Movement Speed

Movement Speed

in Engineer

Posted by: Revenant.5498


What ways can Engineers get an increase to outside of combat movement speed?

I’m playin a Norn and kitten is it slow.


Arthur – Guardian
Abelia – Necromancer
Revenant – Thief

Movement Speed

in Engineer

Posted by: Eskepesk.4106


Swiftness is pretty much it. You can have perma swiftness using the Speedy Kits trait. We also have a few mobility skills such as Jump Shot (Switch to a kit and swap back during mid-air for a VERY small speed advantage) and Acid Bomb (Elixir Gun skill 4, If you’re using it right you can turn your character around and use it without losing speed but actually gaining. this is pretty difficult to do though).

Norns are just as fast as anyone else.

Movement Speed

in Engineer

Posted by: Revenant.5498


Yah they are, they just appear so slow But thanks for the info!

Arthur – Guardian
Abelia – Necromancer
Revenant – Thief

Movement Speed

in Engineer

Posted by: Ravak.8912


It’s all about animation. Linear speed is the same for every race (balance issue), and as your toon is “large” he requires fewer longer steps to cover the same ground.

If you want to feel “fast”, reroll as an Asura – with swiftness he runs “faster” than a drug addict chasing his dealer’s car:

For swiftness you also have Elixir B and Medkit #5 With Speedy Kits and those two, you can pre-buff yourself for some LONG swiftness. Boon duration runes (Medkit #5, Elixir B), and fast-acting + potent elixirs (Elixir B ) help in stacking swiftness.

Finally, there’s Slick Shoes toolbelt skill (Super Speed) that gives you twice speed for a brief time (5s).

(edited by Ravak.8912)

Movement Speed

in Engineer

Posted by: Eskepesk.4106


Although Super Speed does not grant you more than 33% faster. But you will always run 33% faster, even if you’re in combat, crippled and chilled.

Movement Speed

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


Although Super Speed does not grant you more than 33% faster. But you will always run 33% faster, even if you’re in combat, crippled and chilled.

use both skills in combat and you ll see the huge diference

During Combat:

Swiftness:brings you to normal speed out of combat

Super speed:brings you to swiftness speed out of combat sorta.