My Condi Engi

My Condi Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: CenterOfTheHive.2169


This is the build I am currently using, its about cashing in on the boons you get from elixirs and increased damage from conditions. Tell me what you think, what you would change. Wanted to do something different than the typical HGH build so I thought this was a pretty fun way to play it.

My Condi Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


The issues i see with this build compared to the typical HGH build is that you are trying to cash in to boons but your trade off is survivability and damage. Your might stacks will be low, your cleansing is low, and you dont have tool kit so you are relying on elixir S to soak up damage. Once you use that you will drop. Cloaking Device is a must imo, as well as coated bullets. I’d also get rid of one of your elixir traits for the cleaning conditions then you can get rid of elixir C for toolkit or rocket boots. I think you’d be in a good position then.

Of course this is all my opinion based on using this in WvW.

My Condi Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


no matter where to use it, it’s total kitten m8. Really.
“Cloaking Device” not must be, pve/pvp maybe yeah sometimes, but ussually useless.

Coated bullets, pistol is kitten without that.

HGH, or another might stacking builds will not make big difference, they are kitten aswell (except, fully solo if u can make 20 stacks of might on 30s, but still depends on how much effoert do u need for that)

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

My Condi Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Noves.4365


The issues i see with this build compared to the typical HGH build is that you are trying to cash in to boons but your trade off is survivability and damage. Your might stacks will be low, your cleansing is low, and you dont have tool kit so you are relying on elixir S to soak up damage. Once you use that you will drop.

^This, i think the build lacks of damage and survivability.
Toolkit for elixicir c
Invigorating speed for 409 formula (a trait for a 32secs cd or random one no worth)

Now you have more options in a combat to take advantage.

Baruch Bay [DOOM]

My Condi Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: CenterOfTheHive.2169


Well, I took elixir c as a way to generate more boons. For each boon that is on me I get an additional 1% damage boost. Should I still take rocket boots instead? Also, elixir s is not just a way to soak up damage, it’s a stun break.

(edited by CenterOfTheHive.2169)

My Condi Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


By selecting Rabid armor, you achieve 51% Critical Chance but you have 0 Critical Damage(!). This is a flaw with Rabid armor. Look into Carrion armor. It’s PVC. Add Superior Rune of the Undead for Toughness and Condition Damage and you’ll increase your base Condition Damage to around 2000.

Criticals do not help with Conditions.

My Condi Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Also, elixir s is not just a way to soak up damage, it’s a stun break.

90% of the times it’s neither. Its a free stomp.

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