New Engi needs Pistol build
Something along these lines is best for PvE content. It allows you to maximize your condition duration potential for our intense condition application, while simultaneously utilizing our hybrid capabilities with decent power/precision. If you don’t like the concept of being a glassy hybrid, there is always the option of going for a more “tanky” condition set, such as Rabid. The basic idea of this is simple. You need to maintain your highest damaging conditions (and most frequently applicable) so that you generate great sustainable damage, unlike most power builds which stop dealing damage while you do something as simple as res a downed ally.
If it’s a vanilla build, there’s a good build on youtube that’s pure p/p engi (not scrapper). Maybe start with that. Look for “Kitless engi” or “Turretless engi”. Pretty solid.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
Something along these lines is best for PvE content. It allows you to maximize your condition duration potential for our intense condition application, while simultaneously utilizing our hybrid capabilities with decent power/precision. If you don’t like the concept of being a glassy hybrid, there is always the option of going for a more “tanky” condition set, such as Rabid. The basic idea of this is simple. You need to maintain your highest damaging conditions (and most frequently applicable) so that you generate great sustainable damage, unlike most power builds which stop dealing damage while you do something as simple as res a downed ally.
This is pretty much the highest damage build engis have for pve. Condi build and you basically just switch between kits and keep your highest condi skills on cooldown. P/P is standard for it.