Need Engi help

Need Engi help

in Engineer

Posted by: KeyLimPi.9031


I’ve done a lot of looking around and I need to work on my engi-play. I’m looking for ALL tips and tricks you can give me, even the easiest ones like using healing turret twice in a row causes a blast finisher.

I could also use build advice. I’m running @ vanilla stats : 1.2k power, 45% crit chance, 1705 toughness, 1,210 conditional, and 70% conditional duration. I’m open to making a power set as well. As a wvw roamer I’ve been having a lot of trouble dealing with 2v1 situations and any/all adjustments can be useful.

Need Engi help

in Engineer

Posted by: Fairtex.7810


Could we see your build? That would help so we can help you tweak it if need be.

Fairtex Turret Engineer

Former Gunslinger, curret Engineer, Future Spellslinger

Need Engi help

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Go to dueling rooms and practice , allow a mentor to analyze your gameplay and flourish.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Need Engi help

in Engineer

Posted by: KeyLimPi.9031


30 – V,VIII,XI
10 – VI
20 – V,IX
10 -VI

Usually run healing turret, grenades, rocket boots, Tool kit and I have full rabid(?) gear. Prec/tough/con. P/S

(edited by KeyLimPi.9031)

Need Engi help

in Engineer

Posted by: Fairtex.7810


pretty nice utilities. 2v1’s are never easy but from what i can tell from looking at your build, you need more condi damage to have a better chance. Its one of those situations where you just have to kill them before they kill you. I would consider dropping the shield and picking up another pistol. also a net turret will help a lot in a 2v1 situation.

I would tell you to just try a turret build and destroy anything that comes at you but that just doesn’t work that well in wvw. I ran my full turret build once and it was like running with your own personal havoc squad. i just couldn’t stand being so kitten slow

those are just a couple things. there could be a whole book written on engineer builds and gameplay styles.

TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama had a really good piece of advice. I’d definitely try and find a mentor

Fairtex Turret Engineer

Former Gunslinger, curret Engineer, Future Spellslinger