Mortar nerf is no big deal

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: warbignime.4610


If you guys don’t know, burning is ridiculously op right now. You guys should really try it out, deals much more than zerker. With burning build as op as it is, I don’t see why people would want to be a mortar zerker engie as all you do is spam 1 until your finger dies and it deals less damage.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Susulemon.3204


It’s a big deal because it already kills a bunch of builds, it does not matter what you think about burning.

It’s also a balancing move to save other kits because it was too easy to build around only using the mortar kit and still do decent damage, something they want to discourage.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Kodama.6453


Because it was really fun to do so! I loved that feeling of being an insane little cannoneer. And having a little direct damage on long range isn’t false, especially because it was our last left long range weapon…..

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Ricky Rouse.1583

Ricky Rouse.1583

The ludicrous damage of burning doesn’t excuse some fool at Anet gutting the first decent explosives weapon in 3 years that we’ve seen have at least ONE reason to use over grenades.

But yeah I see absolutely no issue with my mortar launcher essentially being a 10% stronger rifle that will miss competent players 80% of the time unless they are immobilized and chilled.

But yeah, lets just ignore the elephant in the room that is burning damage and give a swift kick in the balls to mortar. Because we can.

I honestly feel like refunding my HoT purchase because of this joke.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Ricky Rouse.1583

Ricky Rouse.1583

It’s a big deal because it already kills a bunch of builds, it does not matter what you think about burning.

It’s also a balancing move to save other kits because it was too easy to build around only using the mortar kit and still do decent damage, something they want to discourage.

Even using that as a justification, the damage off the first skill was the ONLY reason.

The combo finisher on the auto doesn’t work. The poison is weak. The chill is short lived. A blind that the grenade (didn’t see that coming) does better and an elixir field that is, admittedly, good, but not enough at a 30s cooldown.

“But the blast finisher toolbelt!” you say. Sure, but I could also grab Supply Crate and get a 2s stun AND a blast finisher that will actually hit things as it doesn’t have a massive laser telegraph. It will also give me some useful turrets that I can now overcharge and detonate.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Froze.4583


But I WANT engineer to have a viable auto attack rather than a 40 second optimal dps rotation.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


But I WANT engineer to have a viable auto attack rather than a 40 second optimal dps rotation.

Well, there’s always that hope that the hammer will be finally it..

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Engineer will never have an auto attack that is the best dps rotation. That’s not what the engineer is. And I’m totally glad about that.

Maybe they should increase the damage für over 900 range again, since it’s our only long range kit now.

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Kodama.6453


But I WANT engineer to have a viable auto attack rather than a 40 second optimal dps rotation.

Well, there’s always that hope that the hammer will be finally it..

Maybe, but just at melee range. Where is the “I’m a terrifying mobile siege weapon”-feeling we all want. =(

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: DanteZero.9736


My problem with the nerf is that it has been only two days since the mortar change and then it gets nerfed. It feels way too much like a knee jerk reaction.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


I seen this coming yeah, but 28% is kind of wtf..if it was hitting too hard too fast why not put a cast time on it to slow the dps?

its like no thought was put into other ways of fixing its damage output other than “this hits too hard make lower number” now its basically a slow rifle shot with AOE and 1500 range lol

Flat Nerfs are drastic and not well thought out.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Eganaught.7053


It’s a big deal because it already kills a bunch of builds, it does not matter what you think about burning.

It’s also a balancing move to save other kits because it was too easy to build around only using the mortar kit and still do decent damage, something they want to discourage.

Even using that as a justification, the damage off the first skill was the ONLY reason.

The combo finisher on the auto doesn’t work. The poison is weak. The chill is short lived. A blind that the grenade (didn’t see that coming) does better and an elixir field that is, admittedly, good, but not enough at a 30s cooldown.

“But the blast finisher toolbelt!” you say. Sure, but I could also grab Supply Crate and get a 2s stun AND a blast finisher that will actually hit things as it doesn’t have a massive laser telegraph. It will also give me some useful turrets that I can now overcharge and detonate.

Right, so they took something that was far better than it had been made it somewhat usable and then nerfed it to even less usable. Still a kittenty thing to do.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


If you guys don’t know, burning is ridiculously op right now. You guys should really try it out, deals much more than zerker. With burning build as op as it is, I don’t see why people would want to be a mortar zerker engie as all you do is spam 1 until your finger dies and it deals less damage.

Ah okay. So the nerf one one thing is okay, because something else is still overpowered. Atleast untill THAT gets nerfed as well… then we’ll have… what exactly?

We lost our Grenade kit for range because it would make this stupid Mortar Kit look bad. And still the Mortar was disapointing. Just one real damaging ability and everything else a bunch of combo fields. All with cooldowns that are just way to excessive.
Can someone explain to me the logic of giving us a 1500 range combofield machine, when almost all of our blast finishers are melee range? Poison and Light combofields are trash anyway.

Had to sacrifice a healthy bull to get a sickly chicken. And now theyre cutting of the chickens legs. I call shenanigans.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Dranz.3456


I agree nerfing morter kit was no big deal, to me. That said if I ever wanted to run a power build it would have been a nice option, but hey screw options my condi build is rocking, and that is all that matters. Right?

We all know that burns are doing great damage, but some people do not want to play condi. Lets assume that you love condis. Now lets say they reduce grenades by 1, kits can no longer proc Incind, and the bleed on explosions was moved down to 5%. Not a good day for condis is it? but don’t worry rifle was nerfed, but then buffed to only 1% less damage than the original! leave those condis alone, because rifle is sooooo good.

Do not down play the nerfing of a spec you do not play. Build diversity is a wonderful thing. Morter is now just a field generator, and that is ok to me (I like them in WvW), but before it was a decent power weapon, and a ok celestial weapon.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Sitael.4680


If you guys don’t know, burning is ridiculously op right now. You guys should really try it out,

Sure, but do not make you build about it. See the dev post. It will be nerfed.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


If you guys don’t know, burning is ridiculously op right now. You guys should really try it out, deals much more than zerker. With burning build as op as it is, I don’t see why people would want to be a mortar zerker engie as all you do is spam 1 until your finger dies and it deals less damage.

Ah okay. So the nerf one one thing is okay, because something else is still overpowered. Atleast untill THAT gets nerfed as well… then we’ll have… what exactly?

We lost our Grenade kit for range because it would make this stupid Mortar Kit look bad. And still the Mortar was disapointing. Just one real damaging ability and everything else a bunch of combo fields. All with cooldowns that are just way to excessive.
Can someone explain to me the logic of giving us a 1500 range combofield machine, when almost all of our blast finishers are melee range? Poison and Light combofields are trash anyway.

Had to sacrifice a healthy bull to get a sickly chicken. And now theyre cutting of the chickens legs. I call shenanigans.

Orbital strike itself is a 1500 blast combo finisher. (which blasts twice with seige rounds)
M1 is a 1500 proj finisher.
Also, mortar is a support tool. laying down combo fields 1500 away on the point, while you stay at range and your war friend procs the melee combos.

Also m1 still does as much damage as grenades.
It WAS doing 30% MORE then grenades..

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Vermillion.4061


Some of us refuse to play condi based builds because it promotes passive play, when you nerf everything power [Mortar- and Nades] it’s hard to not go play a mindless condi build.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


And that 30% more than grenades was fine.
Cause grenades already have the better chance of processing traits and sigils as their advantage, especially when coupled with traits like Shrapnel that made them quite the better condi weapon (bleeding, vulnerability – that now even increases condi damage – and even cripple as a cover condition…all done via the autoattack, and without even considering anything else other than the explosives line).
And even if we considered power damage, between the damage of the other skills and the better amount of vulnerability it can deal, they’re still probably equal if not better.
And traits like Shrapnel and Siege Rounds directly compete for the same slot, anyway. So either you power up the mortar, or you get a trait that’s infinitely more useful with grenades.
People will just use grenades and free up the elite slot for something else. Like they did since this game launched, anyway.
And whereas other classes get elite skills like "Feel My Wrath – area quickness and fury at 30s cooldown – we get some elite kit that is introduced by nerfing an utility one, gets nerfed itself and still ends up worse than said utility one. I have to wonder if it wasn’t a deliberate move to nerf our offensive capabilities at higher ranges…

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Kodama.6453


I have to wonder if it wasn’t a deliberate move to nerf our offensive capabilities at higher ranges…

Just like I said, look at our new trait system. Every trait that benefits from range is gone or replaced by one now benefitting from close combat. Elite spec seems like some heavy melee tank (I guess that because many defensive traits are gone too).

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

To be honest in wvw it’s a big deal. Against full bunker zergs who spam blast in heal fields, meteor shower/lava font work. Wells work. Ranger works somehow, especially good single target. Engineer didn’t work cause retaliation +15 nade target hit = suicide. Now mortar was a solution. Was it op? Not by longshot. The only zergs i killed with it, are ZERG THAT STAND STILL. No good zerg does this. The moment they run up a ledge, your mortar is to slow to catch up.

Secondly, the damage was just enough, to after a minute of pirate shipping meta shooting each other to get an little advantage over the meta guardian/Warrior bunker blobs. Just a tiny advantage. We still needed our warrior/guards to do the ‘dirty work’ and finish them.

Now the weapon doesn’t even provide enough pressure, they just outheal it AND might I add, they retaliate you kitten it.

Rabid Celestial don’t work with mortar. only power works. Zerker is kinda pulling to much risk to you (but at least had enough pressure just post patch to be a thing). Old nades worked with every stat build almost.

Is it bad? No. I get ‘omg 1500 range, must be weak or otherwise op’. But Anet forgets to much stuff in wvw. An ele can basically 1800 range meteor shower, with the lightning blink skill trick. More pressure, more area denial, more burst… More escapes! Burning retreat is amazing. An engineer has the downside of having to spam non stop, to get equal effect as lava font (wich after mortar nerf will do almost double damage per tick as mortar with same stat composition). He has to spam, predict enemy movement to be ahead, half shots will fail in this, etc. A lot all for just a bit 1500 range pressure.

And lastly: Reflect fields. A massive counter to mortar. Reflect? K your zerg eats 5 target mortar shots! It prevents damage on enemies and turns it to you… Huge counter play. MEteor shower, lava font? No counter but to dodge it, wich isn’t always easy (see static field). Ranger is counter this way too, but only will hit a single target in your zerg (unless you take piercing). A necro has enough hp, and aoe fears to survive a well bomb at 900 range, especially with ranged wells being baseline now.

I can go on, but Engineer (because of this nerf) is submeta now.

Can you work it out? Can you still have pleasure with it? Sure with so much trait, and still being the lead in amount of utility skills profession, you always can pull some fun out of it. It’s just not, what it should be in the GWEN meta. For one day we turned it into a GWEEN meta. Now it is’nt. And for me it’s enough to play elementalist & co now instead of engineer. Cause pirate ship viability is very important to me in wvw. And this 28% nerf screwed that. Tbh i rather take the old grenades. Yes i’ve eaten retaliation like madmen, but i was used to it, and at least did some nasty chills, poisons on them in past. Was even harder to play then mortar, but at least had some viable pressure in it, if played correctly.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659



I don’t agree on evrything , but being mainly a WvW player i understand you 100%.
I still find the mortar a good kit for zerg vs zerg….but…

The relfect is a huge problem to deal with using every of our ranged kits,from nades to mortar.

And yes, spam mortar #1 perma on full buffed enemy lower the damage even more.

Also , after i read what Gaile said in his reply about how they fix problems ,having htat 28% mortar nerf after 40 hours from the patch kittenes me off.
I can’t belive there was much of balance discussions and debate on that ,considering the things we told about WvW.

The best solution would have been like many other said to encrease the damage at max range and lower it at low range.
This way you have balance in 1vs 1 and PvP on point fights , without effect the WvW gameplay at max range.

Also ,what i fear most is the nerf was driven by the perma quickness we got in WvW because of the guardian bug….because with it the mortar was really OP .
Reduce the damage of 15% was ok i think….but that 28% when it comes to hit bufed zergs in WvW is … meh.

Also,ask for revert the things or take a deeper look at them now is useless .
Considering they hotfixed this like if it was a huge problem after 40 hours , we can forget a step back in few days.
May be they will revisit it in the next balance patch… 6 months.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

(edited by Nirvana.8659)