Need help With WVW build

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

i have been looking for hours trying to find a good wvw build and its been hard.
The build that seems to be at the top of the list for me is HGH

Im average at multitasking so a build with like 3 kits is way too involved for me, i could learn but it would have to be fun atleast.

I would rather stick to a simple yet effective build and i think HGH would fit.
This is Ostricheggs roaming build:

Would it be effective to take out rocket boots and nade kit and put in Elixir B and S and turn this into an HGH build with the toolkit? or does the nades need to stay?

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


If you do that, it’s Maskaganda’s build. Check his videos to get some inspiration

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

ya he looks pretty good.
In the build i posted is it possible to switch the Dire armor with dire trinkets
and rabid armor with rabid trinkets??

also why cant i find noble runes in TP?

(edited by Baron NJS.5704)

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

This build or the post below it….tell me which would be better!

Maskagadas Build pretty much but im gonna use Dire armor and Rabid trinkets…..would this change anything? (would i sacrifice too much damage for tankiness?)

Here is the original build and video.
This build seems to have good survivability and not too much micro for me.

(edited by Baron NJS.5704)

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

Either the build above or Ostricheggs modified build for HGH .

some feed back would be nice (before i waste almost 300k karma on orr gear), why is this forum so dead =(

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

cmon guys pretty please

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: zaragoz.6351


Mask’s build is really good for roaming, but for running with a zerg I feel that builds utilizing grenades is better as it allows you to put pressure on walls. The issue your going to run into when running HGH builds with one kit, is what I would refer to as a lack of defense. On maskganda’s build he’s running toolkit so he has the 3 second block for blocking burst and prybar to completely turn the tables on spamming rangers/thieves when running grenades, unfortunately its a lot harder, and unless your pretty darn accurate with them things can get sticky fast. If I were to chose one that you linked based on my playstyle I would choose Ostricheggs build as it gives you permanent vigor and swiftness, tons of aoe condi pressure, good defense/offense/control via toolkit, and the ability to get out when kitten hits the fan.

To summarize the post, I realize you say you don’t like micromanaging kits, however that is going to be the difference in a good engineer, and a dead one. Learning to use two kits takes time, but it is something you should really work towards if you want to bring your engineer to max effectiveness. That is in no way to say Maskganda’s build is bad, I’ve played it and quite to the contrary it is good, but it just doesn’t fit my playstyle, as I find it hard to play engineer without permanent swiftness/vigor. Just my 2 cents.

Goodluck, and happy engineering,


Ferguson’s Crossing
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

(im super noob at WvW never played it)
hey thanks for the input, so the modified ostricheggs build has too little defense, Elixir S doesnt cut it?

Honestly im most worried about my gear…i could probably learn to play whichever build even tho i might pull my hair out with more than 1 kit.

(This should be my PVP gear when its finished)
2 Dire pistols
Rabid armor
With exotic Dire trinkets
1 rabid backpiece
Will this Gear setup work with any of those builds? Because changing some skills/traits around costs nothing but buying a whole new set of gear is not ideal.

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: zaragoz.6351


Elixir S is fine, and you can give it a shot to see if its to your liking, however rocketboots is going to give you a way to escape some really bad situations, and coupled with permanent swiftness and vigor can really be good for relocating yourself in small group play as well as zerg play, and also it has a toolbelt skill that gives you an additional way to apply burning.

Toolkit is great simply because it gives you the ability to set up some nice damage combos that would be otherwise be hard to land, think magnet/prybar/blowtorch in one go.

Grenade kit is going to give you some great offense as well in the form of shrapnel grenade, poison grenade, and freeze grenade, as well as a blind that can help you get stomps.

Your gear is fine, although I would do my best to try and start getting more Dire here and there, while keeping a piece or two or rabid for a little crit chance the dire is just going to give you some added vitality to make you a little harder to bring down. You won’t need much crit chance if you just run med kit and use drop stimulant that alone should keep your on burning proc up pretty much permanently.

The runes of the noble, enhance performance, and sigil of battle should allow you to easily keep up 12+ stacks of might so that is really going to help your damage out quite a bit as well. My advice is just to watch some streams of different engineers, look at how they move and fight. Also noteworthy is look at different ways of keybinding, I had a guildie that was playing engi who was actually mouse clicking his kits….. This is epic fail… do not do this…. Keybinding on an engineer is absolutely essential. Anyway that is all I can think of for now.

Good luck and happy engineering,


Ferguson’s Crossing
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


you can get runes of the noble by running Caudecus Manor dungeon. for my build however, I use 2x traveller, 2 monk, 2x water.

while dire would work with this build I think u’d be betting too much on conditions to do the job alone. and while re-applying the conditions is fairly easy that extra direct damage helps alot. I sugest you mix carrion, rabid and dire till you find numbers that are suited for you.

regarding the lack of swiftness/vigor in my build, if you notice my vids swiftness is permanent while in combat. vigor is an issue tho.

I’ve tried alot of variations of my build. the one from that particular vid is optimized for solo roaming. atm I swich between that one and one with coated bullets when solo. always coated bullets when in a group.
with a well supported group I use bomb kit, droping toolkit and incendiary powder for larger bomb radius. in organized 5v5s (which I know are a rare thing but still..!) I often drop elixir B as well for bombs, going H, S, bombs, toolkit. the reason for this is mainly the added pressure on downed bodies.
for most duels I go enhanced performance and prot on crit, dropping coated bullets and cloaking device.
against perma stun warriors I sometimes go stabilized armor and prot on cc (dropping hgh)

I’ll have a new vid sometime during the following week, stay tuned :p


Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

Thanks for the replies

Here is what i have available To use for Gear to make either build work for me.

-Full set of Zerk armor(exotic)4X runes of altruism 2X runes of water this is my PVE armor

-Full Set of Rabid armor(exotic) no runes yet but plan on adding Noble runes unless you guys have a good alternative.

-Full set of Rampager trinkets(exotic)

So most of my stuff is geared towards offence. If i bought a full set of Dire trinkets that would make a good set of defensive items i think.

I plan on running Rabid armor plus Dire trinkets. Do you guys think this can work good for either build? i can Swap out Dire for rampager as needed

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: zaragoz.6351


Should work fine, engineers used to run rabid all the time before dire was released and most of us did just fine, some of the ones I know still run rabid and they also do fine. How you do is going to fall more on your abilities as a player more so than min maxing your gear, don’t get me wrong it doesn’t hurt to do that, but its not going to make a HUGE difference. Try Maskganda’s build for a few days, then switch over to the other ones you linked for a few days, decide which one best suits your play style, generally speaking all builds will have strengths and weaknesses. You just have to find the one that works best for you.

Ferguson’s Crossing
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


If you’re going to be running in T1 go with dire and bring some defense. Otherwise stay away from big hits or you’ll just be a rally bot for the enemy..

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Here’s another option for you. Mask & I use very similar builds, not sure if he’s changed his.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

Its gonna take me a long time to get noble runes So whats a suitable replacement?
Im thinking runes of perplexity would synergize really well.

and what other sigils beside battle do i need if i did go with perplexity

Shanks, Dire trinkets + pistols and rabid armor would work well with your build right?

thanks for the responses guys

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Its gonna take me a long time to get noble runes So whats a suitable replacement?
Im thinking runes of perplexity would synergize really well.

and what other sigils beside battle do i need if i did go with perplexity

Shanks, Dire trinkets + pistols and rabid armor would work well with your build right?

thanks for the responses guys

It’s really all personal preference. I’ve been using dire armor & 1 wep with 1 rabid wep & all rabid trinkets. (except rampager ammy)

Perplexity runes are pretty fun, they’re too OP though and I got bored after a while. I didn’t use HGH when I ran perplexity, you lose out on boon duration so it doesn’t work well. Therefore, sigil of battle isn’t worth bringing. I did pistol/shield, sigil of fire + energy, I think. I used flamethrower & toolkit, combined with shield offhand, you have a ton of interrupts. I could stack 20+ confusion on someone with ease, and bad players just kill themselves in seconds.

You don’t need noble runes to run HGH. I’ve been running HGH for a very long time & have never used them. You can use 2 of each of the 3 runes that give 20% might duration & be golden. I personally use 2 of each of 3 different runes that give longer boon duration, I like having multiple boons up (not just might) and it helps with swiftness since I don’t waste points for speedy kits.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

Shanks i will probably try your build first (seems like a good playstyle for me)

Would it be a good idea to swap out the points in inventions and go straight down firearm tree for more damage on the pistol like coated bullets and modified ammunition…have u tried that?

I might just try and grind out the runes of Noble you think those are the best possible runes for this build?

until then i will probably use
2X of whatever runes give me might duration

(edited by Baron NJS.5704)

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: zaragoz.6351


Its worth noting that even if you do not use noble you can run 2 sets of might stacking and runes of altruism to gain an additonal 3 stacks of might on heal. Noble are better, but its an option for someone not wanting to dungeon run.

Ferguson’s Crossing
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

i have armor set with 4X altruism and 2X water for pve stuff

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks i will probably try your build first (seems like a good playstyle for me)

Would it be a good idea to swap out the points in inventions and go straight down firearm tree for more damage on the pistol like coated bullets and modified ammunition…have u tried that?

I might just try and grind out the runes of Noble you think those are the best possible runes for this build?

until then i will probably use
2X of whatever runes give me might duration

Like I said, I never used noble runes. I’m assuming that if you run these, you’ll have to use medkit. Make sure you’re actually ok with using it, a lot of people don’t like it. I use elixir H, it’s a solid large heal and adds to the boon count, giving the ever useful protection boon often. It also gives me throw H, which is another condi removal (with 409) along with some more protection/might. I never have problems stacking might, especially in fights.

I used to not run inventions, but I opted 20 points due to the nature of WvW. Having some toughness really helps a lot, the build puts out plenty of damage as it stands. Try them both & see which you prefer. I personally love having some solid defense with my high HP pool, I don’t make for an easy target. Aside from that, the stealth on immobilize is amazing when you’re doing 1vX. Also great for escaping zergs. Now that throw S is stealth all the time, too, you can basically instantly shadow refuge (10s stealth) if you get immobilized. I like power shoes because I move around a lot in fights (although I don’t usually run away, I notice a lot of engis like to do this) and having that extra leg up helps not only with catching fleeing foes but also escaping zergs.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

Why would i have to use medkit with noble runes?

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Why would i have to use medkit with noble runes?

(6): When you use a healing skill, gain 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 10s)

There’s no cooldown on medkit, so you could get the extra 3 stacks every 10 seconds. Elixir H has a longer cooldown so it doesn’t synergize as well.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

i have been doing some wvw and i do feel quite tanky however i feel like i lack damage but maybe thats because im new and suck.Or maybe not having those noble runes hurts me?

How should i approach fights? ive been watching videos but its so fast its hard to tell whats going on.
Pop elixir B at start and lead with magnetic shield/pry bar then rotate pistol skills.
Swap back to tools to block and maybe prybar again when in range.
Am i focusing on getting my might stacks as high as possible quickly.
Here is my exact build.

Use S and Stealth when needed, heal when needed and throw H when needed?

Also i heard they changed HGH recently…to what?

(edited by Baron NJS.5704)

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


they didn’t change HGH trait recently.

you basically need to prepare for fights by using elixir B and toss H. depending on what classes you are facing you might want to toss B or not.
magnet is great to pull people into your range and prybaring but the best choice of opener is static shot if the target is close enough not to have time to dogde. with some luck, an opening static shot will give 4 conditions (blind, confusion, burn, bleed) and give you some time to apply other stuff like a good prybar or pdv.

also, new vid, nothing special tho:

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

ok thanks mask i will check it out..does my build look sound enough?

is your build still the same? can u post it please

(edited by Baron NJS.5704)

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


Good stuff as always Mask.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: varena.1362


I’ve been using a bunker build in WvW recently:|a.51q.h1l.e.51q.h5.0.0.0||1q.71m.1q.71m.1q.71m.1q.71m.1q.71m.1q.71m|3x.0.21m.0.31m.0.3x.0.2x.0.3w.0|k35.0.k17.u69c.0|30.d|2c.2x.2v.2e.30|e

I’ve found it works very well in the thick of things in large fights in WvW, but it’s more about supporting the frontline with water fields and condition removal whilst being very tough to kill than doing massive damage. I thought about going 30 inventions for the extra healing from eib, but decided it probably wasn’t worth it and I prefer the extra burn proc from incendiary powder for smaller group fights.

For extra survival (and to chuckle at the hammer train) use saffron bread (-20% incoming damage when stunned and -20% condition duration, cheap as chips to make) and swap reinforced shield for stabilised armour.

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

bunker builds dont really suit my playstyle i wouldnt mind trying them out but i dont have the proper gear for it i dont think.

Also you should check out the unkillable elixir bomb build by carpboy

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

I wouldn’t want to give you a specific skill chain, just keep playing & figure out what works best for you. Static shot is amazing, as Mask said. Piles on conditions & usually negates their opener, which more often than not is a big skill. Don’t use block on recharge, use it as needed. Same with stealth & stability. Try using prybar whenever you can, but if you’re too obvious about it (eg: swapping to toolkit and running up to them) most people will dodge or block you. Be smart about it & use your cripple/immobilizes. Also, try your best to get off pistol 5 close to them for maximum burn length.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

ya im really noobish, im sure i will figure it out in time. Do you always have food with you?
Also i have been thinking a lot about the build and i came up with a variation:

With sigil of battle/noble runes/ and enhanced performance you can gain an instant =9= stacks of might right at the start of battle just by swapping to med kit and back.
Last 10 points in traits can be spent however.
Might stacking is more reliable i think.

Let me know what u think

(edited by Baron NJS.5704)

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


bunker builds dont really suit my playstyle i wouldnt mind trying them out but i dont have the proper gear for it i dont think.

Also you should check out the unkillable elixir bomb build by carpboy

I’m famous….

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


ya im really noobish, im sure i will figure it out in time. Do you always have food with you?
Also i have been thinking a lot about the build and i came up with a variation:

With sigil of battle/noble runes/ and enhanced performance you can gain an instant =9= stacks of might right at the start of battle just by swapping to med kit and back.
Last 10 points in traits can be spent however.
Might stacking is more reliable i think.

Let me know what u think

Everyone uses food in WvW. Its especially condi builds. +40% duration is really good.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I run 20/20/0/30/0 enhanced performance, HGH. With altruism and med kit stacking might is super easy. I usually run some condition duration runes and givers weapons.

Currently running rabid gear (mostly) and I am slowly swapping out for dire… I miss my crit though (less bleeds)

In large fights dire armor is pretty nice but i really enjoy roaming and small team fights so I still need some crit.

All of my ascended gear is zerker atm but I just love conditions in wvw so I’m working on a second set, as well as a set for my Necro. No build does it all. Best thing to do is find out how you like to play and build for that.

Oh and side note, rocket boots a wicked fun and really useful. I’ll take rocket boots over Elixer s any day, just my opinion (Elixer S is still strong)

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

ya im really noobish, im sure i will figure it out in time. Do you always have food with you?
Also i have been thinking a lot about the build and i came up with a variation:

With sigil of battle/noble runes/ and enhanced performance you can gain an instant =9= stacks of might right at the start of battle just by swapping to med kit and back.
Last 10 points in traits can be spent however.
Might stacking is more reliable i think.

Let me know what u think

It’s not worth using both HGH & EP/Noble runes. I know you’re thinking “kitten YEAH MIGHT” but honestly, it’s not hard at all to get them up using only HGH or only EP/Noble runes. You can go ahead & drop the toughness, but you’re going to die a lot more. I have over 2.8k armor & 22k hp, over 2k condi dmg, 60% boon duration & 50% condi duration with my build.

Yes, always use koi cakes. The build doesn’t work without them.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

Are you using Dire gear? i thought you werent using dire gear so you needed the extra toughness more.

I still maintain 2.6 k armor and 22k health with the adjusted traits because i have 7 pieces of Dire trinkets/p/p and the rest is Rabid, so still pretty tanky i might be able to afford going more offensive in the traits. Plus im gaining perma swiftness which is super valuable when roaming.

I guess i will try it out with EP/noble and HGH
and then switch back if its not working out.

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


My reasoning for EP is simply that it doesn’t hurt to go into that tree anyhow, you get some much needed condition duration and I would usually spend those points on speedy kits so dropping that didn’t really hurt.

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Are you using Dire gear? i thought you werent using dire gear so you needed the extra toughness more.

I still maintain 2.6 k armor and 22k health with the adjusted traits because i have 7 pieces of Dire trinkets/p/p and the rest is Rabid, so still pretty tanky i might be able to afford going more offensive in the traits. Plus im gaining perma swiftness which is super valuable when roaming.

I guess i will try it out with EP/noble and HGH
and then switch back if its not working out.

Nope, like I said earlier in this thread, I use:

-Full dire armor
-1 dire wep
-1 rabid wep
-Rampager amulet
-Rest are all rabid trinkets

With these, I get: (in combat with high might stacks)

22k hp
2,814 armor
2.3k condi dmg
2.2k power
52% crit chance
60% boon duration
50% condi duration

My elixir H heals for 5.8k & recharges at 25%.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

Have you tried the noble/EP + hgh combo?
i notice in masks vids or your you guys cant maintain 20 stacks of might.
Ostrich uses the noble/EP with sigil of battle combo but he doesnt run HGH with it

Im really torn about what to do here lol..
I still dont have the Noble runes
Im wondering if im better off just getting the same runes you guys have and just running the same build.

(edited by Baron NJS.5704)

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Have you tried the noble/EP + hgh combo?
i notice in masks vids or your you guys cant maintain 20 stacks of might.
Ostrich uses the noble/EP with sigil of battle combo but he doesnt run HGH with it

Im really torn about what to do here lol..
I still dont have the Noble runes
Im wondering if im better off just getting the same runes you guys have and just running the same build.

Do you also notice me or mask having trouble melting people down? :P

Just play whatever you want, eventually you’ll realize what works for you.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need help With WVW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

no but you guys are good. Im not very good (but im getting better)
I do like that the build its pretty tanky and im not exploding right away and its working decently so far.
I will just play around with it