Need a build...

Need a build...

in Engineer

Posted by: DRiehl.9672


Ok i have been trying the nade way in wvw and in pve but it seems i suck at it i stand around more since while moving i suck with accuracy and end up resorting to my rifle. Is there any other build that would suit me?

Need a build...

in Engineer

Posted by: LazerEagle.7209


This is my current PvP build, but it works really well in PvE and WvW too. The info on it is on the page I linked. Enjoy!

Need a build...

in Engineer

Posted by: DRiehl.9672


i would love some more ideas thank you lazer

Need a build...

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


What are you looking to do? What role do you see yourself playing? Toss us a few more specifics so we have a guiding direction to point you.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Need a build...

in Engineer

Posted by: DRiehl.9672


well i want to be able to survive but still be able to kill if it came to it

Need a build...

in Engineer

Posted by: DRiehl.9672


i mostly do 5 man teams to take out supply camps

Need a build...

in Engineer

Posted by: LazerEagle.7209


well i want to be able to survive but still be able to kill if it came to it

I suggest you try my build. I don’t mean to be kitteny but that’s pretty much what I built mine for. The Pistol/Shield is great for survivability, because the Shield offers really great Defensive abilities, and the Pistol has good condition damage. The Turret is good for all-round capabilities. For added survivability the Rocket Boots are a good escape mechanism. If it comes down to the worst, then go to the Flamethrower, and turn into a Glass Cannon. It makes you squishy without the Shield, but you deal quite the damage. Because of this I only use this for last-resort situations, or when attacking an undefended Gate in PvP, where nothing but pure damage is necessary.