New build under construction...

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Hello fellow engineers,
i’m trying to build up a new build for a viable and competitive pvp game that doesn’t involve the common “bunker decapper” or “condition spamming” tactics (if we can talk of tactics).

I started with my personal preference: power builds.
Also i love turrets (what the hell is an engineer without turrets! I can’t imagine…) and rifle. So after some testing this is what i got:

Tactic: there isn’t much to say, this is a fun build and requires you to play intelligently; turrets, tool belt, rifle and combos with waterfield only when needed, waste one of them and you are out.

After soma matches i finded it really good (in solo queue) but i’m sure there is something i can improve. So here is it, can you give me an opinion and (if possible) a feedback?

Also i have some questions:
1) Accelerant-Packed turrets (trait): why doesn’t this trait always work? I mean, a lot of times when i make my turrets explode enemies don’t get pushed back, but sometimes they do (and they don’t have stability!). There is an internal cd? or is it a bug?

2) Rune of the Privateer: is it bugged? i tried it a while and… that parrot damage is insane. Is it worth it?

thank you

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


about the questions:
1: see the range? 120? thats less than BK. It’s melee only. They don’t get pushed because they don’t park on them and/or simply dodged in that moment.

2: yea, its a nice dps support, and makes sense to use it with celestial or power-based gear, tho it’s THAT overpowered that even condi-builds tend to pick these runes.

about the build: wat!?
-No real pressure (way too low dps, even static discharge can not help that)
-no stability, nor stunbreaker, nor any trait to reduce the dmg taken while being stuned.
-transmute trait in the inventions-tree? You could pick any of the other 5 traits from the inventions minor tree, but you picked the transmute one!?
-You wanna stack power for killed enemies while being unable to effectively use the stacked power (your turrets do not scale and rifle itself without any kit is mediocre dps)?
-You pick the increased crit-chance sigil, while having no means of getting fury and therefore being stuck at 31% forever?
-And even if you crit (something a power-build relies on) you only do 11% increased dmg?

I mean, I can understand why you want to go full turrets, but this build is as chaotic and underpowered that I don’t even know how to fix it.

No offense against you personally, but one reason why engis have to struggle to be taken seriously is that from the few of us, a big load runs around with builds like… this.
Could you please explain me what you try to achieve with it in spvp so I can slap something together that meets your preferences and gets the job done? please?

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Thank you for help Arantheal,
i don’t know what to say… i created this build testing it… and i’m having good results… my dps isn’t insane but i usually burst down thieves, mesmers, elementalists, guardians and rangers if few seconds… i don’t know if that was only luck… but it still happen. I have only hard times against hammerbow warriors (i always kill them in 1vs1 but i usually see them roaming in 2 or 3 vs 1, there isn’t much to say in this case).

anyway, if you can, give me any tips or build prototipe. What i want to achieve is a build based on power and turrets (no conditions, no kits… i know these are the best things for a pvp build but i usually kill those builds with mine in 1vs1).

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


You wanna do power-dmg, have some turrets but no kits?
fine. we have gadgets and elixirs as well.

Thats what I’d run with your preferences:
Keeps up almost the same dps, but more importantly increases your crit-chance, your crit-dmg, your mobility (the key-point for roaming a map effectively), adds a stunbreaker, provides decent fury uptime and the ability to rip boons while bursting your target effectively.

If you feel too squishy, take 2 points from explosives, slap them into tools and get adrenal implant.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Sorry can you explain me some things? I’m new to the class but not to the game and there are few things i don’t understand about your build:

1) “Keeps up almost the same dps”
How do you deal almost the same damage with 400 less power (650 with bloodlust) and less damage sources (only 1 offensive turret)? mines are quite easy to dodge if your enemy pay attention but you are right… the ability to remove boons is surely a good thing.

2) why to increase critical chance to 52% for only a 20% extra damage (13% with my build)?

3) mobility is surely a key point but i need to defend points (mine was a build for pvp only) and with yours the build losts the ability to immobilize.

4)stun break is a good thing (surely) but i cant find goggles really usefull… i mean 10 sec fury… + stun break… but on a 40 sec cd…

can you suggest me something about x/4/2/3/2
the only other build i tried is this one

i finded a good damage increase (with this i killed hammerbow warriors and necros in something like 15-20 sec… not so impressive but if you think that i was almost full health at the end of fights that makes sense XD). Also now i’m correctly using accelerant-packed turrets trait and i finded it even more usefull and good for a blast (plant turret, the one near the other, → let a noob warrior rush you → make them explode → look at enemy hp bar → almost 50% as gone (with 3 turrets) → profit). Bunker down is the news and it well support the multi damage source of this build (you, turrets, toolkits, SD, bunker down). Also i prefer Transmute over sigil of generosity simply because the proc time is almost the same:
in 30 sec: 2 conditions with Transmute or 3 with generosity, but with trasmute you have 2 more boons (why not fury?) and don’t have to care about “kitten the enemy keep dodging” avoiding attacks and making me waste my 5 sec advantage (from sigil of generosity).

waiting for more suggestion but what i’m looking for is a build with a 2(x)/4(x)/x/x/2(+x) traits

thank you

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


1. because you actually can spam s/d with rifle turret. its not meant to do the dps itself / higher crit-chance and crit-dmg means more dps. you may loose a bit power, but your rifle skills scale with power terribadly anyways.

2. see above

3. wat? rifle #2

4. because its already the lowest cd we have for a stunbreaker. Normally people would choose Eg for that one, but your “no-kit” policy kinda destroys your capabilities in competitive matches anyways.

5. your posted build lacks crit-chance, crit dmg, mobility and uses bunker down that is almost never triggered. and if it is triggered, players would need to literally park on it to trigger the mine. a wasted grandmaster. The net-turret makes no sense since you’re not running nades and since you’re also extremely immobile you will not even use it for applying a immob that helps you to get away.

Your build helps you somewhat to stay allive i guess, so the power-stacking is done by other players for you, and since you will not leave your position ever, the stacks are wasted due to not participating in the actual match.

Running turreteer is one thing, but for you I’d recommend to abandon the idea of turrets altogether for a while and experiment with the other builds that are posted on the forum. Taking healing turret is fine, tough.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


i don’t know… maybe it is me… i don’t really like how other players use engineer class but this game is great because allows you to play the way you find better… i asked for help because i was sure (not really… now) that mine was a good idea for a build. I don’t know how many do you know about engineer class but i trust you.
Anyway i’m doing pvp with the last build posted and, it is incredible but, i’m really good. I alway go mid/home defend and i’m able to handle 1-2 enemies (while still kill them after a while). Also everything what i said (about “killed players”) was in me vs 1 (or 2 enemies) and never inside a group fight (because you can never know what you really did).

I know “turrets” aren’t for pvp (nor for pve) but i love the idea and maybe that’s why i can always (or most of times) use them properly… i usually die 0 times in a match and end with 10-20 kills range… not bad… not so good… but it is fine for me.

So, since there isn’t much i can do to improve my build, ill stick with it . Thank you anyway for tips and help… maybe a day i’ll try kit builds but for now… it is fine for me to kill them :P

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

I’m not trying to be mean but going full turrets is very bad! It’s especially bad if you don’t run any turret traits! Full turret Engineers are quite useless in PvP!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Ignore Arrdee.
Some people just failed to recognize that the world is changing and turrets suddenly became viable. And I guess getting stomped repeatedly by a noob that runs a easy to handle build is not something a pvp-vet can’t deal with so easily. Welp, I’d be kittened, if I had such a ego^^

I never said that turrets are bad for pvp, your problem simply is that you are NOT a tank, nor a bunker, nor do you run turrets with the proper traits.
A proper turreteer is able to permanently survive 3 zerkers, and even can give a 4-man rush a hard time to get their stomp.
What I tried to tell you is that specking for power is a complete waste since your rifle only does minor dps. The reason why you can deal with people so easily is your rocket-turret and your rifle-turret, keeping the dps up, while you hop around and contribute basically nothing. Therefore I’d really recommend you to give up the idea to specking for dps, and improve on fields you can have a impact on, while still running turrets.
See, turrets do not scale with your stats at all. Only 2 of them do scale indirectly via the conditions they apply, namely flame-turret with its burn and net-turret with its immobilize. you can increase the condi-dmg & condi-duration with specking properly. Still you can pick rocket turret as condi-engi and getting exactly the same dps from it as if you would have specked for power instead.
And that is beautiful. Why?
Because you can go full on survivability, literally becoming a dmg-eating tank while your turrets do the work for you. Settlers with pistol-shield is good to start with, but if you wanna have more bang in the barrel, take rabid or celestial.
With proper traits your turrets even heal up AND deal 15% more dmg on a 1500 range.
Yes, turrets can be cleared pretty effectively by zerker-eles, but for every build out there, there is a weak-spot. And even that can be worked around if done right.

A proper turreteer finishes the enmy-lord in legacy of foefire on its own under 1 minute, can bunker points AND down groups of 3 people on the same time. The reason why people like arrdee try to over-exaggerate every little flaw from these builds is because they have devoted many hours of training to become the good players they are and hate the fact that they underperform that dramatically against a build that even a untalented, hopeless idiot can play effectively (not saying that’s what you are).

So if you feel like running turrets, fine. but at least equip the proper traits for them. Else you literally are held back by junk that extremely underperforms and even slows you down.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Ignore Ardee.

ahaha… well he is still funny XD

Anyway i’m not saying your are wrong… i’m pretty sure the problem is mine but i hate condition build (infact i play only power build for pvp (and pve) : warrior, ranger, mesmer, guardian and now engineer).

condition turret build should be fine… i think… but ill give it a try later, when i tried enough the power build to say “well i suck hard!”
Thank you for tips and a special thank to Ardee which added so much to the discussion XD. Bye

New build under construction...

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

I think it’s thilly that you think I am against Turret Engineers because “I get stomped repeatedly by a noob!” That’s not the case at all! In fact it’s the opposite! In half my games there’s just a useless turret Engi that throws the game for my team! In the other half, there’s this useless turret Engi that I spawn camp because he can’t do anything unless he’s on point! There is a reason why no good Engineer runs turrets! It’s very bad and only effective against not so good players! OP your particular build takes none of the survivability and damage of the standard turret build in exchange for a tiny increase in damage to your rifle! It is not a build suited for PvP!

I believe I explained why Turret Engineers are bad with this little quote from another thread! They are definitely not viable against even remotely competent people!

Hello frands! Vee Wee here, retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

I don’t want to derail this thread but I can’t in good conscience let a new player get it into his head that he could run full turrets and succeed against competent players!

First turret Engis are not and can never be bunkers! They have 0 stability and their one single stunbreak can only be used if they sacrifice their Protection uptime and 2 of their knockbacks! Gee whiz that doesn’t sound very good! They can be mediocre home point watchers but the way turret Engis play is to set up shop on a point and stay! Having someone idle at home for the entire game is already a pretty big handicap to the team!

They have no mobility to attack far point! They will just get intercepted and they can either take massive damage heading to the point or blow their extremely long cooldown utilities to try and fight, and when they fight they are limited to the range of their turrets! Because of this they can never skirmish with anyone off point and again have no mobility to get to a point if and when they die! And you will die!

They could go mid but their turrets risk being destroyed very quickly in the clusterkitten of AoE spamming! Plus usually the only people on the point are people with Stability! This single boon renders the entire concept (knockbacks) of turret Engi useless and there are many forms of Stability with the plethora of Warriors and Elementalists around, plus Stand Your Ground from an actual bunker class! Also if turret Engis are focused they are goners! They have no way to mitigate anything or have any escapes. It’s a rough life!

OP, if you really wish to play turrets then go for it while you’re at a low rating! As you get better and face better people I’d seriously consider using a build that can actually do things! Unfortunately GW2’s PvP is so small that low rated players are often matched up with high level ones so I really can’t recommend anyone ever running a turret build!

Hope that helped! Wahoo! Bye frands!

Anyway! If you like turrets, try running Vee Wee’s Celestial Flame Turret Build! It’s a hybrid power/condition build with a lot of might stacks so it’s capable of doing a lot of burst! At least with this build, you’ll be able to contribute to team fights and not be useless! If you want more turrets, swap Elixir Gun with Thumper Turret!

Hope that helped! Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!