New build ideas (no flaming plz)

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


So, after 30/40 posts full of raging ( i participated ) i decided to open a new thread
where people can share their ideas about what they are going to change about their builds.

I am going to try some PvP and i had an idea.
I wanted to take 3 kits, tool, FT & EG (yes, i know about 10 sec cd on refinement)
The toolbox 5 pull + buffed 3 seems to be really strong (it already was strong)
FT has some good CC and EG, well, i never used EG.
As weapons i want to run P/P. Runes/jewels Etc carrion+rabid+undead.
Corruption + burn/bleed sigil. Standard condition damage.

Now i have some trouble with the traits, I want to keep speedy kits (kit refinement not needed imo) Should i take juggernaut or piercing bullets?
Please share your own ideas and i would appreciate the help on my own traits.

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Kit Refinement should be taken with Elixir Gun just so you can use the extra Super Elixir with it, regardless of the nerf. You just have to micromanage that cooldown now. Juggernaut is for a primary Flamethrower build, and Coated Bullets is for a primary Pistol build. You have neither, and would be kit swapping constantly to use cooldowns while being careful of the Kit Refinement cooldown. I’m not sure going that deep in Firearms is worth it.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


Kit Refinement should be taken with Elixir Gun just so you can use the extra Super Elixir with it, regardless of the nerf. You just have to micromanage that cooldown now. Juggernaut is for a primary Flamethrower build, and Coated Bullets is for a primary Pistol build. You have neither, and would be kit swapping constantly to use cooldowns while being careful of the Kit Refinement cooldown. I’m not sure going that deep in Firearms is worth it.

Hmm, yea. you got a point there. Maybe i should take some points out of firearms and pick up deadly mixture.

Ty for the comment.

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


You know what is the sad part about the kit refinement nerf for your build?
It happens to be the weakest link in your ideas:

one word: stunbreaker

Before, when using those 3 kits with kit refinement, you could swap kits when stunned.
This would result in putting down the light field from super elixir that healed you and removed first ondition. Than aoe fire blast and remove another stack of conditions, followed by a cripple field… all while stunned.

Not as good as a real stun breaker, but at least better than nothing.

Now with the nerf to kit refinement, that ‘second rate’ stunbreaker is gone.
Leaving your 3 kit build with no stunbreaker, and no reliable kit refinement procs for EG in mid fight either…

Big nerf to your idea. It’s not just about the cooldown, it’s about the whole utility of kit refinement being thrown in the garbage.
The nerf is HUGE for multi-kit builds, in more way than one.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


You know what is the sad part about the kit refinement nerf for your build?
It happens to be the weakest link in your ideas:

one word: stunbreaker

Before, when using those 3 kits with kit refinement, you could swap kits when stunned.
This would result in putting down the light field from super elixir that healed you and removed first ondition. Than aoe fire blast and remove another stack of conditions, followed by a cripple field… all while stunned.

Not as good as a real stun breaker, but at least better than nothing.

Now with the nerf to kit refinement, that ‘second rate’ stunbreaker is gone.
Leaving your 3 kit build with no stunbreaker, and no reliable kit refinement procs for EG in mid fight either…

Big nerf to your idea. It’s not just about the cooldown, it’s about the whole utility of kit refinement being thrown in the garbage.
The nerf is HUGE for multi-kit builds, in more way than one.

Stun breaker, ofcourse. Thanks for pointing that out, how could i miss that? :p

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Stun breaker, ofcourse. Thanks for pointing that out, how could i miss that? :p

I’m sure you would have figured it out without me.
One or two thieves later, 3 at most

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


Stun breaker, ofcourse. Thanks for pointing that out, how could i miss that? :p

I’m sure you would have figured it out without me.
One or two thieves later, 3 at most

Im used to static discharge build where i automaticly press Goggles if i cant move xD
not even thinking about it anymore, but yea. 1 round of hot join and i think i would have found it :p

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


I don’t think it will work well. Basically you have all the conditions you need on the pistols. You then have ft for a knock back and a blind as it’s 1and 2 are better on a power build. Eg 1 is nice bleeding but 4 is the damage which is power again 3 you don’ t need because of pistol poison being long enough already. You get a heal and unreliable kr ability which is good but it’s heal over time and you are not tanky. Toolkit is good and works better in a condition build now.

You could replace ft with bombs and probably make it work.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


I don’t think it will work well. Basically you have all the conditions you need on the pistols. You then have ft for a knock back and a blind as it’s 1and 2 are better on a power build. Eg 1 is nice bleeding but 4 is the damage which is power again 3 you don’ t need because of pistol poison being long enough already. You get a heal and unreliable kr ability which is good but it’s heal over time and you are not tanky. Toolkit is good and works better in a condition build now.

You could replace ft with bombs and probably make it work.

Thanks for the information, i looked at all of it and i think you are right.
I have created a new build for myself and it appears to work really well.
I dropped both FT and EG for elixer S and B.
I specced 30 for HGH, 10 for speedy kits and 30 for piercing shots (as you said, pistols do all the conditions i need)
I use toolkit for the pull – > prybar opening and to block/cripple.
22k hp, good survivabilty because of double elixer S (also picked up the trait <25%)

So, thanks, again :p

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Daigle.8497


I like how you cut off kit refinement, Flamethrower and Elixir gun in your new build.

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Lantz.7240


I have been using a full turret build and doing very well actually. Always thought they were useless. Completely in love though. Been able to hold off 2 to 3 people with this set up thanks to all the healing, knock backs, and high armor. Only thing I don’t like is the long unnecessary CD on turrets.

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


I want to try and pull someone, smack them with bry par then napalm blast them.
ohhhh yeaaaa~

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: daydream.2938


If you are doing pvp. you need a stun breaker, i recommend elixir s, if u cant stun break, thiefs and warriors will eat your face off.

And flamethrower is ok, but not Eg.

Eg is good if u want to make a bunker, but both eg/ft, hybrid builds dont work. Try exlir s, exliri b, fg, with exliir h for heal. go up alchemy all the way and get exliris grant might and 20% less exliri time, this applies to you f1, f2,f3 exlirs also.

Gives you a good mix of survability while mainting damage, also exliri b has retalion and low cooldown so use it literally every cd.

this is a standard pvp build with gren kit out and flame kit in.

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Skribulous.3521


I like how you cut off kit refinement, Flamethrower and Elixir gun in your new build.

I like even better is that the build DDog described is exactly the build that I had way back in October when my main first hit 80.

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


I want to try and pull someone, smack them with bry par then napalm blast them.
ohhhh yeaaaa~

I’ve been thinking of a build to try this out, now that flame blast is a kind of skill shot. Here’s what I’ve come up with

Lots to work with here, only real weakness is conditions I think. I would’ve gone all the way to juggernaut but since I invision only going to flamer for a quick #2 or 3 it really wouldn’t do much for me.

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


I like how you cut off kit refinement, Flamethrower and Elixir gun in your new build.

I like even better is that the build DDog described is exactly the build that I had way back in October when my main first hit 80.

Even more games played now, it has great survivability and i am amazed by the damage output. with 2+ people on a node u complete shred them with piercing bullets.

I think kit refinement wasn’t that usefull anymore as i cant time my condi removal properly anymore.

Thanks for the feedback btw

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Lantz.7240


If you are doing pvp. you need a stun breaker, i go up alchemy all the way and get exliris grant might and 20% less exliri time, this applies to you f1, f2,f3 exlirs also.

Fast acting elixirs don’t effect our F key abilities.

New build ideas (no flaming plz)

in Engineer

Posted by: Daigle.8497


Which WAS the problem with the patch btw cough
0/30/0/30/10 is really quite versatile, and you can run and spec for a lot of different things.

But that is neither here nor there.

I like how you cut off kit refinement, Flamethrower and Elixir gun in your new build.

I like even better is that the build DDog described is exactly the build that I had way back in October when my main first hit 80.

Even more games played now, it has great survivability and i am amazed by the damage output. with 2+ people on a node u complete shred them with piercing bullets.

I think kit refinement wasn’t that usefull anymore as i cant time my condi removal properly anymore.

Thanks for the feedback btw