Bone Fighter (Minionmaster Necro)
Kakumvale (Conditioner Necro)
This is the post about incoming nerfs and buffs . Slightly nerfs to scrapper ? It is ok . I hope they won’t ruin the defensive nature of the scrapper . But hey , we ll get some buff about some traits .
I was reading that and about people using gyros and I’m just thinking “what game are they playing?”
the defensive nature of scrapper has pushed base power/cele engi out of the meta entirely in pvp and wvw, especially relative to other elite specs that a base engi simply cannot fight. the same is nearly true of condi engi, unless you fight against people who don’t understand that burns are the only thing you need to cleanse and must be immediately cleansed, and then it does well because of a lack of game knowledge more often than because of actual play and counterplay.
of course, the same is true of many base professions. elite specs need nerfs across the board.
This is the post about incoming nerfs and buffs . Slightly nerfs to scrapper ? It is ok . I hope they won’t ruin the defensive nature of the scrapper . But hey , we ll get some buff about some traits .
oh they will ruin it with a mighty overkill nerf of total destruction.. like they do with everything engineer related eventually.
I was reading that and about people using gyros and I’m just thinking “what game are they playing?”
Lets hope they dont go too far with a possible defensive reduction.
From the over the top meta specs, Scrapper is the more balanced one.
Curious which trait improvements they are gonna make to other engi build choices.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Why reduce surviability? I find scrapper kind of squishy. Rather buff it offensively.
Also: Bring back coated bullets!
Well, let’s hope that the survivability nerf will be sensible… Oh yeah, and those awesome useful gyros! Everybody uses them!
On more “hopeful” note: “Secondarily, we’ll be looking at slightly changing the theme of a couple of professions so that they’ll have a strong place in each game type.” I just hope that this means some new functionality for the Function Gyro.
“Our focus for the engineer has been to improve less used traits and to rework some functionality for scrapper traits”
Less used traits… Hm… Health Insurance, automated medical response, experimental turrets (they don’t usually last long enough to get any benefit out of it), thermobaric detonation… Did I miss any?
They are considering a “reduction in survivability” for the scrapper… Yet make no mention about the absolutely insane tankiness of reapers and druids. Hm. I find that amusing.
Well, let’s hope that the survivability nerf will be sensible… Oh yeah, and those awesome useful gyros! Everybody uses them!
On more “hopeful” note: “Secondarily, we’ll be looking at slightly changing the theme of a couple of professions so that they’ll have a strong place in each game type.” I just hope that this means some new functionality for the Function Gyro.
Although most of us get the joke and such from ‘’oh yeah and those awesome useful gyros! Everybody uses them!’’ and that you dont mean that, but
I would still be careful with such jokes, otherwise they are really gonna believe or believe even more that we find them useful :p.
Seeing they said:
We’ve been enjoying watching all of the scrapper gyros buzzing around in the jungle, helping allies and clearing the way for Pact forces.
I find it odd how they can say that.
Gyros are arguably the least working elite spec utilities.
They have too many issues, among them, movement, survival and some of them dont even work at all (bugged).
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
They are considering a “reduction in survivability” for the scrapper… Yet make no mention about the absolutely insane tankiness of reapers and druids. Hm. I find that amusing.
It’s not really a fair comparison. Reapers and druids are tanky because they are using tanky amulets (crusader, cavalier, soldiers, carrion, celestial) when compared with scrappers. Scrappers on the other hand are even harder to kill because they have so many more active defenses, but use marauder/zerker amulet.
They are considering a “reduction in survivability” for the scrapper… Yet make no mention about the absolutely insane tankiness of reapers and druids. Hm. I find that amusing.
It’s not really a fair comparison. Reapers and druids are tanky because they are using tanky amulets (crusader, cavalier, soldiers, carrion, celestial) when compared with scrappers. Scrappers on the other hand are even harder to kill because they have so many more active defenses, but use marauder/zerker amulet.
I dont play sPvP, I play WvW. You know, that gameplay mode Anet doesnt even consider when “balancing” classes. Notice how there isnt even a single word on CoR, lol. I have little faith they will do anything good for the engineer.
pls nerf AA much more, originally 100 toughness, now 60, maybe you should turn it down to 40?
Or how about nerfing HGH? maybe to 15 sec?
Another option is to nerf mortar aa dmg…
/sarcasm off
Par for the course in terms of Engineer balancing. I just prepare for the bad expect the worst and its been true too many times over the years.
(edited by Holesale.2640)
I am happy of that. Scrapper is a gameplay completely different from engineer at start. I really did not enjoy it. I hope that new change will make engineer core traits viable again. The only reliable build , for example , i found pistol pistol was lupanic’s viper build … strong … but viper … really high risk /high rewards. I tried different build with rifle and nades… good, fun .. . but not really strong as scrapper …. A bunker “marauder” in my opinion is a nonsense. Marauder, like viper and berserker should be something high risk high rewards , perhaps less risky than viper and berserker but not something like a cele bunker or a soldier …. marauder scrapper was turret engineer 2.0 …
“Our focus for the engineer has been to improve less used traits and to rework some functionality for scrapper traits”
Less used traits… Hm… Health Insurance, automated medical response, experimental turrets (they don’t usually last long enough to get any benefit out of it), thermobaric detonation… Did I miss any?
Gadgeteer , Takedown Round , Lock On , Stimulant Supplier , Iron Blood , Inversion Enzyme etc. Did i miss any too ?
one idea for me should be buff bombs and nades without explosive becouse now it is really hard to use them with condi . With condi now you are bound to ft and eg … strong ok but without a good source of aoe you are not strong as before
They are considering a “reduction in survivability” for the scrapper… Yet make no mention about the absolutely insane tankiness of reapers and druids. Hm. I find that amusing.
It’s not really a fair comparison. Reapers and druids are tanky because they are using tanky amulets (crusader, cavalier, soldiers, carrion, celestial) when compared with scrappers. Scrappers on the other hand are even harder to kill because they have so many more active defenses, but use marauder/zerker amulet.
I dont play sPvP, I play WvW. You know, that gameplay mode Anet doesnt even consider when “balancing” classes. Notice how there isnt even a single word on CoR, lol. I have little faith they will do anything good for the engineer.
cor is already getting a huge nerf and that was stated a couple weeks ago.
Let’s be honest here and look at what is going on as a whole. If Scrapper survivability is to be reduced then the Engineer itself will have no place in PvP and WvW, existing in PvE only as a condi/power burst build.
In my opinion there are too many things on the Engineer right now that are NOT VIABLE and any change to reduce the capability of Scrappers could prove to be fatal for many Engineer players. The reality is that the Engineer does not offer much support to teams at all so to reduce the effectiveness of this class at something that it does well if played well would be poorly thought out.
The first thing that needs to happen for the Engineer is that skills such as Gadgets and Turrets need to be revisited and improved. With the exception of Slick Shoes even the almighty Supply Crate Drop has fallen out of favor.
Gadgets themselves need either much lower natural cool-downs or buffs to functionality to make them more competitive/useful in actual combat scenarios. Gadgets themselves don’t add a lot of damage to an Engineer’s build and therefore should be good at allowing them to have more control over the fight instead.
Turrets in their current state can be completely annihilated within moments of spawning and as a result they need to be re-looked to perhaps perform a bit stronger forms of active area control (i.e. longer immobs, more reliable blinds, weakness application when they are destroyed, perhaps some chill as well) and sustained low forms of damage. The area control ability of turrets need to be effective enough that the lack of high turret DPS allows the Engineer to have some effective advantages from this play style. Turrets also need to have the functionality that allows you to place them at ground targeted locations returned. Explosive packed turrets should perhaps be considered to be reworked to become Fuel Powered Turrets where the shorter a turret is up for the more damage a detonated turret (prematurely or otherwise) will do and this should be their biggest source of DPS (perhaps also applying 2 stacks of burning on nearby foes per turret detonated).
Weapon sets are an issue with the Engineer as well too. The shield is non-existent any more due to its absurdly long cool-downs that offer only little value in comparison to simply running the Hammer instead. Condition builds for Engineers now feel as though they have to use P/P instead of P/Shield since without the burn application on pistol 4 the only things in a PvP/WvW scenario you can actually kill are trash mobs and inexperienced players. Running off-hand shield makes main hand pistol perform abysmally since it does absolutely nothing to supplement its complete lack of condition pressure onto opponents.
The one bleed stack from pistol AA, couple of poison ticks and 2 confusions stacks from pistol main hand couldn’t trouble fly in PvP/WvW. Poison Dart Volley needs to not fly all over the place like the Engineer is firing a minigun and Static Shot whilst it mitigates damage via a well timed blind needs to inflict more confusion stacks so that a shield with substantially lower cool-downs can have a ghost of a chance at making back on a skills bar. The Over Shield trait could double the effectiveness of shield skills, allowing double blast finishers on shield 4, and longer stun and daze durations. Shield’s use will however still require some tender love to main hand pistol.
Off-hand Pistol on the other hand has a skill called Glue Shot that seems to do a lot and as a result has a long cool-down but in actuality it doesn’t do much at all. 1s of Immob is clutch pro-MLG-plays level of skill usefulness that only ever shines if you currently fighting a warrior. Thirty seconds of cool-down on a skill that does no damage and applies a cripple that realistically lasts for 0.2 of a second since your target walks out the field and its effect instantly disappears is tragic. I will give it credit you will notice the immob but that is about it for this skill. What Pistol 5 needs is a base of 2 seconds on both conditions it applies and a cool-down reduction to 20 seconds instead of 30s.
Off-hand Pistol four. I love to hate this skills. As I play a Charr Engineer this skills becomes incredibly hard to land against anything shorter than me, or slightly (and I really mean slightly) lower than in physical elevation. The hit cone for this skill must be about as wide two Guardian longbow auto-attacks stacked besides each other with about the same vertically as well. I don’t quite know if your actually Character height effects whether this skill lands or not but it sure feels that way. The worst part is that you can be at point blank range and still miss this skill, miraculously, if your target so much as moves an inch left or right. The hit-box for this skill should be a cone with the point (or top) farthest away from the player (max attack range) and a broader base closer to the pistol, so that I can be reward to bringing my ranged toon up-close and using this skill against an opponent.
Med Kit. Space Ghost himself is tossing and turning in his inter-galactic grave at the completely abysmal performance of the AA of this skill especially since it requires the Engineer to stop contributing to the team in every other way to use it. It also doesn’t give the Engineer itself any benefits what so ever. Instead it should steal boons of opponents in its effect and give them to the Engineer at a rate that isn’t kitten both ways. The heal per boon should also be from the boons on the Engineer not the target since Engineers don’t give many outgoing boons to begin with. Also the returns on time invested on the use of this skill is currently weak sauce, for example if a Necro drops a mark or a well on five allies it will do note-worthy damage per tick, even if you use this skill on five allies it will have lackluster overall performance therefore it needs to give out low duration protection as well.
Base Engineer Traits such as Medical Dispersion Field (this gives me nothing back in return so why would I even?), Excessive Energy (what am I going to use this against other than a melee class with no mobility?), Adrenal Impact (not stacking with Vigor), Health Insurance (15% of 505 is… not enough to be worth anyone’s time. This skill should make protection given out by the Engineer also effect condition damage as well), Condition cleanse on elixir use (Alchemical Tinctures) having no effect on Elixir Gun 4 when you take the trait Inversion Enzyme, etc, etc. The list of issues are out there.
In summary lots of things (bugs, weak traits, etc) need to be first addressed so that the Base Engineer is again viable. The nerfing of Scrapper survivability is perhaps the least intelligent way to go about making Base Engineer viable again since it will undoubtedly have the opposite effect, making Engineer weaker with no alternative options for it to stand on.
(edited by LilBiM.3581)
Well we can just wait and see I just hope it won’t be too hard :/ Don’t touch rocket charge or rise cd’s of skill to infinity :< But yea – let’s seeeee :|
On the other hand we can also hope for buffs for gyros
Well we can just wait and see I just hope it won’t be too hard :/ Don’t touch rocket charge or rise cd’s of skill to infinity :< But yea – let’s seeeee :|
On the other hand we can also hope for buffs for gyros
Also we will see some buffs to base engineer traits.
Yeah lets hope they dont touch rocket charge and such.
Maybe they will reduce the dmg reduction on adaptive armor a little bit.
That I would prefer and would be more right imo if they have to touch defensives somewhere.
Regarding Gyro buffs.
Most wont work as long as they cant follow the engi well.
They need to be able to keep up with the engi’s speed and maybe even have a teleport to the engi or something like that, to not screw pathing.
Also they need to not die when sneezed at.
All of this at the very minimum.
Maybe most Gyros should become cosmetic (with the exception of Function Gyro, Bulwark and Sneak Gyro)
and previous Gyro abilities being fired/pulsing from the center of the engineer (like pulse and heal Gyro for example).
Would solve some A.I troubles.
Btw everyone, they said they are monitoring the defensive nature of the scrapper and MAY look to implement a reduction in survivability.
So that nerf actually may not happen.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
I read something troubling in Profession Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update and it was this:
“Engineer” … " … With that said, we’re still monitoring the defensive nature of the scrapper and may look to implement a reduction in survivability." (emphasis mine)
I would simply like to voice my opposition to any such change. My rationale is simply that Heart of Thorns is not a forgiving expansion, and survivability is kind-of all we engineers have; take away our survivability, and playing an engineer in Heart of Thorns will be as miserable, dull, and grueling as playing, say, a Warrior.
In Heart of Thorns, often, the PvE gameplay is not fun, because a player trying to navigate, for example, Tangled Depths or Verdant Brink is frequently swarmed or knocked-back, or otherwise overwhelmed by either an insurmountable horde of enemies or enemies with overpowered abilities (I’m thinking, specifically, of all the mushroom creatures, but my remark is not applicable only to them). For engineers, “zerker meta” (or whatever the flavor-of-the-month is for “optimal” damage output) is not and never really has been (1) fun or (2) viable. Engineers have always had to be clever to get the most enjoyment out of the profession, and that’s as it should be; it’s sort-of part of the flavor of the class.
I appreciate a challenge, and Heart of Thorns certainly has provided that. My only complaint is that the challenges don’t really scale with the size of the party (or the relative strength of the player(s)) encountering them. If one is a solo player trying to reach that last point of interest in Tangled Depths, he or she may frequently tend to feel like ArenaNet is just giving him or her the middle finger. That shouldn’t be the case, in my opinion, because it’s just not a fun experience, which is what a game should be. This problem would be greatly exacerbated for players who choose the engineer profession if they had to contend with a “reduction in survivability.”
At a minimum, as a player who considers my engineer to be my “main,” I would expect a compelling explanation and argument in favor of any such change. So far, I have seen nothing to indicate any such change is warranted.
errr I’m pretty sure that’s referring to pvp builds because in general the survivability that comes from scrapper is not a part of traits taken for pve
Although most of us get the joke and such from ‘’oh yeah and those awesome useful gyros! Everybody uses them!’’ and that you dont mean that, but
I would still be careful with such jokes, otherwise they are really gonna believe or believe even more that we find them useful :p.Seeing they said:
We’ve been enjoying watching all of the scrapper gyros buzzing around in the jungle, helping allies and clearing the way for Pact forces.I find it odd how they can say that.
Gyros are arguably the least working elite spec utilities.
They have too many issues, among them, movement, survival and some of them dont even work at all (bugged).
First of all I don’t think that they are stupid, as you can see they needed to mention some specific feature of elite specs for each class at start. That being said, our elite mechanic is not much usable in pve that they mentioned, so I guess the gyros were the next choice.
Second of all, I lost hope for any major elite spec overhaul or gyros overhaul. They would mention it if they were working on it.
We will see. Overall Scrapper is one of the best classes at the moment. If they nerf Rev, Nec and Mes, I am fine with a scrapper nerf.
As expected they just make sPvP Balancing.
(edited by Haralin.1473)
The clock is ticking.. tick tock tock.
My guess?
1. Reduce Bulwark gyro from 50% dmg mitigation to something much lower like 20% or less.
2. Sneak gyro CD increased to 60 – 120s to be more in line with other elites, like the beautiful and most amazing Elixir X.
3. Gyros will continue their erratic navigation as that is as-designed. On the bright side, Minionmancers have the same nerf (though arguably even worse).
4. Adaptive Armor will be nerged again, this time to just 10 or 20 toughness per stack. In the next quarterly update, it will be further nerfed to -%, thus causing the engineer to take more damage rather than reduce
As expected they just make sPvP Balancing.
fortunately engi/scrapper isn’t particularly imbalanced in pve or wvw.
As expected they just make sPvP Balancing.
fortunately engi/scrapper isn’t particularly imbalanced in pve or wvw.
But PVE or WvW engis will suffer under this balance strategy of A-Net. they need to make WvW, PvE and sPvP balancing. they will now make changes that will balance sPvP maybe but will hurt WvW or PvE builds.
As expected they just make sPvP Balancing.
fortunately engi/scrapper isn’t particularly imbalanced in pve or wvw.
But PVE or WvW engis will suffer under this balance strategy of A-Net. they need to make WvW, PvE and sPvP balancing. they will now make changes that will balance sPvP maybe but will hurt WvW or PvE builds.
No they wont, the important things in pve and wvw that do things for you in situations unlike pvp conditions aren’t the things that will be targeted for nerfing. things like the protection uptime and srd and movement speed are unlikely to receive nerfs because they either already have or they aren’t what is being complained about. the sustain from master trait and condi reduction from grandmaster are the primary offenders, neither of which are particularly strong in wvw zerging or pve. but they make you a monster in small fights.
We already got nice PvE things nerfed due to PvP in the past. Like Kit Refinement, for example.
All those gameplay modes are extremely different. Balancing over a single one is myopic at best, if not extremely stupid. It would be the same if they balanced over PvE or WvW. They’re different modes, with different goals, based on different things. What works in some mode doesn’t necessarily works in other ones. And what works badly in some mode may be exceptional in some other one. Anything short of a separate balancing is just asking for issues. Oh, i do realize that’s easier and less costly. It doesn’t mean that the results have been good so far, though. And i don’t expect anything better for the future, anyway (especially with premises as “gyro buzzing in the jungle”; as if people even care about them in PvE…).
Unless you think that having whole lines made useless and several utilities being unused due to their performance in another different mode is fine and well. In that case, there isn’t be much to discuss.
^ pretty much that. Everytime they balance the engineer they do it for pvp reasons and usually completely kitten over pve and wvw aswell right away too. Thats one of the reasons i cant stand pvp… cause it always takes my nice things away.
Scrapper is fairly ballanced in terms of survability/utility/damage vs skill requirements. Other classes needs nerfs or buffs to balance on our level.
Btw Karl show us where are those places with buzzing gyros. Looks like only devs see them.
How about instead of nerfing Engineers, you make the pistol/shield viable, and stop forcing us to rely on kits. I despise kits, and I hate using them. I do, however, like turrets, and the pistol and shield, none of which are viable.
(edited by Dravyn.4671)
How about instead of nerfing Engineers, you make the pistol/shield viable, and stop forcing us to rely on kits. I despise kits, and I hate using them. I do, however, like turrets, and the pistol and shield, none of which are viable.
Unfortunately your entire profession is balanced around kits and your toolbelt, in fact I’d say kits are more of what they balance around for engineer.
How about instead of nerfing Engineers, you make the pistol/shield viable, and stop forcing us to rely on kits. I despise kits, and I hate using them. I do, however, like turrets, and the pistol and shield, none of which are viable.
Unfortunately your entire profession is balanced around kits and your toolbelt, in fact I’d say kits are more of what they balance around for engineer.
The class needs something to make it less kit reliant. A damage buff when no kit is slotted, perhaps? I am not a fan of kits, although I do like the toolbelt mechanic, but that works just fine with turrets and gadgets slotted.
From my understanding, the alternative to kits is a turret build, but turrets are pretty much useless right now. So with all that being said, how is a nerf to engineer even close to justifiable in it’s current state? So much of it’s mechanics just aren’t viable.
(edited by Dravyn.4671)
How about instead of nerfing Engineers, you make the pistol/shield viable, and stop forcing us to rely on kits. I despise kits, and I hate using them. I do, however, like turrets, and the pistol and shield, none of which are viable.
Unfortunately your entire profession is balanced around kits and your toolbelt, in fact I’d say kits are more of what they balance around for engineer.
The class needs something to make it less kit reliant. A damage buff when no kit is slotted, perhaps? I am not a fan of kits, although I do like the toolbelt mechanic, but that works just fine with turrets and gadgets slotted.
From my understanding, the alternative to kits is a turret build, but turrets are pretty much useless right now. So with all that being said, how is a nerf to engineer even close to justifiable in it’s current state? So much of it’s mechanics just aren’t viable.
Honestly, I don’t think engineer really needs nerfs but balancing adjustments, as with my engi I just find it boring to play. He has a ton of skills to rival an elementalist but he has to give up his utility slots to get them, and the toolbelt S are pretty meh for most things, except turrets and the toolbelt a take over the job of the utility bar for kits.
GRANTED this is mostly from what little WvW and PvE I’ve done with him, PvP i never really enjoyed that much as a whole. I’m short, engi is a very strong class because of it’s skills but most of its traits rely on you using kits or one particular weapon be it pistols, rifle, shield or hammer. Very little build diversity it seems trait wise.
The class needs something to make it less kit reliant. A damage buff when no kit is slotted, perhaps? I am not a fan of kits, although I do like the toolbelt mechanic, but that works just fine with turrets and gadgets slotted.
From my understanding, the alternative to kits is a turret build, but turrets are pretty much useless right now. So with all that being said, how is a nerf to engineer even close to justifiable in it’s current state? So much of it’s mechanics just aren’t viable.
… I thought this was exactly what the gyros did? At least that’s what I’ve been using them as, the little cuties. No kits at all slotted, heal+daze+AoE damage when popping them and an overall skill design that allow you to focus more on your weapon skills being delivered at the right place and the right time (sneak + blowtorch to the face comes to mind).
Hate gyros… love kits.
Why engi not using gyros on raid? Because he will be useless. (Seekers knockback with FT, might stack, vuln stack, high dps)
Only one gyro I really like in pve, pvp and wvw-sneak gyro.
I use medy as scrapper in raids. For VG I often use blasty aswell, but only as power. Gyros aren’t bad. They are just not an “always pick me” utility skill like nades.
I prefer on VG one time burst heal on need(HT). If will be in future raid boss with constant tick dmg over time-medy gyro will have place in my healing slot
Second of all, I lost hope for any major elite spec overhaul or gyros overhaul. They would mention it if they were working on it.
Yes its really disappointing, whilst scrapper is good overall the elite mechanic is still so poor and it seems like they aren’t working on it at all.
They make it sound like they like all the gyros, but….
I personally like my gyros. I wish I had more gyro choices as a Scrapper.
I am scared…
I prefer on VG one time burst heal on need(HT). If will be in future raid boss with constant tick dmg over time-medy gyro will have place in my healing slot
Yea HT is either instant 6360+1040 over time (=7400) every 20s or 5040+1040 over time (=6080) every 15s.
Medy is 5330 + up to 2820 over time (=8150) every 20s. If you are condi scrapper you don’t need any power traits, so you can go for the Rapid Regeneration and Final Salvo.
The HT’s strength is it’s condi cleanse and AoE burst heal not personal burst heal. Medy is great for personal burst heal and super speed for green fields and more heal (wich also affects other Scrappers in your team). It also has a slightly better CC against red add hurr durr
- Ziggy
Ziggy I dont think that your calculation is correct (meaby will be my fail) but if you deploy medy gyro yea you got 5330 heal, and 2820 over time until gyro destroyed-then start cd 20sec. So it will be 8150 longer then over 20.sec?
I prefer on VG one time burst heal on need(HT). If will be in future raid boss with constant tick dmg over time-medy gyro will have place in my healing slot
Yea HT is either instant 6360+1040 over time (=7400) every 20s or 5040+1040 over time (=6080) every 15s.
Medy is 5330 + up to 2820 over time (=8150) every 20s. If you are condi scrapper you don’t need any power traits, so you can go for the Rapid Regeneration and Final Salvo.
The HT’s strength is it’s condi cleanse and AoE burst heal not personal burst heal. Medy is great for personal burst heal and super speed for green fields and more heal (wich also affects other Scrappers in your team). It also has a slightly better CC against red add hurr durr
- Ziggy
As the David said , medic gyro doesn’t give the same amount of healing in same time. Medic gyro actually has 35 sec. cd for that much healing . And if you compare this against healing turret ,you ll see that medic gyro is really weak .
I prefer on VG one time burst heal on need(HT). If will be in future raid boss with constant tick dmg over time-medy gyro will have place in my healing slot
Yea HT is either instant 6360+1040 over time (=7400) every 20s or 5040+1040 over time (=6080) every 15s.
Medy is 5330 + up to 2820 over time (=8150) every 20s. If you are condi scrapper you don’t need any power traits, so you can go for the Rapid Regeneration and Final Salvo.
The HT’s strength is it’s condi cleanse and AoE burst heal not personal burst heal. Medy is great for personal burst heal and super speed for green fields and more heal (wich also affects other Scrappers in your team). It also has a slightly better CC against red add hurr durr
- ZiggyAs the David said , medic gyro doesn’t give the same amount of healing in same time. Medic gyro actually has 35 sec. cd for that much healing . And if you compare this against healing turret ,you ll see that medic gyro is really weak .
Healing Turret is best choice (and probably will ever be the best choice) under the circumstances we have chosen. Medic Gyro has its benefits too.
If you take healing power into account Medic Gyro will heal more.
Let’s say you have 1000 healing power and the traits Rapid Regeneration + Final Salvo.
These are the numbers:
Medic Gyro: 14590 with 34 seconds CD so 429/s
Healing Turret: 6040 with 15 seconds CD so 403/s
Medic Gyro heals more in that case.
Also Medic Gyro has no cast time, which means you can use it while you are using your damage combo or if you are cc’ed.
I don’t want to say that Medic Gyro is better than Healing Turret. It depends on the situation.
It depends largely on the situation
For PvE solo the Gyro is best, as for group not because besides having one water field unless he can still give to heal allies and let you down
To WvW arguably the HT is better, because it Gyro dies with 1 or 2 AoE, his chance to stay alive until the end of the fuel is very small, it prevents its use. In most situations it will give the initial heal and die. HT is already tougher and have time to use the heal + water field, being much more consistent.
I’m pretty new to Engineers and what used to turn me away from the class was the use of kits. My main starting out in this game was an Elementalist so the idea that I needed to pack kits to get what my main got for existing was ludicrous to me.
However, when I looked around at Engineers after HoT Dropped, I rolled one, popped a 30 Scroll on it and dumped points into Inventions, where I found the current trait that occupies my favor, Bunker Down. I leveled in PvE with the Tool Kit and a bar full of Elixirs before I graduated to Scrapper.
Right now, I run a really fairly tanky build that can hand out a bashing and I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time with this game. Between Toughness managing aggro, and my ability to decimate break bars on a whim, I finally feel like I have the character I’ve always wanted to play in this game out in the open world and in casual Dungeon/Fractal play. I can even put out decent DPS and I can maintain max-stack vuln on my targets.
So what does this line do for me?
I’m with everyone wondering where Karl is seeing all these Gyros because I don’t even use the one that I thought would be great for me Bulwark Gyro, and the reason for it is because I have to follow the gyro to get the benefits and it dies too quickly when I do that, because it essentially takes twice the damage. The only one I got even slight use out of was Blast Tag Gyro, and I replaced that quickly with Throw Mine.
I know this is not something that’s popular, but Irenio CalmonHuang was my hero in the coverage for the game when he said “Berzerker Meta is not healthy for the game.” Because it simply isn’t healthy, and I for one think that the devs need to rally behind that sentiment instead continuing with this helter-skelter balancing scheme that always seems to come through on our end. It doesn’t seem like you guys have a goal or a unified measure to balance the game around, and that worries me.
Right now, the things that feel like problems for Scrapper aren’kittens survivability, because its all they really have when it comes to PvP. Its utilities feel limited, Kits or Bust; Either things have too long a cooldown or have very little use, and a lot of times its both of these issues. Right now I just hammer on my Elixirs because they give me boons or help me break defiance bars.
I also never see with my Function Gyro, it could stand to have more range or simply get fixed because I never seem to be able to send it to pick people up — which would be wonderful if I could because I could multitask.
Hammer is wonderful right now, if I really had to gripe about something its that Electro-whirl’s Reflection Window is too small to be useful in PvE, especially in zergs, or big fights where latency or server lag can make me miss its use (or even remember it can reflect). Right now, its a Whirl Finisher and my main damage mover at the moment which fine. Hammer is wonderfully tanky, and its damage allows it to be used with either a Defender or a Melee Damager (which needs to be tanky so it can actually do DPS).
My biggest gripe however lies with the Function Gyro. I never get any use out of it because I either miss its range, or I never get the prompt despite targeting a downed player. I’d feel better if it didn’t have the cooldown as well (I don’t even have an indicator on my UI to tell me if its even able to be used which might just be a bug on my part). It feels like something I should be able to micromanage, maybe have more than one function (kill or rez). Like Finish or Pick Up an Ally, or defend an ally of my choosing, or do damage to an enemy of my choosing. I suppose I draw a lot of parallels to Orianna from League of Legends, where the gimmick behind playing her is managing the ‘Ball’.
In Short, Non-Kit Utilities feel worthless, Function Gyro needs more utility or FUNCTION.
Why reduce surviability? I find scrapper kind of squishy. Rather buff it offensively.
Also: Bring back coated bullets!
I really hope the majority of you scrapper players are not this naive.
Honestly, if I asked my mom to play my scrapper she would probably win more than half her 1v1’s if all I thought her was how to sustain with a healing turret and a stealth gyro. This is getting looked at for a reason…
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.