New class

New class

in Engineer

Posted by: Maimakterion.5940


So I’ve got a condition damage flamer engineer. Asuran, naturally. I love playing her, combat is great at the skirmish range like that and the long melee type of the flamethrower attack is simply brilliant to work with.

The problem is that every other character I roll winds up relegated to crafting and nothing else because I just dont find playing them fun when i could be playing my engineer.

So can any of the other engineers out there recommend a class/build that plays with the same sort of mobility and damage that my engie does while still giving me the variety that is apparently driving me to try all these classes?

As a note, not interested in PvP. PvP can … go away expediously.

New class

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


Elementalist and engi are similar.

Ele has more healing and mobility but less control but the playstyle is very similar, bit more frantic though.

New class

in Engineer

Posted by: Torrent.7380


I had thr same feeling trying to find an alt. Seriouly considered lvling another pure support engi.
I have found the shortbow thief the most enjoyable so far.

New class

in Engineer

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Only two classes I’ve really gotten into are engineer and D/D elementalist. Both are high mobility, high survivability through kiting, high damage, high button mashing, high skill cap. Lot of similarity between the two.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele