New kit idea - Rifle kit

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Conan.8046


Firstly i did not roll engineer to melee, so while i like to use things like toolkit and flamer i think they put you in the path of a hurricane when dealing with a warrior or thief and i prefer to at least weaken my opponent before mixing it in melee…as most of them out damage or last us in close quarters.

I like rifle as it stands to a certain extent, it has some nice CC and close range skills but i feel that engineers lack some sort of long range single target. I find grenades a spam at times and would love just to use some long range shooting instead.

So what i was thinking is separate the Shotgun/blunderbuss style from proper rifle skills. Rifle should be ranged based and about precision shooting and not AOE and melee defence.

Idea is long range rifle for single target damage.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: totalpwnage.6534


My view on engineer is that it is a class that likes to use things not as they were meant to be used (like real engineers) in the way of adding a variety of utility and special abilities and do not use a weapon as that weapon - if that makes sense. Example: pistols in the hands of an engineer become mini flame throwers (blowtorch) and immobilisers (glue shot), wrenches become effective melee weapons, grenades become superb condition appliers, etc.
If you give the engineer a rifle that can only be used as a rifle then they are not a true engineer, just another man with a gun. The utility and control that an Engineer brings to a fight and contained within all its weapon sets is what makes it such a great class. I feel A-net actually got the engineer class right in relation to abilities.

Happylittlevegemite of Darkhaven
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New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Conan.8046


My view on engineer is that it is a class that likes to use things not as they were meant to be used (like real engineers) in the way of adding a variety of utility and special abilities and do not use a weapon as that weapon - if that makes sense. Example: pistols in the hands of an engineer become mini flame throwers (blowtorch) and immobilisers (glue shot), wrenches become effective melee weapons, grenades become superb condition appliers, etc.
If you give the engineer a rifle that can only be used as a rifle then they are not a true engineer, just another man with a gun. The utility and control that an Engineer brings to a fight and contained within all its weapon sets is what makes it such a great class. I feel A-net actually got the engineer class right in relation to abilities.

I don’t consider the concept of an engineer is “He is too stupid to bring proper weapons so uses tools”.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: totalpwnage.6534


I’d prefer to think of it as “He’s clever enough to use one weapon to achieve a multitude of different effects and utilities”.

Happylittlevegemite of Darkhaven
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New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


In other words—generally speaking, engineer kits are our weapons, and engineer weapons are our utilities.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: BoyLer.9732


Just add an elite weapon kit: The Gatling Gun. Make resitricted by ammo and/or time then 1+w…..
off: ATM engie needs more basic weapons (1 handed mace, bow maybe, warhorn, torch…) not new weapon kits. Toolbelt+ traits give him a very wide variety of tools.
The only type of skill which he needs more of are the elixirs.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Legit Prep In.5893

Legit Prep In.5893

+1 for GATLING GUN kit

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


off: ATM engie needs more basic weapons (1 handed mace, bow maybe, warhorn, torch…) not new weapon kits.

Every bloody time I say this, people just start going “No we don’t, we have Kits for everything.” Personally, I agree wholeheartedly, though I’d narrow it down to Mace, Hammer, Torch and maybe Axe, as these are the most Engineer-ish (Really, I most like the Hammer, but if you ask for a lot, you might get a little).

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


No. Not a sniper rifle. Horrible choice of weapon for an Engineer.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


off: ATM engie needs more basic weapons (1 handed mace, bow maybe, warhorn, torch…) not new weapon kits.

Every bloody time I say this, people just start going “No we don’t, we have Kits for everything.” Personally, I agree wholeheartedly, though I’d narrow it down to Mace, Hammer, Torch and maybe Axe, as these are the most Engineer-ish (Really, I most like the Hammer, but if you ask for a lot, you might get a little).

blowtorch ftw

Oceanic [LOD]

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


I like the idea of a long ranged more ST ish skill set.

you can kind of do something if you mix traited rifle with EG and then utilities like rocket turret, but it is by no means a fully effective ranged build.

We’ve got tons of aoe and mid to close range options so if we were to get another kit or other weapons having something that is meant for LR ST might be nice.

Doesn’t have to be sniper rifle throw. It could be a steampowered crossbow, static cannon, there are a lot of different ideas.

I think a land version of the harpoon gun with a few quick changes could be nice.

For weapons though I would like to see axe or mace, so we get more mix / match option with P/S offhands. 2h hammer might be good but I would worry it would overlap to much with the melee kits / rifle. An axe similar to warrior or ranger could be a lot of fun with a bouncing 1 attack. Could pair up nicely with an SD build.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Maiden England.3491

Maiden England.3491

sniper rifle sounds way out of the engi style… maybe a long range bazooka to match the missile turret??

Street Regulator

(edited by Maiden England.3491)

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Conan.8046


Just for those who don’t know there is a discussion that Anet are following on nerfing AOE abilties that are doing too much damage compared to single target ones.

No prob. Some classes have a ton of AOE, while others don’t have as much. So we’re not just going to do a blanket nerf to all AOE – that’s not fair to all classes. We’ll go on a class by class, weapon by weapon basis.
And as I’ve said, we may need to tone something down in one area of the game, but it may be totally fine in another area.
For some weapon sets, the AOE options may be too strong compared to the single target options, which is what we aim to address.

Single target should out damage AOE effects its only logical.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I like the idea of a Sniper kit very much. Afterall, the “Plated Sniper Rifle” skin is unused except for the Precursor, so this gives the game a chance to make it unique.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Cold Hearted Person.6154

Cold Hearted Person.6154

I think, well i just may be me, that rifle should be split on shotgun and actual rifle, example leave the auto attack on rifle and then add some other range skills to make real rifle that you would use to attack on range , while seting the blunderbuss skill as an auto attack in shotgun, which allows you to attack multiple enemies at time in mid range along the net shot that will help you whit enemies that try to run away from you, and of course that bonus dmg from distance should still be ther.

Well many people would say that we have FT for mid range aoe damage but honestly how many engineers use FT for the auto attack.

About that rifle kit, i would rather see an Assault rifle kit, it will work like FT but instead of flames it will spew stream of bullets, something like chaneling auto attack skill that will for 2 second shot a burst of bullets in a small cone shaped aoe that will have smaler angle than FT but it will have longer reach. It would have that supressing feeling, but of course Gatling Gun or at least Machine Gun kit would be cool too.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


sniper rifle sounds way out of the engi style… maybe a long range bazooka to match the missile turret??

or to replace it entirely lol.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


Engi with a over-charged rail-gun ftw. Long-range energy beam artillery to replace mortar

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! –

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Maiden England.3491

Maiden England.3491

Engi with a over-charged rail-gun ftw. Long-range energy beam artillery to replace mortar

or just buff the mortar

Street Regulator

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Conan.8046


Engi with a over-charged rail-gun ftw. Long-range energy beam artillery to replace mortar

or just buff the mortar

Delete mortar, we don’t need another ranged AOE. Grenades work fine.

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: BoyLer.9732


sniper rifle sounds way out of the engi style… maybe a long range bazooka to match the missile turret??

Charrzooka. anyways, sniper rifle doesnt fit the engineer. Maybe the ranger……

Railgun? →Lightning gun (glowing power crytals crackling with lightning at the back as kit, long ranged attacks,spike damage OR CC)→ Toolbelt skill → Lighting greande→ daze…..but honestly, he has already enough kits!

My problem is elixir u(where atm u stands for useless). Its toolbelt skill is ok, but why of all elixirs did it become the stunbreaker? in pvp if you drink it and you get the frenzy debuff→ you are dead(even with the new “only 25% extra dmg”), but hey you broke out of stun!

Engie needs more elixirs OR change U……but basicly, a hammer or 1 handed mace as a basic weapon……and to merge some traits :P

New kit idea - Rifle kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Keelin.5781


I’d just like them to separate rifles from shotguns again.
Apparently they were two different weapon types to begin with.