Nades vs. Mortar

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: Mystletainn.6285


Grenade Kit is a way for any engineer to be mobile and have great AoE. Also high rate of fire.
Mortar costs 30 skill points after buying 2 elites. Although I already have 5 1pt skills, 5 3pt skills, 2 6pt skills, 2 10pt elite skills, and Mortar, I find just about every toolkit, gadget, and skill I have to be exceptionally better than Mortar (except for its amazing 5 skill.)
But Grenade Kit (which is so similar to Mortar) beats it.
Mortar requires you to be immobile, but in return gives stability. The downside is the mortar can be broken. It gives 200 range more than the ‘Nade Kit.
However, ’Nade Kit lets you constantly move around, gives you both 5 grenade skills and 1 toolbelt grenade skill. Additionally it fires faster and doesn’t require you to get 50 skill points for it.
I have literally went to every 1-15 and 15-25 area to get enough skill points for Mortar to use in WvW. It is (A) lackluster, (B) doesn’t work on structures (I’m pretty sure ’nades do), and © not worth the points.
I think if you let it deal damage to structures and give it some actually powerful range (maybe 1750) then it would be worth the 30 skill points.
The irony is Elixir X grants a 30 skill point skill for 10 skill points, but Mortar grants a weaker turret that requires the player to stand there unable to dodge, which is—in my opinion—worth maybe 10 skill points. Maybe.

I love ’nades, and I love the mortar. However, the mortar truly needs something that makes it shine better than Grenade Kit, and something that makes it shine better than Elixer X or Supply Drop.

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I like the idea that others have proposed, which involves making the Mortar act like other Turrets, the regular attack being a long-range shot with a long cycle, and maybe the overcharge being the rain of concussion blasts. Of course, I also wish the Mortar wouldn’t vanish after two minutes, instead being treated as just a very powerful, very slow, regular turret – but I doubt that’ll ever happen.

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


What a reason to post some low-lvl questions about skill points? At this levels really doesnt matter what you using for mobs killing.
And at the 80 lvl you will have all skills.

Grenades really worse bundle now, since they nerf their damage by 30% ><
And mortar sucks too, even if you will have traits for it.

Use flamthrower’s 1st skill untill you will understand your class completely - it really rocks for noobies.

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: ManCaptain.3154


Lowered damage is not reason to ditch nades. Frost grenades are just massive burst of damage and debuffing. I find it hard to justify going away from the only Chilled source of the class (apart from far less useful mortar elite).

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Man, forget about Mortar - it’s useless completely in PVE.
It can be useful in very rare situation at WWW and not for you, but for your allies without good range AOE.

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


mortar needs 1800-2000 range to feel like an actual long ranged mortar and its not like it would be overpowered since its damage is weaker than grenades and even the rifle except for #5 skill wich has what 30s cooldown.

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


I use a combo of both grenades and Mortar in WvW. Run up on a keep, drop Mortar, and wait for a bunch to gather in one of the battelments. Announce to my team “goin’ to make it rain, folks!”… Concussion Barrage. Enemies are on the ground and ready to get eaten.

I will often get off my Mortar, swap to grenades, then start strafing the walls, attempting to herd the enemy to that battlement for a rinse repeat.

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: XerxesBlack.5892


Mortar should be an elite kit…. yeah!

EDIT: But in all seriousness a mobile mortar elite kit would so be worth the 30 skill points and cool-down.

Beaks N Talons [NERF] – Engineer of the great and mighty Fort Engineer guild!

(edited by XerxesBlack.5892)

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: Elmori.7369


Been using the mortar recently and I must say that it is quite useful against mass zergs.

Its #2, #4, and #5 are good CC’s. -66% Movement plus -66% skill recharge rate along with bleed plus cripple are two nice aoe fields to slow them down. It’s #5 with 5x knockback with almost 3000 damage each is strong imo. Fire it into a zerg and it will create a hole. Plus you can knock enemies off walls.

U can use the #3 heal on yourself if you’re on top of a wall, aim at the bottom and it’ll hit right in front of you. No need to worry about being pulled as using a mortar grants stability. 400 heal per tick that stacks with regen isn’t all too bad. Well, at least when people don’t freak out when it lands on top of them. I’ve seen too many on our team jump out of heal fields…..

The mortar #1 is far too weak though, two second cooldown for 1k aoe damage is bad. Especially as it takes a while for it to land.

Running grenades with mortar is a bit double imho, but hey whatever floats your boat. Mortars might help p/s w. bombs/toolkit engineers as it gives them some range options. Fire some rounds when two zergs collide, then flank them.

SFR Engineer Bozwai

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I have an idea for Mortar.
1. Make it remote controlled.
2. When you use it, your elite skill turns to Destroy Mortar.
3. Your tool belt skills turn to Mortar skills 2-5.
4. Run around and call out ground target spots to fire at, to support you while you fight.
5. Or sit back in safety somewhere and call out spots.
6. Be glad that in WvW you don’t summon it just to have another player quickly grab it first.

Nades vs. Mortar

in Engineer

Posted by: Thiefz.3695


Add range to Mortar by 200-300 and it would be much more useful. It’s already my preferred siege defense because of 5 and 4. The problem I have with grenades and mortar is that most of the time, there’s a lip or small wall on the battlements and if the enemies are too close, it won’t hit. I would love to have a siege engineer on battlements with a glass cannon rifle warrior near by.