize to them. Immobilize 1s. Cooldown per target: 2s.

Will be great in WvW and Stabilization Core gets more use.

Merge Stabilization Core with Final Salvo

in Engineer

Posted by: geekilo.8512


Out of all the scrapper traits, imo, those 2 are pretty weak. They should merge ^^

Merge Stabilization Core with Final Salvo

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Final Salvo weak? With superspeed heal this trait gives all gyros a 3k heal, wich is everything else than weak … Also lightning field -> hammer 3 -> 240 radius aoe daze for 2.5 sec~

But I agree that stabilization core is very weak. I wouldn’t merge them tho, I’d rather buff the stabilization core to work with every gyro, so you could make use of it, when you need stability, simple summon bulwark or purge etc. That’d be a great change for this trait. Yet for ressing and finishing :/ A pure pvp trait, but even there, protection on healskill is WAY better.

About your suggested trait, why would you use that? o.O I mean they are cced, unless they use a stunbreak this trait is useless :|

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
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