Need a new wvw build

Need a new wvw build

in Engineer

Posted by: elitegamerz.4965


Okay, so like alot of my fellow engineers out there im looking for a new build. Any suggestions? I want a build that can do okay damage and is fairly survivable. (Survivability being more important than damage. Im currently running a rifle crits build and even with all the damage it puts out most classes can still survive long enough to kill me. I would like to be able to solo roam in wvw, killing dolyaks and sentries without much trouble and to be able to atleast survive a 1v1. The only build i have found that i actually like is a p/s build that uses the flamethrower and elixers. This works well in pve but im a wvw kind of person, the flamethrower really cant do much in that area… So, feel free to link builds, and thanks for taking the time to read this post.

Need a new wvw build

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


roaming wvw is what I do most of the time, I’m pretty unbeatable in 1v1 and I take out sentries and supply camps by myself all the time.
try taking a look here:

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Need a new wvw build

in Engineer

Posted by: elitegamerz.4965


roaming wvw is what I do most of the time, I’m pretty unbeatable in 1v1 and I take out sentries and supply camps by myself all the time.
try taking a look here:

Thanks Maskaganda, looks pretty solid. Ill give the build a try