Might stacking and runes

Might stacking and runes

in Engineer

Posted by: RaCast.6510



What’s the best build for might stacking?

And what runes compliment it the most?

I tried running a might stacking engineer in pvp and the most stacks I could maintain was about 6 to 10 but I thought I had read about people getting a lot more.

Do same type runes stack? So if I put the same rune on two pieces of armor I should get double the effect? Because I was loading my armor with runes of strength/hoalbrak(sp?) but it didn’t seem like it was affecting the might duration. Full Alchemy should put the might duration from elixir b at 39s for example and should about double with all the runes…but the most I was getting was the 39s despite all my armor being loaded with +20% might duration runes

Might stacking and runes

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


If you are using a kit, then that might be your problem. You won’t get a stack if you kill an enemy while actively using one of the engineer kits. When you equip a kit, your actual weapons disappear, and the stats and sigils that were on them no longer effect you until you shift from that kit to your rifle/pistol/shield set.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

Might stacking and runes

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorrow.7452


I wrote a post about getting to 25 stacks, and staying between 20-25 stacks, but it’s a Juggernaut build.


A lot of people will tell you they can do the same with Superior Sigil of Strength, high crit, no runes and no help, just 30 alchemy(HGH) but honestly screenshot or it didn’t happen.