New Teleporter Turret!

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Lets face it, we all started an Engineer in some part because we loved the idea of TURRETS! (ok maybe not “all” of you but most)

However our dreams were quickly crushed when we found out how terabad turrets were. So we flood the forums and talk about buffing the HP of turrets giving them more damage and overall crazy OP stuff like that.

The thing about turrets is that they are already really strong, think about it turrets are a 3 in 1 ability you get the turret, the overcharge, and the tool belt. I can see why ANET is hesitant to just give out damage buffs.

IMO the issue with turrets isnt damage or HP its mobility! so here is my idea +1 if you like it.

New Elite Turret

~While deployed the Turret will provide some kind of buff to the other turrets in the area (my idea is a small shield around the turrets that blocks projectiles)
~The Overcharge will teleport the turret and all other turrets in the area to your location
~The Tool Belt will teleport you to the turret

I think we really need a new elite and this fits right in the playstyle of an Engineer without being IMO overpowered

Let me know what you think!

(edited by tattoohead.3217)

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Elidath.5679


New Elite Turret

~The Tool Belt will teleport you to the turret

I was under the firm impression our elites didn’t provide any toolbelt skill. Did something change sneakily during the day ? ^^’

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


Meh, Would just rather have Motar become automated.
and have the bugs fixed and the turrets buffed with shorter cooldowns.
The basic stuff.

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Maiden England.3491

Maiden England.3491

creative idea, but I’d still use supply drop.

Street Regulator

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Meh, Would just rather have Motar become automated.
and have the bugs fixed and the turrets buffed with shorter cooldowns.
The basic stuff.

Same here.

The thought that my engineer doesn’t know enough about engineering to add wheels to his turrets is unacceptable!

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


An automated Mortar turret would be pretty cool – maybe have the autoattack be the #1 skill, and the Overcharge would be the concussion barrage, with a bunch of Blast Finishers (it is an Elite’s Overcharge, after all).

Not sure how to handle its targeting, though – that’s one I’d especially want functioning effectively, preferably either with the attacks centered on me or my target.

That said, I also like this Teleporter Turret idea.

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Maiden England.3491

Maiden England.3491

actually id prefer a mortar that has channeled attack rather than targeting. similar to the mortars/trebs/catas in wvw, along with increased range. this way it would be an extremely useful utility that can bombard a tower or outer keep. right now its pretty useless.

Street Regulator

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Lets face it, we all started an Engineer in some part because we loved the idea of TURRETS! (ok maybe not “all” of you but most)

However our dreams were quickly crushed when we found out how terabad turrets were. So we flood the forums and talk about buffing the HP of turrets giving them more damage and overall crazy OP stuff like that.

And you seem to have missed the most important part of the discussion too, the biggest issue with turrets right now comes from the fact they are not fonctional :
- Crappy AI
- Huge Hitbox
- Broken Overcharges
- etc

While yes some people may have spoken about crazy ideas like :
- 75% to 100% AoE immunity
- Mobile Turrets (I don’t get it why people want such a crappy perk…)
- More Health
- More Damage

If you fix the issue above there would be a lot less complain about Turrets and people wouldn’t ask for ridiculous statistical upgrades that wouldn’t change anything to my previous statement. Turrets would still be broken.

The thing about turrets is that they are already really strong, think about it turrets are a 3 in 1 ability you get the turret, the overcharge, and the tool belt. I can see why ANET is hesitant to just give out damage buffs.

Actualy it’s more of a 4 in 1 sinds your toolbelt skill can either be used to explode your turret for a blast finisher or be used as an additional utility skill.

IMO the issue with turrets isn’t damage or HP its mobility! so here is my idea +1 if you like it.

Mobility isn’t the real issue, and in my believe should be a small drawback for having stationary battle stations. Some of your turrets with Rifled Turret Barrels have over 1200 units and you can throw those 900 units away if you have the deployable trait. The real issue is like I mention above the fact they are not fonctional. Sinds I have started to play this game, I only had a single month worth of my time with my Turret Engineer because for every other months I have played this profession there was always something terribly broken.

New Elite Turret

~While deployed the Turret will provide some kind of buff to the other turrets in the area (my idea is a small shield around the turrets that blocks projectiles)
~The Overcharge will teleport the turret and all other turrets in the area to your location
~The Tool Belt will teleport you to the turret

I think we really need a new elite and this fits right in the playstyle of an Engineer without being IMO overpowered

Let me know what you think!

While the initial idea doesn’t come with any balance disregard, I’ll explain you why this sugestion you made is a bit useless.

First off, Turrets greatest nightmare are AoEs, not projectiles, you could use the Teleporting turret to regroup your turrets to a single points when one of them is vulnerable but it would just kill them faster because next time an NPC is going to get close and cleave your turrets or any time an AoE is going to be throwed at your teleporter, every turrets are going to be destroyed while earlier you would just have lost a single turret at a time.

Secondly, Turrets takes no vertical space, so if a projectile targets you, you can’t even get behind a turret and take advantage from its shielding. So it offers no support to your team beside of a quick self teleport wich can be destroyed at any time.

Third, the support crate gets every advantage from every turret traits while your teleporting turrets would only benefit out of the defensive ones. Making the grandmaster trait in the invention traitline useless for our Elite skill. Don’t you see a problem there?

I don’t like to destroy ideas from people, but I neither see any potential in your current idea so I can’t approve on this one.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


An automated Mortar turret would be pretty cool – maybe have the autoattack be the #1 skill, and the Overcharge would be the concussion barrage, with a bunch of Blast Finishers (it is an Elite’s Overcharge, after all).

Not sure how to handle its targeting, though – that’s one I’d especially want functioning effectively, preferably either with the attacks centered on me or my target.

That said, I also like this Teleporter Turret idea.

There is actualy an automated version of our Mortar in Firehearth Rise, as an inventory bundle, near Breakthoot waypoint when you finish the mortar event near Noxious Castrum.

If you make a copy out of the bundle, add a Meteor Shower like overcharge ability (with area selection), keeps its range at 1400 (+100 with GM trait), reduce its cooldown a bit, increase its duration to 5 min. It might become usefull for Major boss fights and WvW.

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


There is actualy an automated version of our Mortar in Firehearth Rise, as an inventory bundle, near Breakthoot waypoint when you finish the mortar event near Noxious Castrum.

Thank you for that, I’m rather impressed with it. It puts the rocket turret to shame. Has a faster attack speed and more direct damage with an aoe.

And from playing with it, it seems to only attack enemys that are attacking me. where my own turrets will fire on anything that has a red name. Tho I could be wrong about that.

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: VIVorcha.7853



Your statement that turrets are “very strong” is totally false. Turrets were designed to not be mobile, and they can be taken out with a single AOE. They have ridiculous cooldown, as well.

Being “3 in 1” isn’t a good thing when 1 of them just destroys the turret for a little damage and 1 of them is an average toolbelt skill.

(edited by VIVorcha.7853)

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ellementalist.4381


one major drawback about the turrets is that it has no mobility in this highly mobile game.
you would think that Anet would compensate it with better stats but no….

traited turrets can drop in a second and the turrets don’t target dragons.
even if you use it as a blast finisher ( which i think totally negates the point of having turrets btw, they can just come up with bomb skills for that ( or use bomb kit )), the cooldown on the turrets is just stupid.

using it now is a waste of utility skill slots. ( i really like the turrets but its crappy T_T )

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


I agree, the lack of mobility in combat should grant them improved stats.
Once out of combat then mobility is an issue. Luckly theres already a system for that, the ability to pick-up turrets. Sadly this only grants a very minor cooldown reduction.
If you want your turrets to survive any amount of time you need to deploy them far away (flame and thumper are sol), often making it faster to just self-destruct them than to run over and pick them up.

Assuming the turrets had all there bugs fixed and the only thing left to work on was properly balancing them. I would be alright with all the turrets having a standard cooldown around the length of the rocket turret. So long as the stats of each turret was powerful enough that they could survive a battle and when picking up the turret would grant a cooldown of 10-20 seconds.

To avoid abuse perhaps grant the 10-20 sec cooldown only when picking up turrets when out of combat and a much higher one while in combat. So, something like a 60sec cooldown on the rifle turret if it does or self-destructs, 20sec if picked up out of combat, and 40sec if picked up in-combat.

The healing turret would need to be redesigned again to grant direct healing pulses instead of applying regen on its normal cycle to compensate for the lack of instant healing when being deployed. The point of all turrets should be that the longer they are deployed the more potential good they are doing. Not to be deployed, over charged then self destructed for a burst effect.
The healing turret’s toolbelt skill may need to be changed to grant the engi instant heal, seeing as the turret loses it.

Once the turrets are in a good place, then we can start working on better traits and whether or not the toolkit being able to repair turrets is necessary or a waste of stats that could be removed to grant more damage to the kit.

Of course, these kind of things would need to be tried out on a test server to get the numbers and minor effects just right. Things that look good on paper dont always work out ingame.