New to Engineer - lvling up

New to Engineer - lvling up

in Engineer

Posted by: Cygnus.6903



Hello engineers!

My first post on this forum. I just created an engineer and upped him to 20 with a scroll. I have the gold to craft him up to 80, but I’m too cheap for it I guess? Anyways, I’d say playing some PvE is good for getting to know the skills.

That being said, I take no pleasure in PvEing, so any advice to speed up the process?

I’m talking traits to go for early, power+crit or condi, what weapons, what utilities.


I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

New to Engineer - lvling up

in Engineer

Posted by: Carpboy.7145



Anything works in PVE, but that will allow the fastest leveling speed.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

New to Engineer - lvling up

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


In my opinion, the first skill you may want is to get speedy kits VI in the tools line to kep swiftness up and get around quickly.

Bomb kit is probably the most efficient non traited kit for lower levels in my opinion as well.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

New to Engineer - lvling up

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylentir.8913


1) Unlock every skill eventually; the only skill that I know and don’t regularly use is Elixir C.

2) Speedy Kits for perma-swiftness is great.

3) Bomb kit is amazing with traits, but is still pretty great without them. Grenade kit requires a Grandmaster traits to be good and flamethrower requires two Master traits to be good. Toolkit is great, but doesn’t deal amazing damage. Elixir gun is also wonderful for many things, but is awful for damage.

4) If you ever plan on doing jumping puzzles with your engineer, keep a rifle in your backpack. Rifle #5 lets you bypass a lot of difficult jumps.

5) Practice skill combos. While we don’t have rotations in the same way elementalists do, we have skill combos that work well together. For example: rifle 4 to knockdown, goggles to immediately get up and give yourself fury, rifle 2 while they’re down so they can’t avoid, rifle 5 onto them to deal damage, supply drop before the immobilize runs out, rifle 3 while they’re stunned, then rocket boot out to establish distance. Unless they used a stunbreak, you just dealt significant damage and reestablished a safe range. For a defensive combo, doubletap healing turret, hit f1, doubletap shield 4, swap to elixir gun, elixir gun 4. You’ve just restored a ton of health to you and 4 allies while retreating backwards a substantial distance.

Talia Gallowglass [Few] ~ Sylvari Engineer Main
Ferguson’s Crossing

New to Engineer - lvling up

in Engineer

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Thanks for the advice. Guess using grenades will have to wait.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

New to Engineer - lvling up

in Engineer

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


Thanks for the advice. Guess using grenades will have to wait.

Grenades are really lackluster without the trait. And they’re pretty hard to attack and move at the same time. I honestly like them the least out of all our skills.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

New to Engineer - lvling up

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Engi are very trait dependent. Don’t get discouraged at low levels. And if you craft yourself to 30-40 you’ll have plenty of traits to make things like FT and bombs good enough. I will recommend though playing with everything (‘nades, bombs, FT, EG, pistol, rifle, etc) to get a feel for the playstyle of each. Engi is a dynamic profession and with no-CD kit swapping you’ll need to know what everything does and when to use it. Much like Ele.

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