New Engineer Player Here

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: Grimm.2513


I was just curious about something, and figured this was the place to ask about it.

Why do a lot of people seem to complain about Engineers using turrets so much?

I was fighting a Toxic Wurm Queen yesterday with a random group, and deployed my turrets to help with dmg and was strafing around alternately firing my rifle, throwing grenades, and reviving players, and when it was done, I got some hate in chat along the lines of " turret spammer " and " useless Engi ", despite the fact that I revived these guys and wasn’t just staying at max range and doing nothing.

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: Venatorn.7619


Because typically if you use turrets people seem to think you are traited for turrets and they are kind of a waste in PvE bc they can die easily, BUT they can have some decent utility if used correctly (tool belt turret destruction is a blast finisher)

and tbh, don’t worry about what kittenes say, they are just jealous they can’t afk with turrets and still get credit .. if you see anyone telling you that you are “useless” … give them the ,.|.. >.< ..|., and ignore it .. you arent being useless, you are still dpsing, ressing, etc w/e you were doing

All proffesions 80

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: Grimm.2513


I see, ty for the response.

I don’t intend to let my turrets do all the work, I might stop using them if it’s not effective, that’s not the way I play any game lol. Still trying to figure out the most effective route to take, this profession is complicated lol, but that’s part of the reason I picked it after all.

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: Venatorn.7619


completely agree about engi being complicated, I chose it for the same reason lol .. but yeah, leaving turrets up arent very good because they lack a bit of damage and can die easily, but if you use the tool belt skill -> drop the turret while its on cd -> either drop a field or have a teamate drop a field the turret -> blow up the turret , it can be good for utility

they can be very effective, its just..PvE engi turrets are like an abstract painting .. first glance you think you should do one thing and it’s just meh, but after looking at them and messing around a bit, you can learn some tricks

All proffesions 80

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: Grimm.2513


I just unlocked the ability to detonate them, havent tried it yet, but you have intrigued me with the idea of explosions lol. I’ll give it a shot.

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: Loboling.5293


Sadly, you rolled a engineer in the age of the engineer hate. People are going around insulting engineer players in an attempt to decrease the number of players who play engineer (already on of the least played). Don’t worry about it, for that situation a turret was a good call (hopefully rocket turret). There are a lot of ways to play the engineer and for world bosses, you can do almost anything. Grenades were another good call, so just let haters hate… XD Have fun, and continue to try all your varying utilities and explore the combinations.

Good luck, and welcome to one of the most flexible classes in gw2. (some builds are even really strong)

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: Grimm.2513


Lol, that’s what I like to hear!

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Sadly, they do it out ignorance. I like to simply reply with “I love you too” and simply report them for verbal abuse.

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Except healing turret which is simply the best most turrets are useless or situational.
The net turret is amazing in certain situations to almost permanently immobilize a target along with net shot from rifle.
Thumper toolbelt is a blast finisher that allows you to use it out of combat without wasting an otherwise important cooldown.
Rifle turret is used in static discharge builds sometimes.

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: GrandHaven.1052


Except healing turret which is simply the best most turrets are useless or situational.
The net turret is amazing in certain situations to almost permanently immobilize a target along with net shot from rifle.
Thumper toolbelt is a blast finisher that allows you to use it out of combat without wasting an otherwise important cooldown.
Rifle turret is used in static discharge builds sometimes.

A good build rarely uses all more than 1 turret.
Net has VERY few uses.