Net Turret Nerf/Fix

Net Turret Nerf/Fix

in Engineer

Posted by: chungiee.8764


Not one to normally complain about change (and actually i think its been good for the most part) but i feel the changes to Net Turret has been OVER THE TOP.

While i admit the chain-daze which occurred was a bit powerful, the weak survivability of NT, slow firing rates, bad AI, easiness to dodge meant that very rarely was Net Turret seen in tPvP or even top-tier 1v1s. All-in-all, i considered it a VIABLE build but not OP and always offered a choice between that, Elixir R or another kit.

Post-patch net turret however does not function AS IT IS DESCRIBED nor is it useful. Testing against Golems, i put down the Turret -> Overcharge and it only fired one overcharged net. Every net after that was a standard net at a low firing rate.

From tooltips, Overcharge duration is 10 seconds and increases rate of fire by 50% which suggests it should at least fire 2 electrified nets (one every 5 seconds) rather than 1.

The experience i have described was from testing yesterday so if this bug has been fixed and i sound idiotic then kittycats but either way, I feel the Net Turret has been changed from being supremely viable in certain builds to being very underwhelming.

Chungie – Aurora Glade (EU)
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard

Net Turret Nerf/Fix

in Engineer

Posted by: chungiee.8764


Chungie – Aurora Glade (EU)
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard

Net Turret Nerf/Fix

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Right now fire rate on Net Turret and Rifle Turret are buged, big difference now with net turret commes form the fact overcharging it in the beginning of a fight will result in only 1 net comming out of it for its whole lifespan.

I realy hope they won’t take another month to fix Turrets again. :/

Net Turret Nerf/Fix

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Honestly it was just a bug fix not a nerf, When i run net turret in tPvP im using it mostly for the tool belt skill and the occasional overcharge but i rarely drop that turret. Good players can stunbreak and kill your turret too fast.

Net Turret Nerf/Fix

in Engineer

Posted by: chungiee.8764


Honestly it was just a bug fix not a nerf, When i run net turret in tPvP im using it mostly for the tool belt skill and the occasional overcharge but i rarely drop that turret. Good players can stunbreak and kill your turret too fast.

Right it was a bug fix – but by “fixing” the skills, it has made it even less viable in tPvP. Since it was already ineffective at high-end tPvP, they should have looked at making the Turret better rather than fixing a bug which would make the Turret worse.

I’m all for fixing bugs but not if it a step in the wrong direction. Accidents and bugs should be seen as innovation and emergent changes and good ones should be kept/improved on.

Also, as has been mentioned before… by fixing a bug, they’ve then gone and created a even worse bug by reducing all Turret fire rates and screwing over most Overcharges

Chungie – Aurora Glade (EU)
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard

Net Turret Nerf/Fix

in Engineer

Posted by: Ederyn.3107


Honestly it was just a bug fix not a nerf, When i run net turret in tPvP im using it mostly for the tool belt skill and the occasional overcharge but i rarely drop that turret. Good players can stunbreak and kill your turret too fast.

is it was a bug fix…the net turret was shooting 3 times dureing the overcharge….and it was OP…
But after the patch they bugged it…the net turret now is supposed to shoot 2 times dureing the overcharge, but it does only one shoot every 13 seconds dosent matter if you overcharge or not….
so please if you wanna do something usefuyll to change it put +1 here.

Dont let the post goes into 2nd page…we all need turrets…and they are so much bugged…